Author Topic: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?  (Read 537673 times)

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4755 on: November 16, 2012, 19:16 »
I need some more work experience in order to consolidate my applications to do vet. medicine for uni starting in 2014, but I'm having a bit of trouble and people aren't phoning me back. :(

Anybody who can tell me what I can expect from uni would be a big help because these last couple of pages seem to be a wee bit negative about it and that is scary.

I thought I might try to relate to the current topic in some way.

Offline Turner

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4756 on: November 16, 2012, 19:26 »
I need some more work experience in order to consolidate my applications to do vet. medicine for uni starting in 2014, but I'm having a bit of trouble and people aren't phoning me back. :(

Anybody who can tell me what I can expect from uni would be a big help because these last couple of pages seem to be a wee bit negative about it and that is scary.

I thought I might try to relate to the current topic in some way.

I'd say it can be very useful or totally useless depending on what you want to get out of it. On the one hand; you'll go so in-depth into your subject that you (should) know it inside out, if you're really interested in your subject then it's a really good thing. On the other hand, if your subject is quite might find that you don't get enough hands on experience.

It varies from University to University. I went to Sussex Uni which has a pretty good rep and I just found it far too theoretical. Brighton Uni is right nearby and has a worse reputation but apparently is a lot more hands-on.

One thing to consider is that everyone is getting degrees and stuff now, so to employers they are cheapening somewhat and 4 years plus thousands of pounds in debt might not pay off and you may well have to start right at the bottom of the ladder because you have no experience.

Maybe go to a vet school especially for training veterinarians? You could also take an apprenticeship too, they've improved tenfold over the past few years although if it's government funded and you're already qualified you'll be technically overqualified for the apprenticeship and won't be allowed it.

tl;dr: If you want to do some advanced biology/theory and really specialize, it could be enjoyable. If you're wanting a more hands on approach then explore other options. I think that's why Vet schools seem like the best option though I don't know anything about the subject.

If you are working as a vet and haven't gone to uni you can always study later the opportunity won't be lost forever if you don't take it now.

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4757 on: November 16, 2012, 21:26 »
oh my god OCR are full of idiots

turns out my missing ICT GCSE certificate (which i have the mighty need for to complete my UCAS application) got sent to the wrong school! 3 years ago!!! And they didn't feel the need to tell us!!!!!!

people are stupid and why we cannot have nice things

Offline Inferna

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4758 on: November 16, 2012, 21:30 »
Glad i don't have to faf about with certificates, just bang in my scottish candidate number and my grades for ucas and that's it. I would hate to go to school for my exam results, getting them sent by post is soo much better! The only thing the sqa is good for :u
on topic: i am horribly tired and have work tomorrow and just cba
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 21:36 by Inferna »

Offline Shaymin

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4759 on: November 16, 2012, 21:39 »
Glad i don't have to faf about with certificates, just bang in my scottish candidate number and my grades for ucas and that's it. I would hate to go to school for my exam results, getting them sent by post is soo much better! The only thing the sqa is good for :u
on topic: i am horribly tired and have work tomorrow and just cba
i needed it to be sure of the board and what blinking subject it was, AND the grade! I got a distinction 'cause it was entirely coursework based but jesus what a stupid faf
still have to put grades for AS-levels on
and my general studies
/rolls off a cliff

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4760 on: November 16, 2012, 23:11 »
oh my god OCR are full of idiots

turns out my missing ICT GCSE certificate (which i have the mighty need for to complete my UCAS application) got sent to the wrong school! 3 years ago!!! And they didn't feel the need to tell us!!!!!!

people are stupid and why we cannot have nice things

ugh OCR dont even get me started
i mean when i was in spain i was on CIE which is cambridge's international one??? yet with none of the cambridge prestige lmao so people are like "IGCSEs??? what" cos its the only non IB one in the EU most of the time

but CIE were incompetent and it was the worst

so when i came back to england and took the OCR a level for chemistry i thoguht "good this will be stress free!!!" but it wasn't OH my god not to mention they basically decided to redesign the entire chemistry course halfway through us taking it and it was like when your school remodels and its just so comically ineptly carried out

why do departments with only one job (exam boards, student finance) do so badly at it

as opposed to playing around with old synthesizers.

your loss

Offline Turner

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4761 on: November 17, 2012, 03:06 »

Offline Captain Jigglypuff

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4762 on: November 17, 2012, 06:06 »
After so many years of hearing how some people claim Jynx is racist, I STILL don't understand what the issue is. I mean Mr. Popo from DBZ is more racist than a Pokemon can and ever will be. I mean he's basically a slave that is pure black, has the fat lips, and wears a turban. Even in the games he looks the same! He clearly is clearly a blackface stereotype. He doesn't get a color change but JYNX does?!!!
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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4763 on: November 17, 2012, 13:06 »
I need some more work experience in order to consolidate my applications to do vet. medicine for uni starting in 2014, but I'm having a bit of trouble and people aren't phoning me back. :(

Anybody who can tell me what I can expect from uni would be a big help because these last couple of pages seem to be a wee bit negative about it and that is scary.

I thought I might try to relate to the current topic in some way.

Aah but this is the complaining topic =P

For the record I actually love university, the lecturers thing is just one negative side to a lot of more theoretical courses. If you're doing something like vet science then you will probably be fine! It's just that research-based unis (as opposed to teaching-based) use their researchers as lecturers, which can be rather troublesome because being one of the best mathematicians in the world does not necessarily make you a good teacher!

I mean, of course, it does depend what you want from life as Turner said, but uni for me has been the best experience ever so far and I'll be really gutted when it finishes in a couple of years! (Though not as gutted as I'll be at the end of this year when all my friends graduate and leave because they're on 3 year courses :C )

Seriously don't let our gripes put you off - just take a moral from it to ask students from the course and uni you're applying to what they think of it; that a university's standing in the league tables doesn't necessarily reflect on how good it is from a student's point of view; and that it really should be YOUR choice whether to go to uni or not, and which uni you go to. Don't let anyone else choose for you!

wake up, kids
    we've got the dreamers disease

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4764 on: November 17, 2012, 19:45 »
Not really lol, I do it almost every day.

i hope you mean mess about with synths every day cos if so then good
too many people these days just switch to presets and do the same crap everyone else does and its like people this is why the 2010s will be recognised as the decade when dubstep ruined everything

I need some more work experience in order to consolidate my applications to do vet. medicine for uni starting in 2014, but I'm having a bit of trouble and people aren't phoning me back. :(

Anybody who can tell me what I can expect from uni would be a big help because these last couple of pages seem to be a wee bit negative about it and that is scary.

I thought I might try to relate to the current topic in some way.

goodness sake liam dont listen to my moanings im 25 and have to juggle a part time job along with being dyslexic thats why im moaning lmao
im never serious except when im serious

if i can give you any pointers about university:

- dont go for league tables unless you find a league table relevant for your course, i.e. if you want to be a Name in art you usually try for Goldsmiths or if you want to do chemistry you usually think about UCL (londons attempt at an oxbridge) or warick or sheffield
i may be biased with the lasto nne i hate the studying and some lecturers are useles but i wont deny that i wouldn't have gone anywhere else now im here

- they like to see independant study - try and learn some vetinary basics like pigeon anatomy or s/t try and let them know you independantly gave yourself a headstart

- attend all your lectures even if they're pointless, the lecturers tell you what you will be examined on in the first lecture but no-one pays attention and i only noticed it when i was listening to recordings of the lecture

- if there's something up and you are having trouble GO TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT do not pretend nothing is happening not only because they will be able to sort a problem out before it snowballs but you also have a track record of saying you have a problem cos they're not psychic they don't know you have a crippling anxiety about dissecting rabbit livers or w/e ever since a traumatic childhood incident or s/t like that

- did i mention independant study i did this is just to reiterate it like you wILL find second year is all about going through textbooks to find one that speaks out to you
i.e. for me and organic chem its Organic Chemistry by D. Klein anyone doing chemistry literally take note of this
so the sooner you learn how to teach yourself a course the better cos one day the lecturer will be awful and you will already have a headstart cos you d/led the syllabus and also found the old notes they forgot to delete hahahahahah suckas ive got notes that i shouldn't have but i do so

- unis like to know you want to actually go to them, gear your personal statement so it doesnt look like you're taking the mick i.e. you've geaed it towards getting into st andrews yet an ex-poly uni is reading this

- you may be rejected for a uni that you were sure you were going to get into and you will have to deal with this because even if you're the best student you're battling with students exactly like you and you might just cop out on dumb luck dont' forget universities have to satisfy demographic parameters which is what the idiots in the local newspaper didn't get when they were like "Top As student gets rejected for uni" and the uni is all "we can't take on all white all male students we're sorry we get done for that kind of thing" and no-one listens

- make sure your personal statement actually reflects the fact that you want to be a dang good vet cos theres nothing more they hate seeing than "ive written this for chemistry but am applying for biomedical science" like i did lmao and tbh i only did it just cos before being told that chemistry is deffo the way to go for what i want to do

- i dont know about vet medicine but vet medicine is going to be EXTREMELY hard its not just the case of "oh i want to be a vet" like most kids have like you do know what you're potentially letting yourself in for right like you basically have to deal with a sort of pretend version of adult life and it is a huge shock

- learn to budget; this isn't a vet med tip but remember it anyway since im doling out advice about uni

- attend all the office hours you can (office hours are when they're like 'i'll be here to go through bits you understand' frickin use them cos somehow they'll do what they should have done in the lecutre)

- if your course doesn't count the first year in the final grade DO NOT use this as an excuse to slack off and not bother learning how to uni study you will regret this in second year

- make sure it's what you really want to do and not what you think you should do although this goes without saying but make sure you really do want to be a vet like the world won't yell at you cos you took a gap year to figure stuff out in fact they openly welcomed that i was ~21 at entering uni and had 3 years of Adult Life under my belt

- try to know the boundaries of your personal statement, i.e. what you can push and what you can't. has a private Personal Statement review clinic: link here
chemistry was a place full of looneys so i just made some allegory about chemistry being the art of alchemy and temperance and a place where knowledge could be refluxed into the chemical product known as Success like i basically condensed down hermetic alchemy into a bunch of paragraphs
it was the stupidest thing ever but it got me in
(i tried to self-study the entire chemistry A Level in 6 months with no lab experience at all and surprise surprise i  failed!!! thats why i had to apply twice)
they'll be wanting to see a personal statement that isn't just the usual frickin "my name is Carol Twent. I like being a vet cos its what i like. I did work experience in some place once. I like uni. i am the same application as every other one you will get"

like you soon learn that they want you to tick boxes but don't just do only that and sit there and expect to be praised for it like they need a box named "yes they're in" which secretly means "they stood out from the rest" of course moderate this and don't go completely doolally or they'll just think you're mental and throw it in the bin

- also dragonpika's advice about the fact that just because they're a good name dude they're not the best at teaching
we have literal field-famous geniuses and they're absolutely crap teachers cos you can tell they want to be research fellows or professors and not have to deal with students any more
the sooner you learn that some of the dudes are really underappreciated like the guy who teaches us group theory he's such a big nerd and hes not doing the Superly Top Important Money Lauding Chemistry Stuff or like winning PhD sponsorships off Unilever like some of the people in the department are
but its so adorable he even has these really twee photos of his kids in his office like with "studying with pen and highlighter in hand" pose and its just i just cant help falling in love with the dude its adorable
and he like explained how when you do this one group theory operation you all keep saying it's the same but its not cos the orbitals are inverted!!! thats why a reflection along one plane gives you a -1 for the group table!
and its also annoying cos i took him for granted last year and didnt think much of him and now every time he passes me in the corridor he's all "hi!" and im like thinking "oh gosh hes so cool"

sorry i'll stop giving tips that only become useful once you've made the mistakes i did but the bottom line of it is it's like getting up early on a saturday morning and having a coffee you absolutely HATE doing it sometimes but you literally wouldn't be anywhere else in the world at that point in your life if you had the decision cos there is nothing else like it

christ why am i giving tomes on advice im meant to keep this stuff to myself and also on puk im officially meant to be on record for not giving a
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 19:57 by well then we'll have a tonic water party »

Offline Inferna

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4765 on: November 17, 2012, 20:17 »
and this thread has now turned into an abridged version of the student room forums :L If you aren't applying to oxbridge, to do medicine or don't have 3 A*s then your life is deemed a failure according to most of the members!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 20:22 by Inferna »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4766 on: November 17, 2012, 23:37 »
i hope you mean mess about with synths every day cos if so then good
too many people these days just switch to presets and do the same crap everyone else does and its like people this is why the 2010s will be recognised as the decade when dubstep ruined everything

Yeah I loathe the idea of working completely ITB

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4767 on: November 18, 2012, 16:54 »
and this thread has now turned into an abridged version of the student room forums :L If you aren't applying to oxbridge, to do medicine or don't have 3 A*s then your life is deemed a failure according to most of the members!
Actually in my school, we have a pretty good reputation for getting As and A*s for A Level despite not being a private school and people got 3 A*s and such and were still rejected from the higher tier universities [according to league tables] because they didn't show other interests, like going to clubs or anything.
... So yeah, sometimes having 3 A*s is still a failure!

Unless I'm misunderstanding this? xD

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4768 on: November 18, 2012, 18:56 »
and this thread has now turned into an abridged version of the student room forums :L If you aren't applying to oxbridge, to do medicine or don't have 3 A*s then your life is deemed a failure according to most of the members!

we moaned about our degrees at uni being difficult cos they are and we gave liam important first-hand advice on how to deal with uni????????????????????????????????????????????????
how is that turning into TSR

really please explain how the last few posts sounded like a bunch of posh sheltered idiots from the home counties with Unwarranted Self Importance and their exam grades in their signature and "NatSci Oxford 2014  O0 O0 O0 O0" as their user title

im actually offended youd compare this thread to those losers

by the way in case anyone is curious like i only got 1 A at a level im a loser and im perfectly fine with it

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4769 on: November 18, 2012, 19:53 »
I was just joking? I read your advice/Kay's and thought it was useful considering i'm hoping to go to uni next year.
Yes i know tsr is full of prats, i was going to join at one point but if i mentioned i was doing art i'd get told that it's not a ~real degree~
sorry if i offended anyone!