Author Topic: How far in before the admins show up?  (Read 362754 times)

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4560 on: May 14, 2013, 22:38 »
636 Hoenn Guardian here, I've checking the area, everything checks out. See you later.
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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4561 on: May 14, 2013, 22:43 »
631, SS here, keep me posted RR.
HG, I'm almost back at base, I'll start the interrogation once I get there.

637. And remember to cover the unanswered questions left on my crucial list. But definitely, if there's something to ask other than within the contents of the list, it's great to include in your shift of the interrogation. However, if questions that weren't directly asked already were answered 2-in-1 with another question, you don't need to ask it because it should be understood there and it may seem repetitive by then. But here are the questions left:

"What led you to desert the modminions, and what situation were you working for at the time? I.e. Was there something about the modmin plans that you didn't like? Was the idea too radical? All what made you desert the modmin cause?"

"How would the modminions react to the few modminions stranded in hiding near the empty war fronts? Have they given up on their comrades still there?"

"How would the modminions react to most of their army locked up in Memberland jails?"

"Why are the Modmins letting Members reach to such high numbers and gain power this way, when we're sure that they want us destroyed?" (Good question, eh?)

"Is there a reason for each base to be in a different landscape? If you say that the bases contain each of the pieces to a great weapon that writes the Modmins' final answer to the war, then why are the bases so far apart? Can't the weapon be assembled faster if the pieces were hauled out from their specific locations, and sent to a cluster of more nearby bases? Or are the pieces not necessarily in the locations where the bases are centered? All in all, why these places?"

Thank you, captain Silver Soul. And it helps our Memberland cause if you have any other decisive questions in mind for the interrogation! ;D :police:

623, RR here, Crowned 'mence, I've just thought of why they might be in different terrains or each base; arceus. I don't like the thought anymore than you will, and I hope it's wrong, but it could be possible they're searching for him, any research you find in their base, burn!

Another possibility is Kecleon, and I really hope it is that, or at least that over Arceus!

Maybe the modmins think that we can't handle extreme conditions in many different places, so they want to send us running around from base to far-away base to buy them some time! They think that we Members are inferior! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ah, the information is handled well. :yeswink:

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4562 on: May 14, 2013, 22:44 »
638 Hoenn Guardian here, I'm in the base, but my powers don't work here, I'll go in deeper.
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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4563 on: May 14, 2013, 22:48 »
639, RR here, The shiny thing was a gear of some sort, looks fairly well kept, I'll bring it back to the base, I'm nearing the exit anyway


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4564 on: May 14, 2013, 22:51 »



I am still present near the Jungle Base. I'll carry out my mission in the direction of the results of a complete interrogation. Right now I'm poised. But the Jungle Commander that was mentioned earlier, who had a Virizion, has he been brought down? Have we cleaned out the Jungle Base yet? If not, I'll handle it. :yeswink: :police:


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4565 on: May 14, 2013, 22:54 »
641, RR here, the jungle commander was evaded due to the ambiguity of the region, and the jungle base is about to collapse (sorry! Accident with Grayson the Porygon-Z) so it's not advisable to go in there.

SS, If your still in our base, I'll meet you there


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4566 on: May 14, 2013, 23:01 »

Then the Jungle Base hasn't been cleaned out, and that's fine, because if it's ready to collapse, then all the modminions inside and un-privy to the potential destruction will die in the rubble, from which important items can be retrieved! So it's not over when, if, the base does collapse. I will catch and imprison the Jungle Commander before the next transmission. If this works, the success will bolster the significance of the question "How would the modminions react to most of their army locked up in Memberland jails?" featured on the need-list for the interrogation. >:D :yeswink: :police: :ohmy:



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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4567 on: May 14, 2013, 23:03 »
643, RR here, TCS, you could've let me know that blowing up the base is good, if I'd known that I'd have done a proper job of it ;D

Offline lugia95

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4568 on: May 14, 2013, 23:04 »
645. SS here, I've started my interrogation. I'll post the conversation.

Me: "What led you to desert the modminions, and what situation were you working for at the time? I.e. Was there something about the modmin plans that you didn't like? Was the idea too radical? All what made you desert the modmin cause?"

Him: "I'm no idiot. I know which side is winning, and that's the side I want to be on."

Me: "How would the modminions react to the few modminions stranded in hiding near the empty war fronts? Have they given up on their comrades still there?"

Him: "They probably don't care. Us modminions tend to stick in groups - one group per base and stuff. Outside a modminions group, no other modminion matters to him."

Me: "That's awful, yet not at all surprising. But why are the Modmins letting Members reach to such high numbers and gain power this way, when we're sure that they want us destroyed?"

Him: "It's all part of their "plan". They know that, no matter how many times they crush you, you'll just stand back up and continue fighting. So they're trying a different approach. They think that, if they wait long enough to stop you, it'll demoralise you, and you'll never attempt to fight them again."

Me: "Well, they should know that that will never work. Their will always be one of us willing to continue the good fight."

Him: "Yeah, I know. Like I said, I honestly think you'll win. That's why I'm here and not there."

Me: "Okay, one last question for the moment. Is there a reason for each base to be in a different landscape? If you say that the bases contain each of the pieces to a great weapon that writes the Modmins' final answer to the war, then why are the bases so far apart? Can't the weapon be assembled faster if the pieces were hauled out from their specific locations, and sent to a cluster of more nearby bases? Or are the pieces not necessarily in the locations where the bases are centred? All in all, why these places?"

Him: "You seriously haven't figured it out yet? There is one more base than you think - the main base. And it is right bang in the middle of the smaller bases. Of course, you won't be able to get in yet. In fact, you need all five pieces of the weapon to access it - they are the keys to the base, as well as an ultimate weapon."

Me: "Thank you. That will be all for the moment."

I'll get to the rest of the questions (and any other questions you want me to answer) later.

RR, I hope to see you soon. But we're going to have to set up a team to extract the weapon part from the rubble.


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4569 on: May 14, 2013, 23:08 »
646, RR here, I've sent a pelipper ahead with the gear I found, can you ask the modminion if he knows anything about it. Oh here's my pelipper returning now, it should've arrived.

(I won't be posting till tomorrow morning probably, I might post once or twice but not a lot, sorry)


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4570 on: May 14, 2013, 23:14 »
643, RR here, TCS, you could've let me know that blowing up the base is good, if I'd known that I'd have done a proper job of it ;D
645. SS here, I've started my interrogation. I'll post the conversation.

You skipped a number. 644 comes after 643.

So this post is the real 646.

I listened to the interrogation part 2, and it was well directed, and it went well in general, so far. Since I don't want to get sniped and lose track of the right number I've assembled, I'll capture the Jungle Commander next. ::) :police: :angel: v_v :o :nowink: ::)

Offline lugia95

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4571 on: May 14, 2013, 23:15 »

Okay, I've asked him. Here's the conversation.

Me: Have you ever seen this before?

*shows him the gear*

Him: Yeah, that's one of the weapon parts.

Me: Are all the parts like this?

Him: I dunno, I was only shown this part because I was operating in the same area as it was being kept. I've never seen the others.

Me: Do you know what the finished weapon will look like, or what it can do?

Him: Not a clue. That's classified information, they'd never tell it to a simple grunt like me.

The lie detector suggests he's telling the truth.


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4572 on: May 14, 2013, 23:31 »
648, RR here, ok thanks SS, at least we know we have 1 part ;D

Offline lugia95

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4573 on: May 14, 2013, 23:51 »
649. We should probably get someone to try and find the main base for future reference.


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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #4574 on: May 14, 2013, 23:53 »
650. Thank you for the transmission, I understand the results of the interrogation. Great! ;D

The Jungle Commander...

I'm registering multiple presences on the radar. They're marked as wildly flashing dots that dilate inward toward me on my radar. So, I happen to be lucky, that they're coming this close. Perhaps the Jungle Commander is among them. I'll prepare to reveal myself in ambush.

I'm poised in the air hovering above them based on what the radar says about their travel-altitude.

Modminions meet in a clearing among the jungle trees in a circle around. For transmission, here's the conversation:


         :o Modminion 1         
         :-/ : Modminion 2                 
         :ph34r: : Modminion 3
         v_v : Modminion 4
         :nowink: : Modminion 5
         >:D : Modminion 6

   :wacko: : Modminion 7 (Just escaped from a mental institution, and his pupils are hamsters on wheels)

 :o : We caught a large-dot presence on our radar at these coordinates.
 :-/ : Well, where's the presence?
 :ph34r: : I sense a dark presence...
 :-/ : But where within these coordinates?
 v_v : It has to be here... but I for one, do not know.
 :nowink: : Another Memberland trick.

 >:D : I say we split up around this area and pan out the presence, or check the radar again as to where
          it is. Maybe it's glitchy, or maybe it cut off a digital piece of a coordinate number. You know how
          incomplete display in machines works, right? Glitching? Maybe that radar's just old. Or you
          should've brought a more advanced radar for specific micro-coordinates.

 :-/ : I seem to agree with 'five. This has to be another Memberland trick.

 :ph34r: : Perhaps... you may be right. I deeply sense the presence, and closer by some direction, as
               well........ It's- it's........ D-dangerously close! Close!! It is upon us. We have to prep- ...!

I land in the clearing of trees, and also within the Modminions' own smaller clearing of soldiers, and I slaughter them all as their corpses burst away into the trees from my diverging attack.

These Modminions must have left their secretly unstable base for now, and early. Still no sign of the Jungle Commander, but I will proceed to strip the fallen Modminions of their gadgets and contact-items to locate their superiors or any important enemy related.