Author Topic: Friend Codes  (Read 59369 times)

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Offline Del

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Friend Codes
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:08 »
With X/Y coming out and the fantastic online options, I thought we could maybe do with a friend code megathread, so to speak. Throwdown your friend code so other PKMN.NETers can spam you with "Nice!" and other stuff.

I'll add any that get posted to this post as well, so we can have a nice list for anyone who wants them.

Friend Code / Name / Friend Safari Pokémon

3222-5664-4602 - Del // Grass - Oddish; Gogoat; Swadloon
1547-5283-8177 - Richard & Blaziken // Normal - Minccino; Aipom; Chansey
3566-1602-6874 - RubyRobin // Fighting - Pancham; Tyrogue; Meditite
0817-3787-1917 - JSM // Bug - Combee; Volbeat; ???
4914-3828-9371 - Chloe_ // Fire - Pyroar; Magmar; Braixen
1220-7211-1708 - Sylar // Rock - Boldore; Pupitar; Barbacle
4055-4058-4803 - King Apple // Poison - Seviper; Swalot; ???
3823-8902-7730 - Stmacl // Grass - Sawsbuck; Sunkern; ???
3153-4626-4289 - Webby // Psychic - Abra; Wobbuffet; Xatu
1676-3937-3524 - Xagor // Rock - Barbaracle; Dwebble; Corsola
0576-4288-1770 - b1g //
2852-8056-2853 - Feraligatr Master // Flying - Woobat; Farfetch'd; Tropius
2836-0685-3452 - Turner // Electric - Pikachu; Emolga; ???
5370-0697-9818 - Zubatman (David) // Dark - Sneasel; Vullaby; Sableye
1564-3227-4196 - Angelic Lapras King // Fighting - Machoke; Throh; ???
3926-5526-0804 - Rocketmember002 //
1504-5677-0066 - Joeno // Psychic - Munna; Wobbuffet; Xatu
2621-2634-3990 - lugia95 // Ghost - Golurk; Shuppet; Phantump
1736-0527-0604 - Sappy // Ground - Dugtrio; Trapinch; Palpitoad
3969-4578-3405 - Cody999 // Rock - Nosepass; Barbaracle; Onix
2020-0646-3600 - Spriter SR|XL // Ground - Phanpy; Marowak; Diggersby
5198-3212-5531 - ShiraBliss // Steel - Ferroseed; Forretress; Bronzong
3711-7437-7166 - Zinatra // Ice - Beartic; Delibird; ???
2707-2283-7894 - Kdintranet & Scizau // Ice - Snorunt; Beartic; ???
1504-6947-9507 - pedanticScientist // Water - Krabby; Quagsire; ???
0146-9232-7292 - Utack & Swampy // Fighting - Mankey; Pancham; Hariyama
1848-1658-9865 - Alpha Fenrir (Fell) // Flying - Pidgey; Tranquill; Fletchinder
0559-6755-8223 - Reluctant Wailord // Ghost - Shuppet; Pumpkaboo; Golurk
2020-0618-5179 - Innsmouth // Fairy - Spritzee; Kirlia; Floette
4768-7539-9294 - Lottles // Fire - Ponyta; Charmeleon; ???
4339-2721-0266 - Nilin [Rex's 3DS] // Ice - Bergmite; Snorunt; Cloyster
0989-1720-5758 - Cobalt58 //
2234-8054-4355 - Clairefable // Ice - Delibird; Beartic; Piloswine
0344-9270-9498 - Specstile //
2638-0810-1005 - Shaymin // Flying - Woobat; Farfetch'd; Hawlucha
0189-8980-3790 - umbreon#100 // Rock - Pupitar; Dwebble; ???
1392-4780-2443 - Legacy (Nate) // Grass - Ivysaur; Pansage; Quilladin
3153-4362-0855 - ZD|Wattmole //
4382-1992-1512 - Mew King // Ice - Snover; Bergmite; Dewgong
5429-8081-2545 - Bluffy // Fighting - Machoke; Sawk; ???
3609-1927-4940 - MonsterMon64 // Flying - Hoothoot; Farfetch'd; Tropius
2251-4113-3701 - Normandy // Rock - Dwebble; Onix; Rhyhorn
4382-2308-6664 - Evilspike // Normal - Minccino; Teddiursa; Eevee
1375-8550-1401 - Inferna // Poison - Kakuna; Garbodor; Muk
1435-3667-4205 - SapphireTrainerDaz //
1134-7488-3088 - Fiery Rapidash (Cara) //
4012-4520-4187 - DragonOfTheDepths // Grass - Gogoat; Swadloon; Tangla
5215-0720-2301 - GoldenShroomish // Dragon - Shelgon; Fraxure; ???
0559-7653-0078 - XionPixel // Psychic - Grumpig; Wobbuffet; ???
4785-5800-7893 - Levitress (Levi) // Water - Gyrados; Azumarill; Octillery
2337-4427-9708 - Awkward Squirtle (Cam) // Grass - Sunkern; Maractus; Ivysaur
0705-3172-9293 - fizzwizz (Gunner) // Normal - Eevee; Loudred; Aipom
0103-9343-0785 - Poison2007 // Ground - Dugtrio; Wooper; Gastrodon
1435-4013-1487 - Lion Demon // Dark - Mightyena; Crawdawnt; Liepard
0602-6661-8443 - ShinyBlaziken2000 // Water - Panpour; Gyrados; Azumarill
4785-4984-9498 - Petzbreeder 3DS (Brally) // Ice - Delibird; Bergmite; Dewgong
0061-1448-7939 - Petzbreeder 3DSXL (BrallyXL) // Ice - Snover; Sneasel; Lapras
3067-7022-9555 - Petzbreeder 3DS 2 (Brally VC) // Ice(?) - Spheal; Sneasel; ???
4425-1916-5385 - Aeduuard //
3153-5326-7600 - Scizorite // Dark - Vullaby; Cacturne; ???
1220-7703-4182 - SenorSaucy //
5000-3394-7718 - BronySpriter // Grass - Maractus; Pansage; Sawsbuck
1263-7190-3781 - Moonfang1313 // Water(?) - ???; ???; ???
0662-4252-5821 - aMartini607 (Austin) // Ground - Phanpy; Marowak; Gastrodon
1005–9223–6341 - TinyStarrable // Fire - Charmeleon; Growlithe; Braxien
1418-6798-1465 - delicious_scout // Ground - Sandshrew; Nincada; Diggersby
1160-9737-9152 - Captain Jigglypuff (Akuma) // Poison - Seviper; Ariados; Toxicroak
4570-8700-7129 - Zell (Squigeon) //
1461-6243-5395 - Dense Macabre // Steel - Klefki; ???; ???
2895-7424-4591 - ShinyNinetales // Ground(?) - ???; ???; ???
3351-4084-7638 - inskyninja //
4871-5085-3570 - Lucario. //
2020-0083-7006 - Catstorm // Bug - Paras; Beautifly; Venomoth
2621-3543-5368 - Hahex & Oshawott // Grass - Ivysaur; Tangla; ???
3067-6449-6265 - Raphetty // Fighting -  Meditite; Throh; Tyrouge
4382-2131-6400 - Dragoncat // Ground - Trapinch; Numel; Diggersby
1134-7578-7168 - Crymzon // Water - Krabby; Wartortle; Azumarill
4914-4614-7912 - .~.Nellie.~. (Nellie) // Flying - Spearow; Tropius; Tranquil
1246-8818-4577 - Gusparce //
2423-4185-6128 - Milla Maxwell //
1891-1729-2600 - Arbiter // Rock - Dwebble; Pupitar; Barbacle
0516-7288-3631 - InverseRatio // Bug - Heracross; Combee; Volbeat
0490-5829-1722 - The Wroth // Poison - Kakuna; Swalot; ???
5069-4855-2440 - yukithewhitewolf (Matt) //
4141-2478-4361 - Neotenens (Cole) // Ghost - Phantump; Spiritomb; ???
4527-9852-9846 - Kpyna //
0361-7548-3648 - winterbane //
3282-5166-7532 - LeafAngel2 //
0147-1792-4383 - JPika (Senpai ; 3) //
2294-7713-7037 - Jewfishprime //
4614-0547-6309 - MangaDragon 1 //
0301-9829-2277 - MangaDragon 2 //
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 17:41 by Del »
My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spammed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then don't spam the chat.

Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 11:14 »
Good idea! 1547-5283-8177
Discord - richardblaziken


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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2013, 11:27 »
Is this just 3DS friend codes, or does XY have one somewhere?

My 3DS one is 3566-1602-6874

Offline Del

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2013, 11:30 »
Just 3DS friend codes, 3DS games don't have separate codes as far as I know. Added you both and I'll put you both in the first post.
My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spammed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then don't spam the chat.

Offline JSM

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2013, 11:33 »
My FC is 0817-3787-1917


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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2013, 12:32 »
Mine is 4914 - 3828 - 9371

Offline sylar

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2013, 14:12 »
mine is 1220-7211-1708 !!

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


Mr. Apple

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 15:05 »
im a noob with mine so i was wondering how you would find this??

Offline Del

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 15:09 »
it's just your 3DS friend code, which you can find by opening the home menu, clicking the orange smiley face at the top, and selecting your Mii on that list.
My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spammed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then don't spam the chat.

Mr. Apple

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2013, 15:13 »
^that makes sense haha thanks!

mine would be 4055-4058-4803

Offline bennetje

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 15:54 »
I accidentally chose Squirtle but I really want a Bulbasaur. (Balanced team, y'know?) Anybody that wants to trade their Bulbasaur ( preferably holding a Venusaurite) reply and I'll give you my FC.
Hey, I heard you liked Pikachus and RC robots, so I made you a Pikachu RC robot.

Offline sylar

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 16:09 »
my friend just sent over his venusaur i was gonna breed it for a bulbasaur if you want me to breed an extra and send it over ?

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


Offline Stmacl

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2013, 16:16 »
My code is 3823 8902 7730.

No-one cared when I made a Nuke launcher, but no-one really agreed with my nuke machine gun...


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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2013, 16:20 »
^ I tried to input yours and it said it was 'incorrect' are you sure you wrote it down right?

EDIT: oh no... it works now.... strange.

Offline Stmacl

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Re: Friend Codes
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2013, 17:17 »
^ I tried to input yours and it said it was 'incorrect' are you sure you wrote it down right?

EDIT: oh no... it works now.... strange.
My 3DS' internet connection seems to be inconsistent recently, that could be it.

No-one cared when I made a Nuke launcher, but no-one really agreed with my nuke machine gun...