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Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« on: February 19, 2012, 15:02 »
This will be my first Nuzlocke challenge, and was inspired by Tim and Rich with their B/W Challenge, so credits to them for me starting my own challenge. This thread will be a diary of my successes and indeed of my struggles as I step into the world of Nuzlocke. The Nuzlocke Conditions are as follows:

- Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released.
- The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.
- All Pokemon must be nicknamed, thus creating more of a bond.
- The starter Pokemon must be with you at all times. If it ever faints, you die of heartbreak.
- Considering a black out/white out to be "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
- Going to options and making the battle style "set". Making you unable to switch out between your foes' Pokémon.
- No catching/using of legendaries.
- Upon reaching Kanto (excluding the Pokemon League) you must build a new team starting with just your starter. Your Johto team cannot enter Kanto and vice-versa. The sole exceptions are when in the Pokemon League and at Mt. Silver.

Being a trainer was always something I strived to be. Watching everybody my age leaving to train their Totodile's, Chikorita's and Cyndaquil's among others...needless to say it was kind of hard to watch. Fortunately I wasn't alone in New Bark Town. My best friend Blake had the same problem - very strict parents.

However they couldn't stop us when we were 18.  Blake came to my house, buzzing with excitement about how he was going to get a pokemon. He'd somehow convinced his father to take him to Cherrygrove City to collect a new pokemon. Of course, I was invited. It was a pretty awesome journey on the way there. Sheer excitement and enthusiasm. Who knew that might be the last time we had that connection...

Upon arrival Blake decided to reveal something to me; he'd already gotten his pokemon. I stood in awe as he revealed the small, peach-coloured pokemon with the green leaf. A Chikorita. Lucky bugger. But then he told me how he got it...the dirty rat. I'd never have expected it...

Blake had stolen the Chikorita from Professor Elms Laboratory...he'd asked his father to drive us along to Cherrygrove so that he wouldn't be caught. In my disgust I tried to convince my friend to go back, but he wouldn't listen. He just got so agitated that he turned his back on me and left on towards the next city...needless to say I was upset. My old friend had his desperation to be a trainer he'd taken the dark route.

As I turned to walk away I found myself walking into something. Or rather, someONE. It was an elderly looking man, his face dirtied so it was impossible to see where the wrinkles ended and the dirt marks started. I apologised and was about to walk around the man, but he put his arm out to stop me. "C-can I help you sir?" What did an old man want with a teenager like myself?

 "I saw all of that...your want to help him don't you? I don't need your help...but I can help you with your problem." As I looked at the man I felt a chill run down my spine. His eyes seemed to drill into mine and through to my very heart, piercing it, inspecting every minor detail. What did he mean 'help me'? My question was soon answered, as he held out a small white item. An egg. My heart skipped a beat - although even now I'm unsure if that was out of excitement, shock, or fear. "If you want to help your will need to follow him and accept what troubles will await you. I have offered you my assistance. Now I must ask if what you feel in your heart is the same as what you feel in your mind. Are you ready to face your friend and save him before he loses all sense?"

It was a tough question...I guess I never thought of pokemon training in such a way...I always thought it was an easy path. I never considered there to be a serious reason for doing so. After mulling it over I nodded. Blake clearly needed help...and only I could help him. I turned to pull my wallet from my pocket, but as soon as I'd turned to face the man again he'd gone. Looking down I saw a small white card on the floor with just one word: Nuzlocke. I pocketed the card, hoping to have somebody explain it in the future. But for now I had to try to catch up to my friend. This is where my journey began...

CHAPTER 1 - First Steps

- A female Buizel hatched from the egg. Her little face deserves an elegant name, so I've named her Florence. She seems to have gotten the hang of battling already, but would still much rather play in the waters edge in Cherrygrove City. I guess it's good to have a playful pokemon since it means they're happy and comfortable.

- I took a glance back at New Bark Town. It's chaotic there because of the theft, so I didn't stay for very long. I spoke to my mother about what I was doing, and we agreed that I'd send some money to her to fall back on if I needed it. As I left New Bark Town I was jumped upon by a Pidgey. It was pretty easy to capture thanks to Florence's help. I've named him Peter. He's pretty agile much like Florence, and the two get along well.

- Surprisingly there were no other battles until I reached Cherrygrove. I healed up quickly then decided to step out to Route 30 to see what was there. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and knocked a Kakuna to the ground. But given how it only knew Harden, it wasn't a disaster. I decided to capture it, since I feel he could be useful later. I've named him Kyle. Unsurprisingly he doesn't move much, but hopefully he'll become more agile and powerful later. He seems happy allowing Peter and Florence to roll him between themselves for some reason.

- After some training at Route 29, Florence was beginning to grow impatient. So we headed off up towards Violet City. So far the trainers here have been easily dispatched. Probably demoralised by Blake already. Florence is surprisingly cheery. She's got me smiling at least, that's the important thing.

- Finally arrived in Violet City and we'll be taking some well deserved rest. Florence is still bouncing about but Peter and Kyle seem to be needing a nap. It's a case of the needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few, so Florence is gonna have to deal with that.

Florence - Level 7

- Water Gun
-Water Spout
-Quick Attack
- Pursuit

Peter - Level 8

- Tackle
- Sand Attack

Kyle - Level 7

- Harden
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 14:22 by Solitaire »
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 15:13 »
Good luck with the challenge then! I look forward to seeing if you can complete it (without dying of heartbreak!).

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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 15:39 »
I like that last rule, I'm gonna steal that one.
Any idea what egg you will use?
I am the champion, my friends!
I have ALL 646 pokemans, in my boxes, legitimately gained, in order( and an awesome team). I am the dex MASTER.
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 15:45 »
I know exactly what egg I'll use, since I used Platinum to get it. It will be revealed when it hatches. I've started the story off with a Prologue, and now, without further ado, I shall begin to play =]

Thanks for the good luck.
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2012, 15:57 »
Good luck man, I'll be looking forward to reading this.
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 16:14 »
I wish you luck on your journey! I can't wait to see where it goes! ^_^
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 16:23 »
^I echo the sentiments of luck! I'm excited to see what Pokemon you'll be using. =3

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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 01:12 »
(I've edited the first post with my first actions and events of the Nuzlocke Challenge)

CHAPTER 2 - Blessings and Curses

While we were resting up, I heard a story from a local storyteller about the Elder of Sprout Tower. Apparently he's able to feel bonds between trainers and pokemon. I'd been feeling unsure of my abilities, and whether I should be a trainer. I needed some kind of reassurance, so as soon as my party was ready we set off towards Sprout Tower.

- Sprout Tower is amazing. The pillar that runs through the middle sways, but it never falls. It's phenomenal, although rather creepy when that's all you can hear as you ascend through the floors. Things were running smooth as we ascended though. On the third floor we found it was infested with Rattata, although most of them fled. I say most because one stayed laid down on the floor snoozing. I tried to sneak upon it but it woke up and attacked me in surprise. Since I was already close I quickly threw a pokeball and caught it in my first try. I named her Rachel, and within seconds she was dozing off again. She's quite the sleepy one.

- Well, I reached the top mostly thanks to Peter. Florence seemed upset that she didn't battle much, but I couldn't risk losing her against those Bellsprout. What I saw next had me worried. Blake was there, and had already beaten the Elder. But the Elder seemed concerned for Blake's mental state. I hid behind the pillar and listened as the Elder told Blake that he was too pushy. I then heard Blake retort with how he only wanted strong pokemon...before I could talk some sense into him he'd fled with an escape rope.

- Peter managed to beat the Elder alone, although his Hoothoot was troublesome. Twice Peter was put to sleep, but twice he snapped out after a couple of turns and hit back for double. After the battle I was told more about Blake - he'd pushed his pokemon to the absolute limits. The Elder had been worried, and so ended the battle before it was due. I recieved the TM Flash, and was told I was on the right track before I left. Next up, Falkner.

- Wow...I guess I never expected this...I was once told that a pokemon adventure would have fun times and difficult times...just when I thought it was getting fun I was hit by my first loss, and now I understand why that old man asked me if I was truly ready. It was going well for a while. I travelled back to Dark Cave for some exploration, and caught a Zubat there which  I named Azel. Deciding to keep him back for now, I headed back to Violet City, healed up, then headed for the Gym...and that's where it happened.

The first trainer. I brought in Rachel to take on the lone Spearow. She was doing so well, had taken so little damage, and it seemed like it was a victory...but then the Spearow decided otherwise. As it used Fury Attack, I watched two critical hits land in 3 of the hits to see Rachel thrown to the ground unmoving. Neither of us saw it coming. I brought out Florence who finished the Spearow off, her Quick Attack sending feathers flying as her anger was released. I rushed Rachel back to the pokemon centre, but I knew before I got there that she was gone. Nurse Joy confirmed my fears, and allowed me to bury Rachel outside of the Pokemon Centre. May she rest well. I barely knew her, but it hurts.. I now head to train for a short while before I head into the gym again. I'm fighting right now with one thought only; Rachel's loss will not be for nothing.

- I've re-entered the gym. The trainer I beat the first time is refusing to look at me now. Whether he can tell I'm angry or if he's actually feeling guilty and apologetic...I don't care. We're here to finish off what Rachel started for us. I've started off against the second trainer here, although I'm wary of the mistakes made before. This time I used Florence. Our opponent didn't have any time to react to us. Florence took down both Pidgey's with Quick Attacks. Now for Falkner.

-  Falkner didn't last long at all. Florence was clearly in no mood to play nicely. I can tell she was hit especially hard at the loss of her newest friend, and she gave twice the pain back. Finishing Falkner's Pidgey in one Water Gun, Falkner brought in Pidgeotto. I expected this to be a tougher fight, but Florence had other ideas. She hit with a Water Gun taking a third of the Pidgeotto's health, before being hit with a Tackle. The next turn she finished it with a critical hit. Just desserts I suppose. After the battle I spoke with Falkner properly. I told him of my earlier ordeal, and of Blake's actions. Upon describing Blake, Falkner told me he'd seen him headed for Azalea Town. After I'd recieved my badge and  a TM, I left the Gym knowing my next destination.

Florence - Level 15

- Water Gun
- Swift
- Quick Attack
- Pursuit

Peter - Level 12

- Tackle
- Sand Attack
- Gust

Kyle - Level 8

- Harden

Azel - Level 6

- Leech Life
- Supersonic

Those laid to rest:
Rachel the Rattata
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 14:21 by Solitaire »
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 11:38 »
Liking this so far. Early losses suck, but they happen. It's the later ones that sting. Just keep in mind... everything is happening for a reason. :>
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 14:23 by Brian and Jack »
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 14:20 »
(Yeah they do suck :( Now for the next chapter =])

CHAPTER 3 - The Road to Azalea

After our Gym battle with Falkner I decided it was best to get some sleep, especially as it was getting late. It was best for us to make a fresh start in the morning.

The morning has certainly been an interesting one already. I found Florence digging through my bag when I woke up. She was trying to get at Peter's pokeball so she could play. She's more mischievous than I thought. As I was tidying up the mess she'd made from all my other items I recieved a call from Professor Elm. He'd found out what had happened, and offered his help, telling me his assistant was at the pokemart with something for me. I mentioned the name Nuzlocke to him and he informed me of the dark pasts of those who'd gotten involved with him. I guess I should've known better. The Professor continued to tell me that he'd inform me of more details as he found them. After ending the call and getting ready for the day ahead, I headed out for my first destination of the day; the pokemart.

- Recieved an egg from Elm's assistant. I guess I can't be picky with help right now. I just hope I can raise it well enough. I've told the assistant to thank Professor Elm for me, before we both left the pokemart and headed out our separate ways.

- I headed down Route 32 in the knowledge that Azalea Town was south of Violet City. I was suddenly jumped by an Ekans. He's a smart little blighter, quickly using wrap to stop me from switching Azel out of the battle in any way. Nonetheless, Azel's Supersonic caused the snake to reduce it's health enough for me to capture it with just my last two pokeballs. I should've bought more. I've named my new team-mate Andy.

- We've travelled pretty far down Route 32 now. Having crossed a bridge with a few fisherman and turned a corner, I'm glad to have found a Pokemon Centre. While my pokemon rested I was approached by two older men. One asked me about fishing, and upon realisation that I knew nothing about the sport, he explained everything to me. He even gave me a fishing rod, albeit a very poor looking thing. The second man appears to have been a friend of the first, and he gave me some Lure Balls to go with the rod. He then informed me of a man named Kurt, who often made custom pokeballs out of apricorns. The both of them left just after that, leaving me with nothing to do but to collect my pokemon and head off again. I know I have a cave ahead of could be tough in there.

- I've entered Union Cave to the sight of tracks in the walls and gouges in the roof of the cave. It wasn't long before I found out why; this was where the Hikers trained. One in particular spotted me, and challenged me. I sent out Kyle first before switching immediately to Florence, who took only a Screech before hitting back with Water Gun and finishing the Onix in one hit. After the battle I was met by something miraculous; Kyle evolved into a Beedrill! My first evolved pokemon...I'm pretty happy right about now.

- It's a strange feeling. It's as if losing Rachel has pulled my team together. Peter, Kyle and Florence have become completely inseparable, and seem to be showing Azel and Andy the ropes. Of course, Florence is making things more difficult than they have to be. But nonetheless they're working as a team. So far, Union Cave hasn't been any trouble.

- I've finally reached Azalea Town, although not before catching a Hoppip that was hopelessly splashing in the rain on the outskirts of town. I named her Katie. She's now in my PC.

It turns out there's more trouble here than there is back home. I've just seen some guy dressed in black push one of the townspeople away from the well. I've also heard rumours about the Slowpoke disappearing in the town, and about a group cutting off their tails. I've spoken to a couple of people and they've told me to speak to Kurt, who apparently is also one of the older and tougher members of the towns community. That's twice I've heard his name mentioned now, so I'll be paying him a visit after a short break in the pokemon centre.
Florence - Level 16

- Water Gun
- Swift
- Quick Attack
- Pursuit

Peter - Level 15

- Tackle
- Sand Attack
- Gust
- Quick Attack

Kyle - Level 10

- Harden
- Fury Attack

Azel - Level 10

- Leech Life
- Supersonic
- Astonish

Andy - Level 11

- Wrap
- Leer
- Poison Sting
- Bite

Egg - N/A

Those laid to rest:
Rachel the Rattata
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 14:25 by Solitaire »
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 14:31 »
Aww, Florence is cute. Glad no one was lost in this chapter! Good luck with Bugsy! :>
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 14:39 »
^yeah, Florence is adorable; especially rifling through your bag to get Peter xD <3

The first loss is the most remembered one, though it has little impact...why do we put ourselves through these Nuzlocke challenges!? xD

Also, I don't know if you're only using the Buizel metasprite because me and Rich have only used that - but the reason for that is because there are no Gen V metasprites. So you could easily use metasprites for the rest of your team?

I should give that a kick actually...we kinda need Gen V stuffz.

But yes, good luck with Bugsy! Watch out for his infernal Scyther. ;_;

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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 14:45 »
No actually I chose to use a metagame sprite because it actually has a nice effect to it, given how Florence is the starter and all, and if I lose her I die of heartbreak. That's the only reason I used a metagame sprite for her and not for the others =]

I'm quite happy with my choce of starter. I've never used Buizel before so thought it would be good =] I'm glad you find her as adorable as I do hahaha.
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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 15:03 »
Ahh, I see. I know exactly what you mean, it was one of those "actually, that kinda works" moments with Claude the Corphish - giving him center stage, almost.

Buizel is such a lovely Pokemon - I didn't like it gen IV, as its sprite was pretty huge - but its BW sprite is so d'aw. <3

Not so much a fan of Floatzel. <--Requesting you don't evolve Florence.

...just saw what you did there. Florence the Floatzel. niiiiice. =D

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Re: Nathan's Soulsilver Nuzlocke Challenge
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 17:37 »
Well, that loss of Rachel is bad. We all get early losses like so, and Nuzlockes can be heartbreaking...might start one on SoulSilver...or Black.