Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu]Get Out Alive (Warning: Will contain a LOT of violence)[J]  (Read 29202 times)

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It was Jaime's words that woke Sunny up, she immediately felt the cold air on her back where Jaime's body was no longer shielding her. For the first time since they left Lumiose City, Sunny felt like she could step into action. She needed some sunlight soon though. "Dana" she heard Jaime say again. Sunny stood up and looked around. Not many of the group were still in the room anyway. Only herself, Jaime, Keira and the Azumarill whom she had not acquainted herself with. She looked at Jaime who looked slightly lost. "Jaime, half of us are gone, she'll be with the others. Not that I know where they are." She hoped they hadn't gone far as it would be stupid for the four of them to try and find them as that risked losing them. She sat on the floor close to Jaime and stared at the door in anticipation of anything that may come through it.

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Dana snarled as the Glalie reformed itself, "Aw, well, that's just dandy, isn't it?" She watched as Ryu was struck and frozen to the ground, and her eyes widened. Perhaps this frozen being was more of a force to be reckoned with than she first thought. Thankfully, it looked like reinforcements were coming; Reiru, Kalea, and that other Lucario (Tanith, wasn't that her name? Dana was sure it started with a T) bursting into the freezer. The female Lucario launched a Bullet Punch that seemed to do at least some damage, and while watching it Dana had to grin.
"Odds keep slipping further and further into our favor, eh?" She barked a laugh, feeling inspired. Hopping from foot to foot she shot forward, opening her jaws and firing a blast of Flamethrower towards their icy cold.

Jaime continued to look around frantically for Dana, stopping only when he realized Sunny had awoke and was speaking to him. He looked down and gnawed at his bottom jaw, "I..Oh." He looked around, noted that indeed half of the room's occupants were gone. He sighed; the cold was getting to him. Looking around, though, he noted young Keira, and blinked. Surely, as a Vulpix, she had to have some heat stored in her tiny body, right? He bobbed his head a little, hatching a plan.
"Hang on one sec, Sunny, I'm just gonna shift us over a little," He breathed to his Heliolisk friend, before reaching down and, as gently he could, picked up the smaller reptilian Pokemon in his jaws. Getting up, he slowly trudged over to where Keira was, holding Sunny in his mouth like Pyroar would surely carry her Litleo young. Approaching the Vulpix as much as he could, he sat back down and, after placing Sunny back on the floor smiled.
"Hi," He said down to her, "I had an idea. Maybe if know, all cuddle close, we wont be as cold! It could be beneficial for all us, and surely your body heat is super nice." He sat welcoming, body starting to shiver from the extreme cold. Snuggling close had to do something; this was simply too much.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 18:43 by Danatales »

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"Yes, they seem to be. Now, let's end this so we can get back to our comrades." Ryu says, standing on one foot. He lurches forward and unleashes a brutal close combat that seemed to knock something out of place. The Glaile falls, but gets back up, "Very well then, since i'm not going to win, I may as well take all of you down too!" The floating head starts storing power. Ryu gets it. "Guys! We have to stop it! The glaile is going to use sheer cold! If he unleashes, we can kiss this life goodbye." says the mega lucario.

Keira however, wasn't faring any better. The cold was getting more intense as time went on. Then Jaime came over with Sunny and said something that the young vulpix couldn't quite get. She got the gist, though. They were huddling together for warmth. Living somewhere cold when she was younger (Near Snowbelle), she understood this. They need my help. I can survive long enough if I do this, I hope. Keira focused her thoughts and started exerting more heat from her body, a technique that most fire types know, but it's rarely used, mainly because fire types don't really travel to cold places. However, it was needed for everyone's survival, and Keira was ready to do what was needed. He still scares me, but we need both of them. I have to do this.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 23:38 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Jaime sighed out as he felt the little Vulpix exude more heat. It wasn't too much, but it made a world of difference to him. He bowed his head down, trying to keep the snow out of his eyes.
I hope Dana is figuring out how to fix this... he thought, gritting teeth a bit.

Dana, meanwhile, heard Ryu's warning, "Yeah, sheer cold, got it. No biggie, though" She grinned a bit, "A little cold ain't enough to slow me down." Closing her eyes, then, she filled her mind with devious thoughts, a Nasty Plot attack pumping up her energy. Flicking the crimson orbs open, she curled her lips into a wild smile, pracing from foot to foot as she leapt forward towards the Glalie, "Hey, jerkface! Over here!" She howled, before opening her mouth and spewing forth a massive stream of Flamethrower.

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"Well, look's like that's solv-" Ryu began to say, but a cold power started to come out from the ice head. "Guess it's never that easy." he said, shooting off a flash cannon. The glaile falls over, burning from the light of flash cannon and the heat from flamethrower. The room instantly felt warmer.

"I think it's safe for us to go dig our friends out of the snow, then get whatever shut eye we can manage." Ryu said. He was cloaked in a harsh light as he reverted to normal and started to walk to the exit.

Ryu walked inside to see Sunny and Jaime huddled around something. The snow was starting to melt around them. He knew what it was. Normally, this would make Ryu a bit nervous, but they were trustworthy pokemon. Sunny had stuck up for him and Keira in the center of the city in Luminose, and Jaime was a worthy battler and very gentle. The gentle giant. The dragon shark and the electric lizard were both very nice to Ryu's friend, and he decided to leave them in piece as the male lucario started to remove the snow from around them delicately.
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