
When E4 members need a vacation, how should their spot be held?

Just leave it - people can wait
3 (27.3%)
I could cover it whilst they leave
2 (18.2%)
Another e4 member / champion could hold their position
1 (9.1%)
Someone else not related to the league could have a 'bench' position for this sort of scenario
4 (36.4%)
E4 Member chooses someone to cover for them
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Author Topic: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2) - Challenger's sign up her first  (Read 25658 times)

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Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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What is the League Challenge?

5 members of PKMN.net make up the Pokémon League. 4 are the Elite Four and 1 is Champion, just like in the games, and they all use a (mostly) monotype team. Unlike the games, they don't stand in one room all day and actually have lives, so they won't be available all the time.

Information For Challengers

Fill out the following form:
Code: [Select]
Challenger Form

[b]Name:[/b] (preffered name to be addressed by)
[b]In-Game Too?:[/b] (Is your team also available to battle over WiFi?)
[b]Available Times:[/b] (What days and times are you usually available to battle? Please use GMT)
[b]Constants:[/b] (Which two Pokémon will remain the same throughout your challenge)
[b]Challenge Progress:[/b] (Which E4 members have you beaten so far? (Note: should be empty at start))

Before challenging ANYONE. If you do not, your win will count for nothing regardless of circumstances. Your challenge will be reset when you lose, so this form will need editing.

When challenging, make the initial post on their thread issuing a challenge, then you will be PM'd by the E4 member to work out a time. Don't post again on the thread unless it's acknowledging a good game or whatever, but don't just post to sort out times. If their inbox is full, then there's an exception.

You can battle the E4 in any order, but the Champion (Richard) comes last.

Links to threads

Champion - Richard
Elite Four - Jamie
Elite Four - Spriter
Elite Four - dragoncat
Elite Four - bread

Getting a place after Applications end

After all places are taken, you must beat all 5 current league members and each member must have battled AT LEAST 5 times before you can kick them. If this is so, then provided you have at least 200 post count (to ensure you're somewhat into the site as a whole) you may kick the bottom person and either take their type or choose a new one.

League Rules

For Members:
-> 5 Pokémon must be your type, or just 4 if you are champion
-> You must have a written out banlist. Links to Smogon are NOT a proper banlist.
-> Trainer Sprites would be nice, and if you can't sprite I would be happy to attempt one for you.
-> You can change your team as often as you want but MUST have a signature Pokémon that doesn't change (see Cynthia's Garchomp)

For Challengers:
-> The challenger form must be filled out
-> Once you lose, you must start from the begining (As in, once you lose once you must beat all leaders again)
-> Your team can change between fights, but must have two constants that are on your form.


Okay, that's the rules so far, might be edited if something else comes to light, but I think that's all we need for now. As for why it's now an E4 not a gym challenge, I simply felt having less members would make it more competitive and therefore more active. It's difficulty now with losing resetting your challenge will hopefully also keep it active ^^ Any questions can either be posted on the thread or PMed to me, either is fine.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 22:22 by RubyRobin »
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Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 23:51 »
Name: Richard
Preferred Type: Fighting, Fire
In-Game Too?: Yes if Fighting
Available Times: Changes by week, but on days that I am available to battle, I'm usually available from 8PM-8AM GMT
OU Showdown replays: Dux_Knight is an alt I've used
Discord - richardblaziken

Offline the bread dragon

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 00:24 »
Name: bread
Preferred Type: electric, dark
In-Game Too?: no /:
Available Times: every day for the next month or two, GMT 12:00 pm - 1:00 am
OU Showdown replays: i promise I wont use bp in the league, but it doesnt really matter. sylveon wouldve swept this guy anyway http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-90840008

« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 00:50 by bread »

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2014, 00:28 »
Name: Blaze, SB2K or SB2000 (I'm ok with any)
Preferred Types: Fire, Steel
In-game: No
Available times: Saturdays 5:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. GMT. Sundays from 6:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. GMT. Will post week times when school lets out on the 29th.
OU Showdown Replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-123930030 Not my best match, but once Rotom went down, the rest was easy.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 14:11 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Offline kindtocrows

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 04:44 »
Well, worth a shot.

Name: dragon or dragoncat
Preferred Type: Ghost, Dark (Dragon would be my third, if you needed a third)
In-Game Too?: If Ghost, yes (soon), anything else and maybe (later)
Available Times: 6:30 PM - 3:30 AM GMT is usually when I'm available. May be out for about an hour Tue-Thur, but only for the next week or so.
OU Showdown replays: Not the best, but not bad either, I guess. GreyWyverns is my alt account.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

Offline Delicious_Scout

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 13:48 »
Name: Delicious_Scout
Preferred Type: Normal, Dragon/Ground
In-Game Too?: 50% (?)
Available Times: Almost all days from 15:00 GMT+1 until 00:00.
OU Showdown replays: This one!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 23:04 by Delicious_Scout »
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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2014, 14:05 »
Name: Spriter / Aqua
Preferred Type: Water / Ice
In-Game Too?: Nope
Available Times: Usually 12pm - 10pm each day, will change next week.
OU Showdown replay: Avast! Not the worst, it was a decent match.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 16:54 by Spriter »


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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2014, 14:19 »
Name: Chloe / Wolstenholme
Preferred Type: Grass or Psychic
In-Game Too?: No - sorry!
Available Times: When school is on only 4pm 'till 9pm GMT but on other days it's about 1pm 'til 11pm GMT. Obviously this can vary.
OU Showdown replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-124102727 ((I haven't done one where it was an outright win because that's like... usually down to luck. This was my first battle after creating this team. It was a bit of a struggle but I think I did well. Okayyy?))

Offline JSM

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2014, 17:15 »
Name: JSM, Jamie
Preferred Type: Flying or Ice
In-Game Too?: Maybe eventually, would either need to play a lot to get some good legendaries/search for trades, unlikely though.
Available Times: Weekdays: 4:30pm or later, weekends fluctuate, but most of the time most weekends can be accomodated. (On holiday until Saturday, I hope that's not a problem my internets not good/reliable enough until then! Sorry :/)
OU Showdown replays: Not now, I can't battle while I'm on holiday, but I was doing pretty well in the last league, so you know I'm at least decent =P

Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2014, 20:24 »
Just a quick update;

Firstly, thank you to all of you who've applied, I already have some idea who seems best, and as we haven't had a new entry for over 24 hours, I will announce that a verdict will be made at some point tomorrow afternoon (noon exactly, if my plans permit)

Edit: Note, entries ARE still being accepted

Secondly, for a bit of feedback on each so far;

Richard - Everyone knows you have both dedication to the site and skill in battle, although your strength can sometimes be off putting to people challenging.

bread - Although I've never had the opportunity to properly see how well you battle, you clearly have a decent understanding and I know you try to fulfil requests quickly.

SB2K - That replay definitely didn't show your best side, and your reliance on having a good team can often be a fallback in monotype, but regardless you still understand battling and have dedication to your post.

DragonCat - As displayed from your willingness to help Richard with PotW, I know you're certainly willing to help the site, and whilst that replay didn't show your skill very well I know you have attempted to learn to battle so maybe something like this would help you do so.

Delicious_Scout - Your replays always have cool gimmicks, and that is what you must rely on in monotype, but then equally your craziness can often make it hard for others to understand what you're saying.

Spriter - Your steel gym did well, being second only to Richard if memory serves, and you had dedication to the gym. If I'm honest, I tried to write a negative point for everyone as well as a positive, but I'm struggling to think of one.

Chloe - I know how much you'd love the position, and your team in the replay shows many cool sets (Volt Switch Solar Power Heliolisk to avoid the HP penalty from solar power whilst still getting the boost), but I worry that with A2 coming up you may not be able to give the time needed, as much as you'd want to.

Jamie - You beat Richard 6-0 Nah, but still, I know you're a very good battler and although I don't know you very well you seem friendly enough, but obviously as an extension to not knowing you well I also don't know how much time you'd realistically be able to put in, but given you said you can spend most the weekend it shouldn't be a problem ^^


Okay, tried to give you each a positive and a negative, and I know some bits will sound a bit 'duh, I knew that' but it's more to let you know what I'm thinking than anything else.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 20:28 by RubyRobin »
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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2014, 20:39 »
Just a quick update;

Firstly, thank you to all of you who've applied, I already have some idea who seems best, and as we haven't had a new entry for over 24 hours, I will announce that a verdict will be made at some point tomorrow afternoon (noon exactly, if my plans permit)

Edit: Note, entries ARE still being accepted

Secondly, for a bit of feedback on each so far;

Richard - Everyone knows you have both dedication to the site and skill in battle, although your strength can sometimes be off putting to people challenging.

bread - Although I've never had the opportunity to properly see how well you battle, you clearly have a decent understanding and I know you try to fulfil requests quickly.

SB2K - That replay definitely didn't show your best side, and your reliance on having a good team can often be a fallback in monotype, but regardless you still understand battling and have dedication to your post.

DragonCat - As displayed from your willingness to help Richard with PotW, I know you're certainly willing to help the site, and whilst that replay didn't show your skill very well I know you have attempted to learn to battle so maybe something like this would help you do so.

Delicious_Scout (I must highlight myself, huh!) - Your replays always have cool gimmicks, and that is what you must rely on in monotype, but then equally your craziness can often make it hard for others to understand what you're saying.

Spriter - Your steel gym did well, being second only to Richard if memory serves, and you had dedication to the gym. If I'm honest, I tried to write a negative point for everyone as well as a positive, but I'm struggling to think of one.

Chloe - I know how much you'd love the position, and your team in the replay shows many cool sets (Volt Switch Solar Power Heliolisk to avoid the HP penalty from solar power whilst still getting the boost), but I worry that with A2 coming up you may not be able to give the time needed, as much as you'd want to.

Jamie - You beat Richard 6-0 Nah, but still, I know you're a very good battler and although I don't know you very well you seem friendly enough, but obviously as an extension to not knowing you well I also don't know how much time you'd realistically be able to put in, but given you said you can spend most the weekend it shouldn't be a problem ^^


Okay, tried to give you each a positive and a negative, and I know some bits will sound a bit 'duh, I knew that' but it's more to let you know what I'm thinking than anything else.

Well, now it is time for us... to give our own opinion about you ;3
Click on that smexy Tyranaggronigroking to visit my our IV Shop. And possibly buy something.

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2014, 21:45 »
Alright Dick, I'll try to get a better video. Rich has been helping my with a team (not monotype). If you don't mind, i'll fetch something else.

Also Scout, try to be careful in how you word your opinion so that it doesn't hurt your chances please.
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Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2014, 21:52 »
Alright Dick, I'll try to get a better video. Rich has been helping my with a team (not monotype). If you don't mind, i'll fetch something else.

It's fine - I've watched most of yours in the replay thread anyway so I have a pretty good idea of how good you are, but if you get a particularly good replay or something feel free to edit it in to your post ^^

Well, now it is time for us... to give our own opinion about you ;3

...if I do something wrong just say xD
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Offline the bread dragon

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2014, 21:58 »
just thought of something, maybe we could make a room or a channel or whatever in irc for this? itd be kinda cool and it would help boost activity in there

Offline Spriter

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Re: PKMN.net League Challenge (Take 2)
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2014, 22:14 »
Thanks for the feedback RR ^.^

Might need a better replay though xD