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Re: Uniform
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2014, 19:14 »
I agree the short skirts on school kids thing is creepy. In my school just about everyone wore trousers though anyway. And tbh, especially with the girls, the uniform made no difference to who you were friends with because small amounts of jewellery and make-up were permitted... so the tomboys could be easily seen.

My workplace dress code is pretty simple. Wear whatever the hell you like. Every day is casual Friday! AS there's only two of us in the company it's just the way things go. When someone comes to visit we have to make an effort though...

My workplace uniform is company polo shirt/fleece/jumper with black trousers and shoes. It's hell in the summer, especially as the unit has a metal roof. I sometimes wish the polo shirt could be replaced with a vest or something but you wouldn't believe the amount of sexual harassment girls get in the pet shop when we're all trying to be androgynous, never mind if any flesh was on show. I sometimes wonder if that's why the company stopped allowing shorts to be worn.

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2014, 21:17 »
 Awh, tight, short, skirts are scary. There's a school opposite my college so we often see the pupils leaving and the amount of time I've seen older men check out 15 year old girls... *shudders*

 I would love it if college had a dress code. Would absolutely love it if university had a dress code too... but I'm guessing the unis that have dress codes are exclusive to privately taught people who have a personality that's as deep as Skyrim. #shotsfired

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2014, 21:38 »
TBH I don't know how I would've mannaged wearing some different everyday. Probably would've just worn some fleece everyday like a uniform if it wasnt properly enforced.

yeah i wear some fleece, some basketball shorts, and some random t-shirt (half the time it's a free t-shirt from something) and when i'm feeling based one day i'll wear jeans and a button-up
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Re: Uniform
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2014, 08:41 »
i went to like 5-6 different schools im not listing all the uniforms here

although i am thankful for uniform cos otherwise i woulda just gone to school in the same cradle of filth shirt and popper pants for the entire week running,

it was the late 90s ok

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2014, 23:31 »
it was the late 90s ok

lbr that doesn't explain our university dress styles. 
short skirts are fine as long as you're wearing tights; the only real rule is that midriff can't be exposed which is probably a bit odd seeing as it's all girls anyway but i'm not all that fussed tbh

tbh most school uniform regulations are to try and Prepare You For A Work Environment or Make The School Look Respectable rather than because children must not be Exposed to the horrors that is another human being. 
hence the regulations not just on ~exposed skin~ but on low trousers, multicoloured hair, facial hair, inappropriate slogans, or whatever the particular school's Dress Code is, some are bigger killjoys than others. 
obvs if they're giving the It Distracts People spiel then they are being silly and kind of rude. the exception being if you're wearing a police siren as a hat or something. 
like ok if they don't want accusations of "you were looking at my child inappropriately" (same as how teachers aren't allowed to physically touch students on the shoulder or whatever, or why loads of schools have clear panes in the door so that there's less chance of teacher and student being alone) but yeah. one-gendered dress codes are silly and dumb, although i don't know how many would ban girls in hotpants but be fine with boys wearing them. i never wore hotpants to school.
Everyone Must Be Neat dress codes are... kind of fair enough though. as in, it still sucks, but it's part of the whole school thing to prepare people for Being An Adult (groan), along with the whole doing work and working five days a week and life skills and all that jazz.
maybe i'm just dulled to the idea of dress codes because at my sixth form we had to wear Actual Suits. i had a look around and i'm fairly sure that nobody looked more ridiculous in a suit than i did. 
and i didn't even get an award for it??? wow rude. 
definitely prepared me for the workplace though. 
/laughs because i've never worn a suit to work 
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 00:00 by Sebastian Moran »

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Offline Spriter

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2014, 18:07 »
Aside from my shenigans at my sixth form, there has been some absolutely crazy crap before at the primary next door.

My uniform / dress code for 6th form right now is basically collared shirt / trousers for boys, but I dunno about girls. They gave us the most vague dress code: smart and casual. Okay, thanks for telling me about what I can wear, that's incredibly specific ¬.¬

Since we became an academy things have gone down the dumpster tbh. Girls are only allowed to wear black bobbles and no other colour, for one example. That's stupid, seriously. In fact, next door's primary once stopped someone from wearing a help for heroes wristband because it "is dangerous" or some trash like that.

That said, I do like wearing these checkered collared shirts along with decent length black trousers. Still have more freedom than those in lower years ;)

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2014, 18:28 »
yeah we have a proper uniform and its oh so delightful
bottle green blazer over a white shirt with a striped red yellow and green tie or a green one with a crest for the sixth form (or if youre special like me you get an extra long one with red stripes yay senior prefect privileges)
bottle green cardigan can be worn under the blazer or a bottle green jumper if you feel like it
you can wear the school blouse which is green and white striped in the summer
bottle green tights and black 'non-fashion or patent' shoes with less than 2 inch heel
the most amazing part tho is the skirt - lovely and bottle green, with pleats at the bottom and its gotta be basically covering most of your knee woo
not allowed to wear trousers if youre a girl and boys have the same blazer, a grey jumper, same shirt and tie and black trousers with black shoes
and your top button must be in at all times
and youre not allowed conspiciously dyed hair, facial hair if youre a boy, earrings that arent studs (and youre only allowed them in the lobe and only one pair in your ear at a time) and nail polish as well
we're big on originality like

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2014, 00:18 »
how many of you lot went to private schools cos all the sixth forms i ever went to were like endless "we dont even begin to care" mufti days

in my most terrible gothicness in sixth form once i wore a shirt with a dragon and a lady w/ her baps out possibly doing it under a cloth (search for 'alchemy gothic chemical wedding shirt', mandatory 18+ only warning) and nothing happened,

like the majority of our schools skirts were around knee length maximum so either all our headmasters were hella pervs (probably) or this was what happened when you went to crappy comprehensive schools idk

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2014, 00:26 »
idk man mine was catholic as balls that probably explains why teachers practically put the place on lockdown and called in the army when someone from 6th year girl walked in with 1mm of Titty showing

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


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Re: Uniform
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2014, 00:30 »
When I went to college (sixth form) there was no uniform, it was just wear what you like. Having to wear uniform after you've finished school is an alien concept to me, as a far as I know in college there were no guidelines for what to wear.

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2014, 11:12 »
my first high school i went to it's sixth form for like a week and everyone looked like trash
second one my first year of sixth form was non uniform then it changed when we got a new headteacher

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2014, 11:24 »
At my school I think they were just pleased if you turned up at all, never mind turning up in uniform.

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Re: Uniform
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2014, 11:30 »
Since we became an academy things have gone down the dumpster tbh. Girls are only allowed to wear black bobbles and no other colour, for one example. That's stupid, seriously. In fact, next door's primary once stopped someone from wearing a help for heroes wristband because it "is dangerous" or some trash like that.

My school became an academy a couple of years ago and it's gone up the swanny too.

As for the H4H wristband, did people make a fuss about it because it was H4H and they probably wouldn't have done if it was any other charity?
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Re: Uniform
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2014, 23:37 »
To be honest, it was the school itself, not any of the students. Basically a load of rubbish. What made it even stupid was the person wearing it was related to someone in the army. I don't get why there was any fuss over it, we got away with wristbands a lot.

Funnily enough, if we don't have form because we have to go another school, we can get away with jeans and such xD