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Messages - Webby

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 ... 152
X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: Friend Codes
« on: March 22, 2014, 12:31 »
^ I actually like Heavy Metal Bronzong because of Heavy Slam. Bronzong is pretty heavy to start with but it isn't one of the heaviest Pokemon. Heavy Slam relies heavily [pun unintended] on the user's weight and from what I can tell, the only Steel Pokemon that has access to the move and is heavier than Heavy Bronzong is Steelix. I know that there are even heavier users of Heavy Slam than HA Bronzong but only Steelix gets a STAB. So a Heavy Metal Bronzong isn't so bad with the massive damage it can cause by using Heavy Slam.

Heavy Metal Aggron has the strongest Heavy Slam in the game, and Mega Aggron's not too shabby using it either. Bronzong is better off doing something else really. As far as gimmicks go it's a bit wasteful.

Gaming / Re: What Games are you playing right now?
« on: March 21, 2014, 14:48 »
Most recently I've been playing Bravely Default and Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst. The latter annoys me for the place that the storyline ends, and most characters do nothing in the story which is a shame... at least the extra missions and the letters system make up for that a bit.

I've just started Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, it's been a while since I've played X, and I stopped playing X-2 when I found out about the remaster. Hopefully I can finally get 100% completion~~~

Webby is gonna freak when he sees this. It's beautiful.

I have already kinda word vomited over Beth about how amazing that image is like xjchejvowjvnwjciwh YAAAAY

Thanks everyone :3
I did nothing for my birthday which is a shame but plenty of people made me happy ^_____^

Trades / Re: Weekly competitive pokemon prize draw
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:14 »
I suppose it's always handy to have a Vaporeon as a spare, sooooo I guess I'll go for that too :)


Can we please stop this discussion?

NO. :|
(apparently she's recording album #5, looks like I'd better buy Red at some point~)

Shame on you all for forgetting Barney Stinson (although NPH as a real person is 1000x better)

I don't mind her music, she's got a great voice, it's just knowing that the song is most probably about an ex boyfriend that dampens the mood for me.

People seem to forget that most songs are about love and heartbreak. Yeah, she's a lot less subtle about it than most, but a lot of people write/perform songs about it. If anything, they're the easiest songs to write and perform, and the easiest to listen to, no matter who it is who performs them~

Everyone is either jealous or they're secret Swifties
xXxXxXx like totes xXxXxXx

(in all honesty she's quite swish
so step off honeys~~~)

^ yeah I remember that you signed up on the same day as me and Xagor (I used to think of us as account buddies and you LEFT ME ;-;)

I've been through so many friends on this site though... I remember the days where I'd get adorable PMs from DragonairSoul (like that superadorable cheer!)
Also I would get adorable PMs from Kay and me and Jess would get into wars on the Pokémon Vote-Off thread and and and I remember the DJ Webby Webb thread (WHO WANTS TO JOIN WEBBY'S AWESOME BAND!?) and the thread someone made to justify why they should be the person to marry me
I still remember MSN conversations (yes, MSN!) with Mark, Dane, Kristian, Mike and maybe a few other people
Mainly the ones with Mark (Toaster Swinub, Huntail! at the Disco, Apprentice contestants destroying cities with their bright, bright blue eyes)
Memories ;-;
(basically i've always been uncool and that will never change)
(Also hi Dana :3)

My account is suddenly 9 years old wow
Didn't get active until about 2007 which is still a long time ago
I was once rude and naive and I was so bad at RPing
At one point I lived for PLC
Kept most of the same friends all the way through (John, Mark, uhm I guess that's it until Beth joined and brought the quality up by 2858392747%)
*sighs* so much life

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: February 28, 2014, 20:33 »
I'm watching Junior Paramedics (BBC3) and it's based in and around Northampton and the uni
I've seen my old halls, our old launderette, Spar, The Old Bank... aaaaaand it's making me miss everything about uni
I'm going back for a few days next week but I think that'll just make me more emotional :(

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: February 28, 2014, 19:18 »
I think Alf being in Home and Away is one of the few constants of the world
(I love Home and Away so much omg <333)

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: February 28, 2014, 17:52 »
For some reason today's episode of Home and Away was prenarrated by Alf as a recent catch up of events
And he made it sound like an old fashioned episode of Thomas the Tank Engine it was so adorable ;____;
(by the end of this episode I'll be crying though, typical soap "EVERYONE WILL DIE" storyline)

Trades / Re: Weekly competitive pokemon prize draw
« on: February 28, 2014, 11:46 »
May as well throw my name in, I was too lazy to attempt getting good IVs on my Rotom ^^;

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: February 25, 2014, 00:53 »
So I was in Planet Hollywood and then a couple of tables over guess who we see...

Martin Freeman. The Martin Freeman.

Ahhh get out get out get out ;____;
I am intensely jealous right now

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