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Topics - Jaccer

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Character Guides / Jaccer Cobalt
« on: July 18, 2010, 20:00 »
Name: Jaccer Cobalt

Age, Gender: 15, Male

Jaccer has slightly pale skin, and His hair is brown at medium length. His eyes are a dark green shade, and give off a felling that he's annoyed at something. He is shorter than most people his age, and is thin. He is about 5'0" and weighs about 120 pounds. He often wears a red jacket with the hood usually up. Underneath the jacket he wears a black shirt. He wears black gloves to protect his hands, and black jeans.

Jaccer is a wise, and smart kid for his age. Although he is he barely shows it. He usually uses vulgar language to describe his thoughts or emotions, he's also kind of a smart-ass. He isn't very trusting, and rarely becomes friendly fast. Although he's a smart-ass he's a good kid. Even if he is good, he doesn't automatically hate evil. He will hate somebody good as much as if they were evil if they do something directly to him. He gets annoyed very easily at almost anything wrong. He'll find a fault in anything, and that makes him a pretty good strategist. He is hard-headed, and stubborn. Often making witty, or insulting remarks about anything, or anyone. He doesn't really hate anything, he just really dislikes them. He is very judgmental, and will do almost anything for money. He has a deep fascination with both the seas, and the sky.

History: He was born in Mossdeep city. He grew up with two bothers, an older brother by two years named Zircom, and a twin brother named Regis. Zircom has already been adventuring for two years when Jaccer started his journey. Regis was born with a illness that make it difficult for him to travel. He just recently started his journey due to a very paranoid mom that thought something bad would happen to him. His first Pokemon was a Swablu that his mother gave him for his journeys.
Since he's just starting his journey he hasn't had any adventures, but he will soon. He is now leaving Mossdeep for adventures.

Friends - Enemies:

None - None

Pokémon in team:

Species: Swablu
Level: 5

Item: No item
Gender: Female
Obtained: Starter, Level 5

Stored Pokemon:



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