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Messages - The Hooded Trainer

Pages: 1 ... 18 [19] 20
Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: May 16, 2016, 19:28 »
Tbf, I do actually really like gen iv, it's just some bits are really frustrating. The story, the lore and the actual available pokemon are just about the best of the series.

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: May 16, 2016, 18:10 »
I'm replaying Diamond and my god I totally forgot how many irritating things there are in this game. Mud, fog, snow, annoyingly long routes with multiple paths that take ages if you're trying to fight every trainer. It wasn't noticeable as a kid, but going to it from gen 6 everything just feels so clunky.

EDIT: No, but seriously, what sick monster thought up fog. Four turns into a battle and neither side has landed a single hit.

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: May 15, 2016, 19:38 »
I'm lacking inspiration for a lot of things right now and it really sucks.

See, I'm finding that I have a lot of inspiration and a lot of good ideas, but I can't bring myself to care enough about any of them to actually make something out of them. Like, a few weeks ago they all seemed so exciting, but now I'm just feeling... nothing.

I dunno, maybe I'm just burned out or something.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: This always happens!
« on: May 15, 2016, 17:31 »
Out of the ones you've suggested, I'd personally go for one of the nidos or umbreon. As much as I like the idea of bug types, they were always too frail for my liking. As I said, the nidos would give you coverage over electric, but then umbreon's a pretty cool pokemon too so really it's your choice.

Also, side note, misdreavus needs to be in more games and closer to the beginning of them. As much as I love it and mismagius, I've never actually had the chance to raise one.

Random Randomness / Re: what makes you feel rage
« on: May 15, 2016, 16:40 »
American politics. And I don't even live in America.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: This always happens!
« on: May 15, 2016, 16:39 »
Ah, you're right. That's annoying. In that case I'd maybe suggest a ground type to cover Noctowl and Azumarill's weakness to electric? You could also do with an ice type to deal with Claire and Lance, although I suppose you could just give your Azumarill ice-beam or something.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: This always happens!
« on: May 15, 2016, 12:49 »
I don't know how good they are in gen 2, but I've always been a big fan of Murkrow and Misdreavus.

Can I wish for infinite genies?

Okay, but in all seriousness:

1. A stable job that I enjoy but also gives me free time to write. (I suppose I could just wish for infinite money or for my writing to automatically be successful, but that kinda feels like cheating and I wouldn't want to ruin the sense of accomplishment.)

2. Some kind of superpower. Maybe flight, along with increased fitness? I dunno, it just seems like it'd be fun, and although I probably wouldn't go full "vigilante justice!" it'd be nice to be able to help the occasional person in trouble.

3. Free plane/boat/train tickets for the rest of my life, so I can travel wherever I want. There are a couple of places that I'm desperate to see.

I believe it's because the developers had no idea what they were doing and were pretty much just winging it for the first few gens.

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: May 10, 2016, 20:50 »
^I'm thinking Litten, but Rowlet's a bundle of adorableness as well so I don't know.

Just got a phone call about a possible job, so fingers crossed for that.

My last four seconds would be spent thinking "Oh God I'm about to die, I need to think of something to do!" and then I'd die before I could think of anything.

I usually pick water, but Litten looks pretty adorable. Then again, I was with Fennekin right up until Greninja was revealed, so we'll see.

Not a huge fan of the legendaries, but I think I'll go with moon.

Ooo, thanks, that actually looks like a really comprehensive site.

Thanks, I'll see if any of those fit with the character.

Can you give me a decent nickname for an Aipom/Ambipom? It's for a thing I'm writing.

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