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Messages - Shaymin

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Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: February 22, 2018, 17:30 »
Spoiler: tribunal bull • show

SO i didn't sleep l ast night and I was bricking it all day as one does when anxiety is basically thicc enough to become a black hole in your chest.

i had to leave a mindfulness thingy for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities an hour early (it was my fourth session and there's i think six more?? or so???? and they already knew beforehand anyways) and everyone there wished me luck bc they could see how anxious i was

gets into chester like two hours early and me and mum sit in a heaving Costa and I nearly die from sensory overload because it was loud and everything happened so much so I plugged in my music and tried to block everything out which is easier said than done especially when my food took like... five years

buuuuuuut we walked to the court (took 4ever bc my legs don't work like they used to before) and i went in and i knew i was Dying Inside but the security guards were really patient and soft-spoken (i had to empty my pockets and inform them about my knee/wrist braces and the bracelets that i can't take off without hurting myself bc i got searched!! for realsies!!!).

SOOOO anyway we get up into the waiting room (got bless elevators they are a thing of beauty) and the clerk to the tribunal comes out and informs me what's happening as i'm probably like, disassociating and panicking and generally having a Bat Time but my mum went in with me bc I think i would have deadass rather have tossed myself out of the second floor window than go in on my own

unfortunately for me tho my gp records didn't get released so the tribunal didn't have all the evidence?? the judge was really nice and patient and explained everything in Simple Words for my stupidass brain and said that the best course of action was to adjourn bc of the lack of evidence, but he wanted me to say yes rather than me say no and them to say "nah we adjourning anyways"

on the plus side it gives me more time to collate more evidence and for my family to issue impact statements on how they have seen my mental and physical state take the world's worst rollercoaster ride, and i signed a new consent form for my gp to release my records.

on the negative side i nearly burst into tears in front of the judge and the doctor and the disability expert (i did cry, but only silent tears bc I couldn't just burst into tears even tho my brain rly wanted to). they let me step out to get an adjournal letter printed as official evidence and for the consent form to be printed. although i tried not to cry i failed step one and ended up crying anyway. i managed to not ugly blubber but yeah

but this does mean that the tribunal is sure that i can win!! just not right now. if they didn't think i could win then they probably would've been like "begone thot" when i went in so suck on that dwp you're gonna owe me even MORE money now suckers (but with new evidence the DWP could actually change their minds on the PIP ruling and i won't have to go back to tribunal but gjkldfjd)

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: February 20, 2018, 14:05 »
My PIP tribunal is on Thursday and I'm already panicking lololol.

I'm absolutely terrified I'll get rejected again and it's giving me mad anxiety. It's been 15 months since I applied and I know I've gotten worse. I've got two new diagnoses but I'm terrified they'll dismiss all of hand. I'm scared they'll take all of the lies in the assessment at face value.

Hydgkdgisf I'm probably gonna have a panic attack during the tribunal lol

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: February 17, 2018, 17:53 »
That earthquake totally distracted me.

 Was cool to experience it tho. Unless a nuke went off somewhere, nukes aren't cool.
I was on the couch when it happened, but I didn't know it was an earthquake til an hour later lol

Random Randomness / Earthquake in South Wales
« on: February 17, 2018, 17:51 »
At 2:31:04 today there was a magnitude 4.4 (ish) earthquake at 11km depth just north of Swansea. Did you feel it?
I was sat on the couch when it shook in a sideways one-two motion. I thought it was one of my dogs kicking the couch in their sleep, but neither were close enough for it to have been one of them. My mum and brother were both upstairs and felt it too.

Here is a link to the USGS site, so you can see that I'm not crazy.

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: February 06, 2018, 23:56 »
i made my first vid in vegas pro and yeah it's a meme of the space tesla but i did it and i can't help but be proud

Random Randomness / Re: Where is everybody?
« on: February 06, 2018, 12:13 »
all the OG members are dead inside by now
That's adulthood for you I guess

Random Randomness / Re: Where is everybody?
« on: February 05, 2018, 23:31 »
i grew out of this site, went to college, did uni and stuff and now i have returned to save you all from death
too late man i died years ago

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: February 02, 2018, 23:41 »
wheezes i finally got two dates i've been waiting on

first one is my assessment for my physical and mental health for this mess that's called universal credit. i'm mildly worried about that considering how my pip assessor lied through her teeth about my health. on the plus side i guess i'm... worse??? than i was when i had my pip assessment and i have a whole two (2!) new diagnoses.

and the second one is my pip tribunal date. which, to put it lightly, i am having a code brown about. it's in less than three weeks. how am i going to prove to a judge and a doctor that i'm as ill as i say i am??? my physical disabilities aren't visible, and neither is adhd so lmao. there's also the fact that 65% of tribunals succeed which gives me a 35% chance of failure which is terrifying. thankfully my mum will be there and she's been through this garbage before. doesn't realy change the fact i'm bricking it here

PKMN.NET / Re: Nothing works!
« on: February 01, 2018, 15:37 »
get rid of the s in https and it should work.

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: January 20, 2018, 21:49 »
What is that?
chronic pain for no apparent reason. you know like, when you have a bruise and you brush against it and it hurts? it's like that. but no bruises. and everywhere.

on the plus side, the pokemon go community day was today with 3 hours to catch surf pikachu and this gorgeous lil beaut spawned

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: January 19, 2018, 17:52 »
I finally got a got damn Official ™ diagnosis for fibromyalgia! I went to see a young locum a few times who actually listened and was honest with me. So now it's real and I can say "yes, I have this eat my entire ass DWP."

Sun and Moon / Re: Odd feeling
« on: January 14, 2018, 17:20 »
USUM at the start, for me, was kind of boring. my attention was being grabbed by other games, but then i finished said other game and was like ok i guess i'll play Ultra Sun some more - and it pulled me in. i started doing more that i hadn't done before (shiny chaining for instance) and eventually finished the game. i haven't played it in a few days bc i've had a lack of energy but yeah, i get it. slow to start off, but it should sink it's claws into you eventually

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: January 08, 2018, 02:17 »
yaaas chained me a shiny cutiefly 👌👌👌 named him fae i love him he's pink

TV and Movies / Re: Your Favourite Disney Film
« on: January 07, 2018, 16:00 »
What is it?
lilo and stitch I literally typed it in e frost sentence of thr second paragraph

TV and Movies / Re: Your Favourite Disney Film
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:19 »
i'm not gonna choose pre and post toy story bc my fav 2d was post toy story soooooooooooo

my fave 2d is lilo and stitch, and my fave 3d is a toss up between moana and brave. moana has rly good music and i rly love it but brave is scottish so there is that lol

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