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Messages - Airwolf

Pages: [1]
Literature / Re: What are you reading?
« on: December 18, 2008, 21:57 »
I'm reading three different books right now.  I'm reading Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, Ringworld, by Larry Niven, and The Bible, by various authors.

Yay Ringworld. And I recall Fahrenheit 451 is somewhere around this house, though I don't know what it's about. Is it any good?

'Mechanicum' by Graham McNeill. The 9th book in the series. And so far one of the best. They'll probably get to book 1093 before they manage to end the series.

Don't be so sure. The Wheel of Time was cut short at book 12 by the author's death, meaning he had to close the story there and the two other proposed prequels will not exist.

Currently I'm reading The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson. Not the best book ever, but still very good. For X-mas I should be getting The Lake House by the same author, which judging by the previous book When The Wind Blows should be good, and I will also be getting Stealing Light by Gary Gibson and A Crown of Swords, Wheel of Time book 7 by Robert Jordan. I was also intending to get Fell by David Clement-Davies.

I also have alot of partially read books around. EVE: The Empyrean Age and two Anne McCaffrey books off the top of my head. Two by Peter F. Hamilton. Lucifer's Hammer and Moonseed I should get reading. Need to catch up on Broken Sky, Demonata,  and Artemis Fowl series (I know the most recent one is hiding in this house SOMEWHERE). Lion of Senet. What else is there ... A.I. Love You vol. 2 I'm not sure I finished, but I also have no idea where it is. I can probably come up with more if I go and look through my bookcase. If I hunt through the house I'll eventually come up with some more too. I still need to find Maximum Ride book 3 for re-reading.

Tl;dr, I read a lot. A helluva lot. But still not enough. While I'm on that point of not reading enough, I have two 1200-page A4 books with tiny text I should get on with also. Not text books either.

Erm. Erm. Erm.

For not having anything famous about them that I can think of? Wait, that's something I can think of ...

War Of Ron Lobster Dies Of Falling When Aeroplane Runs Capsized Rolling And Fighting To Information Services And Wants A Special Tomcat Eaten On Floor Two In Millenium Empire.


Night Igloos Get Hot on Tundras.


Lobsters Inc. Eat K-9 More Everyday.


Many Obsessed Oranges Need Lipstick In Killer Ears.


I'll do the KOFEJ one again.

Knights Of Fatland Eat Jumpers.

Knobbly Obelisks Fight On Joe.


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