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Messages - ~Feebas~

Pages: [1] 2 ... 4
Hi just decided to pop back on and say hi to you, utack.

Nice to see you're comics are still going strong!

Your Sprite Art / Re: Utack&Swampy comic, #5, ...Curses!!!
« on: March 13, 2007, 17:15 »
Does Metty>Nosey then?

Sorry, but mudfish come before nosefeesh i'm afraid

Your Sprite Art / Re: Utack&Swampy comic, #5, ...Curses!!!
« on: March 13, 2007, 16:50 »
They look ebil in the last panel.

Keep em comin utack

yeah, so many high votes lol

their great
there great

They're (they and are) great

what, they are!


and sappy, metang will NEVER replace nosepass!


Meh, he's getting better. His and Aedan's comics are the only 2 active comics at the moment.
active? they havent had new issues for as long as yours lol!

Its probably A, Lewis wouldnt double post

Yep, i cant start witout ur overwolds lol! (your the main characters!)

By the way, the first Swampy and I is meant to be swampy and me. You do it like this

- Take swampy out of it (sorry swampy, we'll put you back in agin k?)
- Look at it. Which sounds right - 'Dont use I' or Dont use me'
- Use the one that sound right
- Put swampy back, Yay!

Do you want our ideas for funny comics or what?

i dont think he's taking requests...
but you know you want to include me, seeing as you already have my overworld sprites (just the left ones, but meh) *winkwinknudgenudge*

Yeah, when will the next be done? and i still need overworld of you and swampy via PM for my comics

i like, get the pest control ppl out to kill zubats!

Character Guides / Vradon Strom
« on: February 11, 2007, 18:58 »
yay! rp-like things

Name:vradon strom
Description:tall and gangly, with medium long black hair and long scratches down both arms, yet no blood. No pupils in both eyes. Black ripped emo-ish clothes
History:nobody knows where vradon came from. He was discovered as a baby in a dark forest by a couple of hunteers, then disapeared mysteriously from the orphange when he was 11. he appears at random places, changelling people to battles out of the shadows, and taking their food if he wins.
pokemon:a shadow nidorino, and a shiny charizard.
talents:extremel fast, with good reflexes, something he must have learnt living in a harsh enviroment.

Your Sprite Art / Re: Utack&Swampy comic, #3, My day!
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:53 »
swampy looks kinda transparent on teh grass lol!
thorn:its bad coz i dont like swampy ! lolol X  :P X
Mud:shut up! (lobs lemon at thorn)
thorn:oooh yummy!

Your Sprite Art / Re: My first Utack&Swampy comic
« on: January 21, 2007, 19:48 »
maybe try doing ones for good bits in rp's

Your Sprite Art / Re: My first Utack&Swampy comic
« on: January 20, 2007, 20:38 »
good, i find that comics are only good if you do a series, so get working on them

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: January 14, 2007, 21:58 »
i meant i dont know kaze
ther was a forum game 'block the above person' or something like that and you sid because i disliked mushrooms....
anyway thats irrelevent
hey, Kj - i dont know u!

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: January 14, 2007, 21:52 »
i want a lawer!  :'(
anywayz, i dont know you - do i get a longer sentence for that?

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