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Messages - espeon32

Pages: [1]
Fake Whatever / Re: Make your own move!
« on: January 01, 2008, 21:29 »
Mind Games
[type] Dark
[status/special/physical] special
[pp] 5
[description] the user thinks of a way to trick the foe in one turn, and uses that idea to cause damage the next turn. may confuse the foe, or make the foe flinch (20%)

you throw little red and white balls at animals and expect them to go in and be caught

when you try using the match call feature on your blackberry and call it your pokenav, or you have pictures of pokemon on your blackberry and call it your pokedex

when you drive or pass by a sunflower field and you decide you want to catch a sunflora

when you bring your cat to school/work and challenge other students/coworkers to a pokemon battle with your "Skitty"

when you hear something in the woods and you think its a vulpix or zigzagoon

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: July 26, 2007, 02:18 »
ok heres my list its a teeny bit long... okay a lotty lot long... but im just gonna save time by doing top 10!!! :D ok in order of obsessedness (beautiful word there):
1) The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You- MCR
2) You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison-MCR
3)Give 'em Hell Kid-MCR (hehe a lot of MCR)
4) I Never Told You What I Do For A Living- MCR
5) Demolition Lovers- MCR
6) Christie Road- Green Day (see i have OTHER bands!)
7) Teenagers- MCR
8) I Dont Love You- MCR
9) One For the Razorbacks- Green Day
10) Thanks For the Memories- Fall Out Boy

For my full list if youre ACTUALLY that curious (in which case youre weird.. i like that!) PM me and ill get back 2 ya

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