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Messages - deeply disturbed espurr

Pages: [1] 2
Role Play / Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« on: October 27, 2013, 14:51 »
[[just a heads up, i might bring in another character soon. uvu]]

andromaque }}

At a time like this, the most likely thing to do was to go out and make friends.

But I... feel like I don’t want to. These Pokemon are not the same, social Pokemon I meet before participating in Pokemon Musicals. No, these were very different Pokemon. The thought of some of them makes me shudder, but I guess meeting them really was the only thing to do. Then I would know which ones would possibly kill me and which ones wouldn’t.

Opening the little pouch I was carrying, I notice that it not only contained accessories, but another pouch. I open that as well, and inside were berries—berries that I just love eating. There’s a little note in the midst of these berries. I start reading the note.

I tear up just a little bit. It was a note from my first trainer. I never got to open this pouch when I was given to my second one, since that trainer never let me participate in musicals and just forced me to battle.

Forcing the note back into the berry pouch, I sigh. “No use tearing up here, Andromaque—it will only get others to think you’re weak,” I say to myself, before heading to the elevator.

Role Play / Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« on: October 27, 2013, 01:34 »
andromaque }}

I sigh, ignoring the commotion, then walk into the building. It looks a bit... fancy. I must say that I am surprised; surely a school with Pokemon like... like these would be a bit... normal? Or maybe my expectations were too low. Looking ahead, I spot an elevator.

An elevator...? Maybe my expectations were just a bit too low. Just a small bit. I sigh again, this time impatiently, as the elevator lets out a little scan of light. It seems to scan the ribbons hanging from my ears—well, those ribbons look good on me anyways. The elevator opens, and I step in nervously, as if there might be something that could just kill me here.

Once it stops, I step out, looking around. It’s a bit quiet, which is perfect. Very perfect. I heft up the little decorative pouch containing the accessories my first trainer gave me, then walked in quietly, not wanting to disrupt anyone who was possibly in here as well.

Role Play / Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S]
« on: October 24, 2013, 16:43 »
*bellyflops in*

Pokemon: Audino
Nickname: Andromaque. You can call her anything you want, though she prefers Romaque over any other nickname you can make out of Andromaque.
Gender: Female
Personality: Romaque is very... stylish. She loves to look fancy all the time, caring about her appearances more than her strength. However, she’s also a good at battling, though she’s very careless at that and ends up complaining about her dirty accessories after each battle she’s in.
Moves: Attract, Heal Pulse, DoubleSlap, Secret Power.
Accessories: Based off the Pokemon Musical props in B/W, she holds a Red Parasol. She wears Decorative Ribbons on her head.
Other: arceus... i hope this was okay so far ;w;
Starter Post:
Andromaque was bored.

So far this school seemed... boring, of course. She didn’t know why she was sent here. Was it because she was disobeying whoever she was supposed to obey? The Audino sighed. Her first trainer was nice, even giving her fashionable items from the Prop Case before giving her to another trainer.

But this one was a bit too cruel.

And now she was here, in this school, wanting to just leave. Ugh.

Role Play / Re: RP Idea [disc]
« on: October 23, 2013, 14:17 »
alright, yup, im fine with that uvu~

ok thats all i need to ask yay

Role Play / Re: RP Idea [disc]
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:50 »
alright~ also, just a question, are the ‘props’ from the pokemon musical in black/white allowed or something? i ask too much im sorry

Role Play / Re: RP Idea [disc]
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:35 »
welp i can join ;v;

as long as i can play two characters yep im fine

but playing one character is fine for me as well haha;;

Forum Games / Re: Let's count to 100,000,000 [continued!]
« on: October 22, 2013, 21:44 »
we gon do this


Forum Games / Re: Make an awkward comment to the person above!
« on: October 21, 2013, 14:37 »
i like your shoelaces

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:50 »
two steps from hell - norwegian pirate
two steps from hell - color the sky
hetalia - dream journey
hetalia - moon over emei shan
future world music - voyage to atlantis

im stupid

Forum Games / Re: Make an awkward comment to the person above!
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:46 »
*whispers in ur ear* ding dong what is wrong

Forum Games / Re: Make an awkward comment to the person above!
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:43 »
i broke your pokemon x/y cartridge

you invented the concept of glasses

Forum Games / Re: Make an awkward comment to the person above!
« on: October 21, 2013, 00:59 »
you are the human incarnate of the country italy

Forum Games / Re: Rate the avatar of the person above you!
« on: October 20, 2013, 19:06 »
9/10 ovo

Forum Games / Re: Make an awkward comment to the person above!
« on: October 20, 2013, 16:11 »
did you know that we live in fear of the titans

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