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Messages - Krowler88

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Make a Wish. Have it horribly corrupted.
« on: June 22, 2015, 00:50 »
Granted! But the cat scratches your guts out and no one is around to help you.

I wish for a laser on the moon and Dr. Evil fires it at Austin Powers' home while he sleeps

380. I am so confused....

Many Elven Overlords Will Stick Tongues In Cow Spit


Forum Games / Re: Make a Wish. Have it horribly corrupted.
« on: June 20, 2015, 19:07 » get so much poisoned bacon and that's all you're allowed to eat for the rest of your short life.

I wish all 3 of the underground super-volcanoes in the earth would erupt to full extent at the same exact time.

I'd say: "I sure hope you're a female over 18. If not, gtfo!"

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: June 16, 2015, 22:34 »
Today's small accomplishment: Drove to the gas station and back safely. I say that because I'm technically not supposed to drive for another 5 weeks after my hip surgery due to the increased risk of having a broken bone especially if even a fender-bender occurred. (bone was drilled into to clear out dead bone, and injected with medical cement to reinforce it when dried)

0/10 - because even in my sleep, I am better

Forum Games / Re: Why is the Above Poster an Imposter?
« on: June 16, 2015, 22:26 »
You're an imposter because I said so

Forum Games / Re: You're banned!
« on: June 16, 2015, 22:24 »
You're banned for "being a Samsung guy". Microsoft is better

Forum Games / Re: The Slogan Game
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:04 »
Life: "You're having a great day? I'll fix that"

Forum Games / Re: You're banned!
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:01 »
You're all banned for being confusing!.....and I'm banned for being easily confused

Older Main Games / Re: My Internal Batteries have run dry.
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:16 »
Here's a little helpful advice and info for anyone who is experiencing "The internal battery has run dry":
For what i know of, this really only affects the "timed" events in the game. For example: The "High-tide"/"Low-tide" near Mossdeep in Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire. When you set your clock in the beginning of the game, that time will never change. So it could be permanently high-tide or low-tide. Also, Mirage Tower will never show up seeing as how, technically, the day, and time of day, will never change.
     To Fix This:
>You could either attempt at replacing the internal battery yourself by purchasing the battery required and a soldering gun. (You will run the risk of permanently damaging your game to where it becomes useless)
>Go to your local game store that still buys and re-sells GBA games And spend a fraction of the cost to have someone who's trained to know how to do it and have them do it for you.
I had taken mine to my local game store (Gaming Generations....not GameStop) and it only costed me $10 to have it done.
Something to think about....
Hope this was helpful and/or relevant

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