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Messages - angryscreamingwoman

Pages: [1]
I would honestly LOVE for it to be romantic, but I think it would be best if the relationship remained on the ambiguous side.  Like, the player could easily interpret it as either friendship or romance, depending on their preference. 

I've always personally perceived it as romance, just cause I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. :D

Sun and Moon / Re: Sun & Moon Progress Thread
« on: November 25, 2016, 08:12 »
I'm around the Lush Jungle about to take Mallow's trial.  But I'm currently searching for a female Salandit to add to the team.  Been searching for an hour so far and I've had no luck. :(

Ariel ((Brionne--lvl. 28))
Toco ((Trumbeak--lvl. 28))
Roxie ((Lycanrox (Midnight form)--lvl. 28))
Dobbs ((Mudbray--lvl. 27))

I'm gonna use an Alolan form Pokemon eventually, but I'm not sure which one yet.  I know I'm gonna use Jangmo-o when it becomes available.  When the time comes, I'll probably ditch Dobbs.  Gonna miss him tho TToTT

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