Author Topic: Nuzlocke!  (Read 2313 times)

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Offline OpallapO

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« on: August 30, 2013, 19:18 »
-Only the first Pokémon encountered on each Route can be caught (this rule begins when the player is able to catch Pokémon)
-If a Pokémon faints, it is dead and must be released or placed in a ‘DEATH BOX’ in the PC, never to be battled with.
-The player may only catch another Pokémon or use one that is dead if they need to teach it a HM that is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for the story to progress.
-All Pokémon will be nicknamed
-If the Starter Pokémon dies, the first Pokémon caught will replace it.
-Shiny Pokémon may be caught due to their rarity, but not used.
-Legendaries may be caught but not used.

-   Today started like any normal day. I woke up, got dressed and went to see Ethan. I was surprised he wasn’t at home, but his dad said he’d be at Prof. Elm’s lab. I went to look for him. Prof. Elm said Ethan was in Cherrygrove getting some supplies for his Marill, but told me that something had just come up that he’d like me to attend to in his place. I had to go to Mr. Pokémon’s house to collect a ‘new discovery’. Elm gave me a Totodile to take with me for safety. I’ve named him Neo.
-   Neo seems to like travelling with me. We made it to Cherrygrove safely, Neo taking down the wild Pokémon easily. He’s energetic and playful, but knows when to be serious. He’s a great Pokémon.
-   We made it to Mr. Pokémon’s house and Neo got quite a bit stronger. Mr. Pokémon gave me an egg to take back to Prof. Elm, and this guy called Oak said I had great potential (!) and gave be a Pokedex!
-   We made it back to Cherrygrove and healed up at the PC. Neo seems to be full of energy still, which is great, especially if we’re going to be travelling around a lot for Prof. Oak!
-   Just as we were about to leave Cherrygrove, some kid with red hair demanded to battle us, saying we were weaklings! Well, I didn’t exactly take that too well, and Neo ended up finishing off his Chikorita. He said something about hating weak Pokémon which made me even more angry. He also dropped his Trainer Card, which I read. It said ‘Nuzlocke’. What kinda name is that?
-   Back in New Bark, all hell had broken loose. Someone had stolen one of the Professor’s other Pokémon. Turns out it was the Nuzlocke guy. At first, the police officer thought I was the thief, but Ethan saved my skin and explained he’d seen the red-haired kid staring through the windows earlier that morning. Prof. Elm was amazed that me and Neo had bonded so quickly, which made me pretty proud. After all, Neo was the cutest thing I’d ever seen, and I’d be so upset if Prof. Elm decided I couldn’t keep him after all. Prof. Elm asked me about the Pokedex, and when I explained about Prof. Oak, he told me that I should challenge each gym and then try and beat the Pokémon League. Wow.
-   Neo and I set off again but Ethan helped us out by showing us how to catch a Pokémon and gave us some Pokeballs. Yay! We started off my catching a female Ratatta. She was sniffing around in my bag for food, and when I gave her some of my cheese sandwich she seemed pretty happy. So that’s what I called her. Cheese. Neo seems to like her, which is great.
-   We’ve decided to rest in Cherrygrove for the night. I’m planning on catching some more Pokémon tomorrow. Neo and Cheese are playing with some string I found in my bag. They make a great team, as well as great friends.

 - We woke up and headed straight to Route 46 to catch another Pokémon. On Route29, I was trying to train Cheese up, so I sent her out first, against a Pidgey. She was doing great, and the Pidgey was severly weakened, when it Tackled her and landed a critical hit. She fainted before she even knew what had happened. Like I’d seen Ethan do so many times before, I took her to the Pokemart to heal. Neo seemed worried, but I comforted him and told him Cheese would be fine. He didn’t seem so sure.
 - The Nurse in the Pokecentre told me that, for some reason, Cheese wasn’t healing like she should. She apologized and gave me Cheese’s body in a box. I wondered why, it wasn’t like she was dead, the machine probably wasn’t working. Right? I decided to head back to Prof. Elm’s lab to heal there instead. When we got there, the same thing happened. After a few minutes, Elm looked at me, shocked. He then explained what the problem was. It turns out I have this… condition. It’s called the Nuzlocke Curse. It only affects certain people, but it can be disastrous. Most Trainers just quit when they find out the have it. I was so upset about Cheese’s death, but I wasn’t going to give up when I’d only just started. I vowed that every battle I fought would be for Cheese.
 - Cheese’s box is floating away on the tide now. I placed it on the waves in Cherrygrove, the only place she ever stayed with me. I was crying. I think Neo might have been too.
 - I caught a Pokémon on Route 46. It’s a female Geodude named Roxie. She doesn’t like Neo as much as Cheese did. Neo’s kinda sad at the moment though, so that’s probably why. Oh, Cheese. I’m so sorry.
 - I caught four more Pokémon or Routes 31 and 32, in Dark Cave and in Sprout Tower. On Route 31 I caught a Weedle and named her Tina. She’s quiet, but seems to have settled in well. On Route 32, I caught Bella, the Bellsprout. She’s feisty, and likes Roxie more than Neo. Neo seems annoyed with Bella, for whatever reason. I caught a Zubat in Dark Cave, and her name is Sonya. She doesn’t really know what’s going on though… Finally, I caught Cheddar, the Ratatta, in Sprout Tower. She’s got almost the same personality as Cheese. Neo seems to love playing with her. I think he’s getting over the loss of his best friend quicker than I am. Even with all these extra Pokémon around, I can’t help but think that Cheese should be here instead of Cheddar… But maybe this is Cheese’s way of staying with us? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I have to keep pressing on. Goodnight.
Awkward :/

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 19:22 »
Seems good so far.
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Offline OpallapO

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 18:32 »
I've been focusing on my Sapphire playthrough so this update is a little later than expected.
-I began to train with my newfound friends. It was hard at first, and Neo and Roxie had to step in to help a lot. I wasn't taking any chances, and rushed back to the Pokemon Centre a lot just in case.
-After a lot of hard work, Tina evolved into a Kakuna, and then again into a Beedrill! Neo was pretty shocked at her change in size, and the fact that she can fly now, of course. He seems a little nervous around her. Roxie doesn't seem to have noticed the change, and Bella just seems to admire Tina more. They always seemed to be the best of friends. Cheddar and Sonya have acknowledged that Tina is stronger now, but don't seem to mind. It's only Neo who seems scared of her.
-We went to the Ruins of Alph. On the way there, a man gave me HM Rock Smash. Awesome. I got to the Ruins of Alph and had a look around. They were pretty interesting, and Sonya seemed to like flying around them. There was a puzzle to do in one of the chambers, and after successfully completing it, we fell into a hallway below! I was really surprised, but even more so when a man came up to me and congratulated me on completing the puzzle before handing me some kind of survey. He left in a hurry. Confused, I decided to find the way out and ran into a weird Pokemon that looked like the letter D. I caught her, and called her Dee. She was sent straight to the PC.
-I checked Dee's moves, but it turns out she only has one move: Hidden Power. I asked around and someone told me that Unown (that's what the species of Pokemon is called - weird right?) don't actually learn any other moves. How strange. I decided to leave her in the PC until I need her. Which hopefully won't be anytime soon, as that would mean I'd need to have an extra slot in my party. And we all know what that means...
-Well, for now I'm resting up in the Pokemon Centre in Violet City. I'm going to challenge Sprout Tower tomorrow, I think. Night!


Lv. 12
~Water Gun

Lv. 12
~Defense Curl
~Rock Throw
~Rock Polish

Lv. 11
~Vine Whip

Lv. 11
~Poison Sting
~String Shot
~Fury Attack

~Quick Attack
~Rock Smash

~Leech Life
Awkward :/

Offline OpallapO

  • Rob Fan
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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 13:00 »
-As soon as I woke up, I gathered everyone together for a pep talk. If we were going to take on Sprout Tower, we'd need courage, determination and a desire to win! Neo and Roxie were both very enthusiastic about it, and took over the role of team leaders. I knew that once we got into Sprout Tower Neo and Roxie would actually be the least useful because of their weakness to Grass types (they use Bellsprouts in there!). Cheddar seemed raring to go as well, but Bella, Tina and Sonya weren't overly confident.
-In Sprout Tower, we won the battles easily, with everyone getting their share of experience. At the top, I saw Nuzlocke, who had just finished his battle with Elder Li. Li told him he needed to care for his Pokemon more. He explained that they were friends, not just creatures there to work for you. Nuzlocke didn't seem to care and left, a scowl on his face.
-I battled Li, and we won, with Cheddar doing a lot of the work and Roxie stepping in for his Hoothoot. The Hoothoot tried to put Roxie to sleep but she woke up quickly, and after that it was an easy victory. Elder Li congratulated me and gave me the Flash TM. I took it, grabbed the Escape Rope and then exited in the same manner as Nuzlocke, except with a bright smile on my face.
-Filled with newfound courage, I decided to heal up, buy some potions and take on Falkner's Gym. It was really cool inside. You basically stood on the platform and then it shot upwards, where there were wooden planks leading to Falkner. We took down his two Gym Trainers easily, and then I prepared myself for Falkner.
-I started with Roxie, and took down his Pidgey with one Rock Throw. Then his Pidgeotto came out, a huge bird with an impressive wingspan and a proud smirk on it's face. Roxie wasn't fazed and began to attack it. It used Roost to replenish it's health, but could do nothing when Rock Throw landed a critical hit. The Pidgeotto collapsed on the floor and Falkner grinned. He gave me the Badge and the TM for Roost, told me to be safe on my journey and then waved me goodbye.
-My Pokemon were all encouraged by the win and so we decided to continue with our adventure without hesitation. Before we could go anywhere, the phone rang and the Professor was telling me to go pick up Mr. Pokemon's Egg from the Pokemart. I was confused but did as I was told, placing Tina in the PC and collecting the Egg. Outside the Pokemart, a strange woman came over and started muttering to herself before walking away again. Still puzzled, I went onto Route 32. There were some Trainers there, which I battled, and some fishermen, who gave me fishing tips after I beat them.
-The Pokecentre on Route 32 was a big help, and I healed before heading into Union Cave.
-In the cave, I came across a wild Ratatta, but I didn't catch it because I didn't need it. We battled the Hikers and Firebreathers there but they were no match for Neo's Water Gun and Bella's Vine Whip. We also picked up the Rock Tomb TM and some extra items too. Neo and Cheddar got poisoned by a Firebreather's Koffing, which was pretty scary as I had no Antidotes and was far from the exit. It was very nerve-racking as we headed for the exit. I checked their health every few paces to make sure they were ok, giving them Potions when they were getting low.
-At the end of the cave was Route .. I decided to skip looking in the tall grass for a Pokemon until I had healed up. Just as I was about to go into Azalea, there was some weirdo in a strange looking uniform having a go at this old man... He said he was from Team Rocket, whoever they are.
-I went straight to the Pokemon Centre to heal up, and luckily Neo and Cheddar both survived the poisoning. This incident has taught me to be a lot more prepared in the future. If I hadn't had some Potions, both Neo and Cheddar wouldn't be here with me now. I don't think I can deal with any more losses right now... it was only a few days ago that Cheese died. By the time I'd got myself sorted out, it was night time, and so we booked a room to stay in. All of my Pokemon are pretty worn out after our long day, but Neo, Bella and Cheddar are keeping the Egg warm whilst they sleep. They are wrapped around it right now. I'm going to explore Azalea a bit more tomorrow, and also check out the rest of Union Cave.

Lv. 16
~Water Gun

Lv. 16
~Rock Throw
~Rock Polish

Lv. 15
~Vine Whip
~Sleep Powder

Lv. 15
~Quick Attack
~Rock Smash

Lv. 15
~Leech Life
Awkward :/

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2013, 03:08 »
Well, I'm glad they didn't die.


Probably shouldn't have said that
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Offline OpallapO

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2013, 22:54 »
It's been a whirlwind of a few days. There's been ups and downs, but I'll just write down the main points.
-The Egg evolved into a cute little male Pokemon called Togepi. I named him Jamie. He had to be babied at first because of his low level, but now he's strong and a force to be reckoned with on the team.
-I met Kurt, and had to beat Team Rocket in Slowpoke Well. There were a few Zubats that but I didn't catch any because I have Sonya.
-I battled Nuzlocke at the edge of Azalea, and it was a difficult battle but we pulled together and won.
-I had to get some Farfetch'd back to a boy in Ilex Forest and I got HM Cut from his boss. Neat. I didn't catch a Pokemon in there though. Neo evolved in Ilex Forest, into Croconaw as well.
-I took on Bugsy's Gym. His first Pokemon was a Metapod, which was easily dispatched by Cheddar. Next was Scyther. Cheddar hit hard with Hyper Beam, and it was looking good. Until Scyther used U-turn. He hit, and then returned to Bugsy, Kakuna coming out in his place. I looked on in horror as Cheddar fell, his body limp, shock filling his eyes and he gave a small squeak. I grabbed his Pokeball and pulled his unmoving body into it, sending out Zubat. Bugsy had no mercy, sending out his Scyther again. I was determined to avenge Cheddar's death. Sonya used Wing Attack, once, twice, and Scyther was history. All that was left was the Kakuna. I sent out Jamie, who dispatched him with Extrasensory. After the battle, Bugsy handed me the Hive Badge, and apologised over and over again. I hastily left the Gym, tears blurring my vision.
-I knew where I was headed, and ran through Union Cave, dodging wild Pokemon and not bothering to stop at the Pokecentre between Union Cave and Violet City. I reached Violet in the shortest time possible, sprinting to Sprout Tower, still clutching Cheddar's Pokeball. My knuckles were white, my eyes streaming as I knelt in front of the Tower. This was where I had found Cheddar. He had become a big part of the team, and now I was losing him. I dug a hole, my fingernails becoming filled with dirt and my hands muddy. When it was deep enough, I placed Cheddar's Pokeball in it, and then began covering it over again. As I did so, I thought of all the times Cheddar had helped me. We'd come so far together. But he'd ended up like Cheese had. Dead. And it was all my fault.
-I stood up and walked to the Pokecentre, Jamie following behind. I went to the PC, and took out Tina. She hadn't met Jamie, and they spent a few minutes getting to know each other before I asked the Nurse for a room. It had been a long day.


Water Gun

Rock Throw
Rock Polish

Vine Whip
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder

Wing Attack

Sweet Kiss

Poison Sting
String Shot
Fury Attack
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 23:25 by OpallapO »
Awkward :/

Offline OpallapO

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2013, 13:11 »
-When I woke up, all my Pokemon were still asleep. They were all curled around each other, as if protecting one another. It was a scene that brought tears to my eyes as I remembered that just the night before, Cheddar had been curled up with them. About 20 minutes later, they began waking up and we went downstairs for breakfast. I left Violet hurriedly, not wanting to be reminded of buring Cheddar.
-I let Tina have some training through Union Cave and when we got to Azalea, healed up before going into Ilex Forest. She was quick to level up, and enjoyed being part of the team again. Jamie, Sonya and Bella accepted her back into the team quickly, but Neo and Roxie kept looking around for Cheddar. In Ilex Forest, we met the strange lady that approached us in Violet City. She asked for directions, and then Tina showed her the way out. I was filled with pride when she thanked the little Beedrill.
-At the end of Ilex Forest, there was a calm path where we caught a Drowzee which I named Vince. He didn't seem to like me very much, and seemed to prefer to be out in the wild. We battled the Trainers on the Route, and then went into Goldenrod. As I walked into the Pokecentre, I couldn't help but think that Cheddar should have been there to look around Goldenrod as well.
-We went to train in the National Park and Routes 35 and 36. I caught a Hoothoot in the Park but nothing on the Routes. Whilst training, Jamie, Sonya, and Bella all evolved. Jamie was really surprised that he evolved, and started flying around in happiness. He's even more proud of his power now and always wants to go out first and will fight anything that comes his way. Sonya seemed thrilled that she evolved, and even more happy that she can actually see now. She keeps flying around in circles, sniffing at everything she sees. Bella's happy that she evolved as well, and seems more confident in her abilities than ever before. Roxie seems quite put out that everyone apart from her has evolved. She seems to think that she's weaker than everyone. I need to show her that she's still a big part of the team.
-We're going to do a bit more training and then take on Whitney's Gym. Hopefully she won't be too tough!

Ice Fang
Water Gun

Rock Throw

Vine Whip
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder

Wing Attack
Confuse Ray

Sweet Kiss

Fury Attack
Awkward :/

Offline OpallapO

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Re: Nuzlocke!
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2013, 16:57 »
Ugh, it's been a horrible few days. I beat Whitney, and Morty, and met Eusine and the three legendary dogs, Roxie evolved into Graveler and Sonya evolved a second time into Crobat.

But, when battling Morty, I lost Sonya and Graveler. Then, a while later I was battling a Trainer and I lost Neo, Jamie and Bella.
Five out of six.
In one day.

I'm still suffering now. Tina is the one who is being strong for me. I've taken Vince the Drowzee, Harrison the Hoothoot, Kozo the Koffing, Paws the Meowth and Eddie the Raticate. I caught them along the way, as well as Diana the Pidgey, who now rests under the tree where I caught her. I went back to New Bark to bury my Pokemon...

It's going to be hard rebuilding the team, so don't expect an update for a few days at least.



Vince the Drowzee

Harrison the Hoothoot

Kozo the Koffing
Poison Gas

Paws the Meowth
Fury Swipes
Fake Out

Eddie the Raticate
Hyper Fang
Awkward :/