Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu]Get Out Alive (Warning: Will contain a LOT of violence)[J]  (Read 29273 times)

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Dash's heads immediately stop squabbling as the shots are fired. He nudges the sleeping head and explains everything to it. "What shall we do? Guns are out of the question. Simple we help the little ones." One of the heads laughs. "Why should..." He's quickly silenced by a peck from one of the others. "They need our help and if the only thing we can do is get a few out of a dangerous situation then that's what we'll do."

Offline SirBlaziken

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Keira wondered what she said to scare him, but she hadn't said anything. Then, she figured out it was Ryu

//Ryu, a bit overkill.//

//Sorry princess, thought he was a doomsday pokemon. I don't want to lose you.//

Keira simply nodded, still afraid. It was times like this that her parents would comfort her, calm her down. But they were dead. Keira accidentally backed into an arcanine. "S-Sorry." Keira said, still frightened.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 03:12 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Offline OpalRhea

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Noticing the figure that had spooked Keira, thinking it was a Doomsday pokemon, Reiru forced the flame on her tail to brighten, allowing better vision. "...Knuckle. Don't scare the little one. And you, jackal, get out of the shadows. If you don't, i'm gonna assume you're a d-day mon" Reiru's snout flared, as she scented the air, and watched the shadow that she could see.
((she doesn't see Ryu, just his silhouette))

Offline Hitmonchu

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"What's your name?" I ask the Vulpix, but I never hear her response because a doomsday Spinarak jumps me. I shake it off before it can bite me, and stun it with a Power-up Punch.
Me, Ryu and Zeira watch it.


Offline SirBlaziken

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((Um.... don't control my characters))

Ryu sees the d-day spider and scoffs. He jumps down from the ceiling and moves with crazed speed. He smashes into the spider with extremespeed and throws a knife, finishing it. Ryu drops down and takes his knife. "Sorry you had to see that Keira." he says, before retreating to the shadows.
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Offline Hitmonchu

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(Watching something isn't exactly controlling, what else would you do?)

"All joking aside, you guys need to eat. Keira, I know it's gross, but you need to eat something. Would you like to try a bit of Spinarak?"


Offline OpalRhea

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"...i take it that the ninja jackal is a friend of yours Keira?" When Knuckles asked Keira if she would try some Spinarak, Reiru snorted. "Spinarak is mostly crunch and little meat. That said, he is right. At this rate, deceased d-day mons are gonna be the only food source we've got access to"

Offline Hitmonchu

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"I just ate, I can't be hogging all the food. Whoever's hungry, this is the food we have." I declare.


Offline SirBlaziken

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((It is. Saying one of my characters saw something. Not to mention both. That's under godmodding. Just wanted to point that out, since you're new to the rp scene. Well, before someone just goes off even more on you. You could see it, then tell my characters to look over there. Then I could make them look that way))

"N-no thanks." says Keira, still shaken. She couldn't believe that Ryu would ruthlessly kill like that. Although it was to save her, Keira was really scared now. She huddled into to corner and tried to calm her nerves before going back to everyone.

//I know that Keira shouldn't have saw that, but she was looking that way. I had to stop that spinirak.//

Ryu felt guilty for making Keira see that scene, but she was bound to see it eventually. If he could come out and not be secretive, Ryu would come out and talk to her, but he couldn't.

//I hope that Keira will be alright. She just needs to digest it all. It's a lot to take in for someone so little.//

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Offline Moon Chaser

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Dash nudges the Spinirak with his foot. "I'll have it then." He quickly snapped it up. "That's disgusting," another head commented. "Shush, just he glad he isn't so picky. We don't have to eat, so long as he does."

He noticed the Vulpix huddled in the corner and wandered over, keeping his distance so he wouldn't scare her even more. "Hi."

Offline OpalRhea

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Reiru looked to where Keira was, then looked around, trying to see the Lucario she'd caught a glimpse of. "you know, you'll be better able to look after her if you stop hiding and actually make yourself useful to the rest of us." she said clearly, sounding grumpy that the Lucario insisted on hiding. Reiru then walked carefully to Keira, and sat to the side of her. "... I'm sorry you had to see that. Especially after what you went through with your parents. I can't make it better, and i'm sorry for that as well. But i can look after you. And i will, for as long as it takes. You deserve better than this hell." She said gently, resting her tail near Keira so that the Vulpix could be warmed by the flame.

Offline Hitmonchu

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"I wonder where the heck all the other people are, we don't have forever on our adventure," I commented. "Besides, it's getting dark. We should all get back inside and see if we can get to sleep."

I turn back in the general direction of the apartment, and tell the others to follow. I am about to open the door when I see a zombified Gloom wander towards me. The flower on its head appears to be torn off, leaving a very disturbing-looking creature behind. I decide to use my AR this time. I fire a quick round at the creature, blasting off its arms, shattering its already-weak ribcage and soaking part of the apartment in blood and bits of tissue. I snap up the remains for, after all, it's dinnertime. Not exactly tasty, but I need to eat something.

I open the door and get cozy on the red couch.


Offline SirBlaziken

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"Fine." Ryu comes down from his hiding place, "I thought I could just intervene when needed, but since someone-" Ryu glared at Knuckle, "had to find me and pretty much announce me, I'm now talking to you, wait correction, being chastised by you."

//She's worried for Keira! Just someone I need. Someone willing to stand up to me to help her. Perfect. I think Charizard will be a great ally.//

"Also, language." Ryu said, lightening up a bit. "Sorry about starting off like this. I meant to show myself later, but guess that's out the smashed window." Ryu motioned to the window. "As you can see, I have a dark side to me. Also, because I hide, i'm not a coward. My past was just....well, that's not important at the moment."

//And I'm rejected by yet another pokemon.//

"Rejected again." Ryu mutters under his breath. He notices the flower on Keira's ear is just a touch gray. Ryu gasps, and stare intently at the flower

//Keep that flame there, please.//

Keira is shaken, but Ryu comes down and tries to talk to the charizard. The charizard puts her tail near Keira to try to calm her down and keep her warm. Good thing. Keira could feel the warmth in her chest go down just a touch, and that frightened her too.

Keira is so clouded by fear, that she barely notices the charizard near her. Keira is shaking a lot and is breathing quickly. She's fighting to keep consciousness.

//I need to calm down.//

Keira starts breathing better and her shaking calms down a bit.

The flower pinned to her ear goes back to the usual snow white. Ryu breaths a sigh of relief.

Keira is about calm when she's hit by the blood from the gloom. After which, she flat out faints.

"Keira!" Ryu yells, noticing her faint. He kneels down to her, trying to avoid Charizard's tail flame.
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Offline Danatales

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Jaime watched Dana converse Sunny and smiled, pushing himself back up onto his feet. He often felt his Ninetales companion was a bit...bitter and mean towards other Pokemon for no reason, so it was good to see her lightning up towards others. Or at least, someone else. Baby steps.
The Garchomp scanned around the room, eyeing the others. He paused upon seeing a Pokemon he hadn't noticed before, a Lucario. He blinked. Had the jackal-like Pokemon always been there? Jaime watched it hovering around the Vulpix child, and smiled a little. They must be friends, maybe.
He pushed up and slowly lumbered over, feeling a desire to make himself more known to the others. However, when the sounds of Knuckle's AR literally blowing  the Gloom to pieces echoed through the area, he couldn't help but pick up his speed. The Vulpix girl, it looked like she was hit by something, knocked out even. He galloped over (galloped being a relative term; even though he could fly aas fast as a jet plane, his running speed was less than optimal) and paused a few feet away from the Lucario and Vulpix, lowering his head to dictate his lack of aggression.
"Is...Is she okay?"

Offline OpalRhea

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"...sorry. I just... There are some members of this group who... Well it's survival of the fittest, and if Keira wants to live to see a better world, she'll need help. Besides... It's better to know that she has another set of eyes watching her." Reiru smiled wryly when told to watch her language "it's not a swear. It's a description. At least in this instance."
 "Guess it's the fact that i'm a dragon, but i don't like sneakiness. It doesn't sit right with me. Sides, it's harder to protect someone if you don't have someone to watch your own back. I've been there. ...and don't worry about your dark side. Everyone here's got a past.  Long as it doesn't hurt Keira, or anyone else under my care, i really don't mind."
Noticing Ryu looking at the flower, Reiru looked curious. "what's with that flower anyway? I noticed it when Innis, the Azumaril, brought her to me. It was almost black then. After a while with her in the embers, it lightened. Is it some kind of health indicator?"

When Keira was splattered with the blood, Reiru scowled. "stupid d-day mons. Back up. It's probably a combonation of the shock, the weight and wetness of the blood, and the fact that it's been a rather long day. Once we clean her off, i can warm her up again."