Author Topic: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]  (Read 12839 times)

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2014, 02:24 »
^All you need to know is what's in the first post.

Okay so i've got a trio in mind. Female hero, male neutral, and a female antagonist. Which two should i use, or should i write all three?

I'd do male hero, and female villain. But if not, the second 2.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2014, 04:33 »


Name: Stella
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Human
Hometown: Teirm
Speciality Magic/Knowledge: Stella's particularly good at water-manipulating magics, as well as sensing the emotions of people in close proximity to her
Background: Growing up with her family in Teirm, Stella was never really that good a kid. More mischievous than anything, her youth was marred by an incident in which her younger brother drowned under her care, and it's unknown to everyone but her whether or not it was even an accident. Trezarex chose her not long after the incident, and while in Dragon Rider School she strove to show off and prove herself as a top student, and was a bit of a bully.
Personality: Stella likes to claim becoming a Foresworn was an inevitable conclusion for her, as she was always not the nicest of girls. She's sharp as a whip and very manipulative, becoming frustrated if things don't go her way. Tends to be quite selfish, and enjoys pointing out people's flaws to laugh at them. In battle she becomes calculating and meticulous in her plans, but often overthinks her plans and gets stuck trying to fix minor issues. Is super detail-oriented, misses the big picture sometimes, seeing the trees, but not the forest. She's a bully and she knows it, and quite frankly doesn't care. Completely uninterested in romance, but quite cunning at using her...feminine wiles to get her way.
Appearance and clothing: Around 5'9'' in height and rather curvy, Stella has pale brown skin and narrow, almond-shaped eyes of deep brown. Her hair is also a silky brown, cascading down her shoulders and sweeping over her left eye. In battle she wears a well-fitting black and deep-gray armor with teal blue accents. Her out of battle casual wear consists usually of red and grey-purple cotton blouses covered by a long gray wool overcoat, along with a flowing brown skirt that stops just below her knees, and black boots.
Sword: A lovely teal-hilted weapon named Pervasto, with a long curved blade like an overgrown cutlass. Also carries a small dagger inside her overcoat.

Your Dragon:

Name: Trezarex (Tres-arr-ex)
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Colour: A lovely teal shade
Trezarex is a rather lanky, delicate looking dragon, with an extraordinarily long neck. With black accenting her teal shade, particularly in her inner wings and in her long horns and long sharp spines along the sides of her head, she like to think she looks quite stunning. Her tail ends in an arrowhead point, and she also has bright teal accents in places, such as along her eye ridges and neck.
Personality: Vain and almost as catty as her owner, Treza is easily aggravated and rubbed the wrong way. An inquisitive beast, she enjoys learning new things and exploring nooks and crannies she can shove her snout into. She's sometimes a rather teasing dragon, snarking coy comments to Stella and making the girl laugh. The two play off each other wonderfully, and if anyone so much as says anything bad to Stella, the dragon is infuriated. She also loves mental puzzles, and when she figures things out she always feels good for the rest of the day.
Strength: Has quick reflexes and is a highly adapt swimmer ((can dragons swim in this universe?? is that a thing that can happen??? if not I can totally change this just lemme know 8U))
Starter Post:

"Honestly, I think the flames really...lighten this place up, no?" Stella murmured as she hung on tight to Trezarex's back, the massive teal dragon breathing streams of fire down upon Doru Areaba, beating her oceanic wings and spinning about in the air.
That was awful and I'm appalled at you, Trezarex huffed in Stella's mind, curling her scaly jaws in an almost smile as she blasted fire upon a nearby tree.
Stella laughed and hung on, "Then why are you smiling?" A rumble from the dragon made the girl smile even more. She turned her head, spying the direction she was fairly certain the Dragon Rider School graduation party, "...Now when do you think someone's going to come and try to stop us?"
I'm guessing a few minutes. Not that it matters. The dragon spun and inhaled, We'll rip them apart. She whipped her head, spewing more flames
Stella grinned slightly, combing her hair with her fingers, "Right you are, Treza." She grabbed a hold of her dragon's scales again, "And what a sight that'll be."
Trezarex roared and continued to spit fire.

((lemme know if anything needs fixing! vuv I'm not the most informed of this story's universe, but I can give it a whirl yes))
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 23:08 by Danatales »


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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2014, 09:31 »
Noo! Your form is fine! (Yes Dragons can swim)

I really like the idea of a neutral character, Rhea. But this is up to you, make all three if you really fancy it!

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2014, 12:56 »
Name: Valencia
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Elf
Hometown: Ellesmera
Speciality Magic/Knowledge: Skilled (for an apprentice) smith, good at protective magics. Skilled at picking apart spells, and dispelling opponents shields/summons etc. Moderately skilled at sword work. Good with all animals, but especially with dragons.
Background :
Appearance and clothing:
Sword (All Dragon Riders have a sword made by a skilful elf blacksmith, your sword has a name and will become more powerful and sharp when said. Your sword will have the same colour hilt as your Dragon. Other than your sword you can have one other weapon, or a shield.):

Your Dragon:
Name: Aerin
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Colour: ((little bit of description for this dragon since... It's complicated))
 Aerin is a bit of a mixed bag. Her top scales are small, and overlap a lot, while also tilting slightly backwards ((basically like this, except on her back instead of on gloves)). These upper scales are black, shot through with red.
 Her underside is scaled with larger more rectangular scales ((like what you usually see with the fingers on plate mail gauntlets)), that also overlap. These are white, lined with gold.
 Her wings are black with red membrane on the top side, and white with gold membrane on the bottom.
 Her tail is also spiked, making it in effect a mace.

 Summary- Primarily black and white with red and gold highlights.
Starter Post:

Name: Xenos
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Hometown: For all intents and purposes, Teirm
Speciality Magic/Knowledge (Are you good at history? Are you a fantastic healer? – There are not many limits to what your character can be good at. This is just a guideline of what your character is exceptionally good at. 5 max.):
Background (Optional – does not have to be tragic):
Appearance and clothing:
Sword (All Dragon Riders have a sword made by a skilful elf blacksmith, your sword has a name and will become more powerful and sharp when said. Your sword will have the same colour hilt as your Dragon. Other than your sword you can have one other weapon, or a shield.):

Your Dragon:
Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Colour: Silver
Starter Post:

Name: Althaea
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Elf
Hometown: Ellesmera
Speciality Magic/Knowledge: A skilled healer, summoner and elementalist (using element based magic in combat), she has higher magic reserves than normal. However, she pays for this with lack of physical strength. She also is skilled at alchemy, using it to create particular poisons.
Background (Optional – does not have to be tragic):
Appearance and clothing:
Sword (All Dragon Riders have a sword made by a skilful elf blacksmith, your sword has a name and will become more powerful and sharp when said. Your sword will have the same colour hilt as your Dragon. Other than your sword you can have one other weapon, or a shield.):

Your Dragon:
Name: Aharown
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Colour: White with a blue underside (sky blue. when flying during the day, he is indistinguishable from the clear sky ((think like a Deltora dragon. Forta if you must compare to one of them)) )
Starter Post:

Will finish later

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2014, 14:36 »
Since it's been years since I've actively read any the Inheritance books, I've been doing a lot of brushing up and wiki-scouring to get all my details right!
Here's hoping it all sticks in my head and I don't forget anything important~

Name: Karinda
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Human
Hometown: Belatona
Speciality Magic/Knowledge: Coming from a long family line of famed Blacksmith's, Karinda was learning about the forge and how to properly shape steel from an age where she could walk and properly use her hands. She is proud of her smithing heritage and tried to keep up the craft even after being chosen by a dragon hatchling, and though her work's aren't quite as fantastic as the legendary Belatonan smiths, her creations are nothing to scoff at. Usually forgoing decoration for function, Karinda is skilled with creating and evaluating various pieces that may come from a forge, though her specialty and interest lies in weapons. She has a fondness and knack for being able to tell a great deal of the history and make of particular weapons, be they swords, axes or maces.
She also boasts being able to wield a number of weapons skillfully if they have been made to her specifications due to her understanding of them.
Along with her smithing, Karinda is a relatively smart girl with the ability to pick up and learn new skills at a relatively rapid rate, provided she puts her mind to it. This has made her rather good at spellcraft, in particular learning about magic in itself and the ancient language and how to put it best to use for practical situations.
She is very poor at warding magic and mostly excels at magic that changes or otherwise renders a physical presence in the world around her (i.e bringing forth a ball of light to guide her rather than making her vision better in the dark)
Background: The eldest daughter of a smithing family, Karinda lived a relatively hardworking but honest lifestyle in the walls of Belatona in her family home which her great-great-grandparents had apparently settled many years prior. Karinda was taught in the honest ways of making a living from what you craft, though often found herself bored with her lot in life despite her apparent skill in the family work. She would often shirk training sessions or lessons to instead wander the shores of the Leona Lake, playing by the waters edge and dreaming of adventures and knowledge further from shaping steel.
Ironically, her dreams would become all too real when a routine visit of travelers on behalf of the Dragon Riders ended not with the usual fleeting touch and farewell, but instead a tiny hatchling and lifelong bond. Shortly after the event, Karinda was shipped off to the Dragon Riders to begin her training.
Personality: Karinda was always the kind of girl that after being taught a lesson, would then repeatedly as 'Why', not out of an act to be annoying, but always wanting to gain a further understanding. As she has aged, this need for total awareness of a subject has not left her and while it has made her an excellent learner, learning all that she can, it has also made her something of a problem student.
She simply cannot leave subjects be until she is satisfied with the knowledge she has gained, finding herself constantly wanting the whole story, being privy to all the secrets and whatever information they may be hiding just waiting to be discovered. This attitude led to her discovering her latent magic as a rider earlier than the rest of her fellow students and thus being removed to be instead privately tutored, lest she let the secret spill before the class' allocated time to be taught magic.
This attitude can also be problematic for other reasons however, as at times she simply isn't satisfied with the limited knowledge the Dragon Riders have imparted, knowing in her bones that there is much more to be learned and secrets to be uncovered that they're simply just not sharing. While not resentful, it has certainly affected her trust in the Riders, but non-the-less she remains loyal to their cause, though the risk of her loyalties being easily swayed has not been lost on the elders...
When not pressing for information, Karinda is a rather agreeable soul with a steady, down-to-earth personality who finds it easy to get along with and forgive others. She enjoys a good friendly tussel, a drink now and then and sharing stories of battle and greatness around a campfire. Often viewed a little on the wild-side for a woman, Hrolmir's influence holds back her more exuberant traits and keeps her intrigue from getting too out of hand.
Appearance and clothing: Somewhat on the tall side for a woman of her age, at five feet eight, Karinda is build with a steady body type that while nowhere near heavy, isn't short of the muscles required for the heavy art of smithing and swordplay.
She is somewhat on the paler side, with friendly blue-grey eyes and thick, dark black hair that she has cropped short to around her ears in a distinctly masculine style that frames her heart shaped face. She can usually be seen in at least some form of armor, even in her casual wear which consists of comfy pale leather breeches, leather calf boots, a sea green undershirt covered with a dark hard leather chest-piece, covered by a darker green shawl over her shoulders and falling down her back slightly.
When in battle, she dons a near full set of armor, complete with gauntlets and greaves, though often wears leather bottoms in order to keep mobility. She also wears a partial breast-plate rather than full, in order to have movement in her arms and instead uses long gauntlets to protect her limbs.
Sword: A long, sleek sword in a silvery grey color. The blade is long and intended for slashing, piercing attacks with its pointed tip, though its length can also be used for blocking and disarming. The hilt features a twisting pattern, is relatively short and is intended to be wielded in one hand, though has just enough extra length for a more stable two-handed stance grip if the situation calls for it. The guard is a darker silver in color and highly decorative, curving in two distinctive arches either side of the hilt and emblazoned with twirling metal filigree pattern.
The pomel is short and flat, topped with a round hematite gem. The flat of the blade itself is emblazoned with words of the ancient language, reading "I am Tizona, the graceful fang."
Karinda all in all finds Tizona a little too fancy for her own tastes, but she cannot deny that it is unmatched as a weapon bar any of the other Rider's swords and the skill of its craftsmanship.
She has also been known to deploy a shield of her own crafting when needed, though often prefers to leave a hand free for any magic she may need to cast.

Your Dragon:
Name: Hrolmir, a name he picked from Karinda's distant ancestry. The original Hrolmir was considered the best smith in all South Alegesia in his time and went to war wielding a giant war-axe. His name is still mentioned in passing in various stories to this day, though many have forgotten his feats in favour of far grander men.
Gender: Male
Age: 8
Colour: Steely Grey
Because of dragon scales natural shine, he can usually look a very dark silver. On clear days and when his scales are in pristine condition, he can almost look reflective depending on certain lighting.
Personality: Equally as scholarly as Karinda, Hrolmir offers to their duo a gentlemanly disposition and air of sophistication. At first, Karinda wasn't entirely sure why he had chosen her, but as time went on the two became inseparable both in terms of kinship for one-another and having an equal to banter knowledge and history back and forth. Hrolmir is just as hungry for knowledge as his rider, though is not nearly as feisty in gaining enlightenment. He understands better that there is a time and place for all information to be shared and that often, the most sacred of knowledge has to be learned by ones own merits.
He is a kind soul and dislikes leaving any one person without aid, though as a dragon he isn't without his own fierce side. Hrolmir hates those who subjugate others, though not for typical reasons of preying upon the weak, but rather feeling that power has to be earned by ones own shows of strength rather than cunning or bullying.
Despite his more reserved attitude, he can and will side with Karinda if she has reached a final decision on something, making him also something of a worry to the elders in terms of this dragon-rider duo's loyalties..
Strength: Flying silently and swiftly. What Hrolmir lacks in sheer brute strength, he makes up for with stamina and stability. He has been considered somewhat of a vain dragon in the past for the routine upkeep of his scales he likes to keep, but often it is a case of battle strategy than vanity; His silvery hide, when at its best, allows him to almost reflect off light, an incredibly useful feat that can leave him near impossible to spot when airborne high enough. While he does not have attacking strength, his scales are exceptionally hard and he has steeled himself for long journeys and hard battles; what he lacks in delivering in damage, he can almost certainly take without batting an eye, making him exceptionally hardy in battle and while exerting himself.

Other: Currently loyal to the dragon riders, but the duo's unpredictable natures and Karinda's relentless pursuit of knowledge she feels she is entitled to may leave them vulnerable to corruption or persuasion otherwise..

Starter Post:

((See later in topic, starter post plus form went over max character limit))
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 21:33 by Queeny|NM »

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2014, 16:49 »
I just noticed that i'm the only guy user joined in this rp. xD
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2014, 19:20 »
Not if macintosh does his form


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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2014, 01:33 »
All characters whose forms are complete have been accepted.

EDIT: I was too excited about this to not make a second character. Here she is.
Name: Osette (Goes by Oz.)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Human
Hometown: Aroughs
Speciality Magic/Knowledge: Oz is creative with her spell work and has much magical stamina, meaning that she does not tire as fast as other magic users. Her creative spell work sometimes gets her out of problems as she is able to manipulate the language of magic so that it does what she wants it to. She likes illusion spells.
Background: Oz came from a rich merchant family in Aroughs, when she was younger she was treated like a princess simply because her family could afford it. None of them were charitable and got very upset when things didn’t go their way. Oz didn’t want to join the Dragon Riders but she had no choice because her Dragon made it so, at first the pair did not like each other because Oz refused to co-operate, not liking the way that her Dragon had to throw her into a situation she did not want but loneliness forced Oz to befriend him, the two work well together as their minds work in different ways allowing them to see both sides of an argument or a predicament. She was bullied in Dragon Rider School because she often was sent into boiling rages that other students found funny. She is an introvert and despises the cruelty of all races. Oz will take any opportunity that benefits her as long as she doesn’t lose anything. Loyal to the Forsworn.
Personality: It is known that Oz is very hot-headed but other than that not much is known about her personality by others apart from that she is a Pyromaniac because she is so introverted. She is selfish, greedy and Sociopathic in that she only feels her own pain. She has no friends other than her Dragon, everyone else is her enemy. She is an introvert and despises the cruelty of all races. Oz will take any opportunity that benefits her as long as she doesn’t lose anything. Oz is a lateral thinker.
Appearance and clothing:  Oz is short and slender, she is in good shape because she had so much spare time to train at Dragon Rider School (due to not having friends.) She has elbow length red hair that is almost always pulled up into a tight bun, it is not cut in any particular way because it doesn’t need to be. Her face is angular, she has a thin mouth and a pointy, slightly upturning nose. Her eyes are deep blue. When in battle she wears dark silver armour that covers her whole body but not her head. When not in battle she wears brown leather riding trousers, silk, beige tunic tops, elbow length brown leather gloves and brown leather ankle boots 
Sword: Oz’s sword is named Terpis and has a long, bowed blade made for wide slashing rather than precise movements. It’s blade is wide and can be used to block most blows. Olive hilt with a pane of diamond down the centre of the blade. Oz also carries a pair of throwing knives.
Your Dragon:
Name: Fyrn (Feern)
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Colour: Olive
Personality: Fyrn was the runt of his sire, all the other eggs from his parents were bigger and grew fast and strong. Fyrn is small by comparison to his brothers and sisters. He is grumpy and untrusting. He likes Osette because they are a like-minded pair, introverted, proud and people-hating. He has a very black/sarcastic sense of humour and is also a Pyromaniac. Fyrn, however, can take an insult better than Oz.
Strength: Breathing fire and being defensive.
Starter Post: Fyrn flew deftly through the air over Doru Areaba, gliding on his leathery wings. This is fantastic! Osette shouted in his mind. Fyrn grew hot underneath her legs and breathed an impressive billow of fire over the tops of the buildings and setting the sky alight with an acute orange glow. Keep going, I want to see it all glow that beautiful colour. She urged. Fyrn obeyed and swooped low over the Dragon Rider School and tainted it’s walls with orange. How’s that?  He asked.
Perfect. She replied. At that Fyrn shot up into the air and barrel rolled. Oz screeched with delight. Up in the air with Fyrn was Oz’s favourite place to be because it was a place of complete solitude for the two of them, a time that they treasured. Fyrn circled the city for a while, letting Oz see Doru Areaba how she wanted and then spiralled down and gracefully landed at the edge of the city. Where next, friend? Fyrn asked.
Oz considered for a second, and then replied I guess we’ll have to ask someone. She slided down Fyrn’s leg and took off down the street. The ample Dragon following her, loyally.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 19:11 by Chloe_ »

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2014, 21:33 »
Name: Grigori
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Hometown (from map): Beor Mountains
Speciality Magic/Knowledge:
Grigori isn't skilled in magic, though he has learned a self-healing spell very well by necessity (this isn't a strength per-say, just an explanation of his magic abilities). His lack of skill in magic is made up in his Exceptional Combat. He is a great sword fighter, but his preferred method of combat is getting very close to the opponent, close enough that a sword would be difficult to use, and striking both empty handed and with an assortment of knives. When in such a close range, he attacks with a series of grapples, parries, and strikes that make armor ineffective (can't protect yourself from being thrown to the floor, right?).
When he needs to close the distance or avoid an attack, he does so by dashing with Inhuman Speed, almost as if he were teleporting a short distance. He'll usually follow up a dodge with a counterattack: a thrown knife or a grapple.
He has a Compelling Voice; his voice pierces the will those hearing and persuades them to his cause. It isn't mind control or hypnotism: he speaks to their hearts with such a convincing manner that people will follow by their own will. This doesn't have much of an affect on those strongly opposed to him or the idea he is trying to get across (i.e. he couldn't convince a father to slay his son, can't persuade a loyal queen to betray the crown), but it does drain some mental stamina from those who resist. His voice changes noticeably, becoming sharper with a slight echo. ((When using this power, I'll write the words in teletype.))

Background: Grigori was trained from a young age to be skilled in both combat and command. He was raised in a "military-esque" family and worked hard to learn the skills he has now. He read and studied the ravages of war, and how those in power would so quickly change allegiances to maintain power amongst themselves. Soldiers would go to battle and return wounded and denied assistance. He joined the Dragon Riders at the appropriate age and impressed some with his ability to command and coordinate, but he never liked the idea of being a "meat wall" to defend the city. He became disheartened, seeing himself as only a pawn to be used by whoever was in power against whoever the power hated. He was a weapon to be cast aside when it lost its sharpness. Who would he draw his blade against next? He remains loyal to the Dragon Riders, if only to convince the higher ups that the Dragon Riders aren't tools to be used to further their own goals.

Personality: Raised in a "military" family, Grigori is polite and respectful. He has a strong sense of purpose, but he doesn't yet know what it is. He prefers a structure to his life: wake up, prepare for training, train, do his job, eat, sleep. Though he may question his loyalty to the Dragon Riders, he remains out of a love for his fellows: he wants to rise in rank because he feels he knows what is best for those he has bled, sweat, and cried with. Grigori is a kind person with a short temper, but doesn't show his anger until pushed too far. He has no qualms against taking prisoners in combat and interrogating them for information. Should interrogation not work and getting information is vital, he isn't above a little torture. He can be manipulative, especially when using his Compelling Voice to lull enemies into a state of self-doubt. He's a persistent one too, willing to push himself beyond reasonable limits to achieve his goal.

Appearance and clothing: Grigori stands at a bit over six feet tall, has broad shoulders and arms that seem slightly too long for his body. He isn't very muscular, but his preferred method of combat prioritizes speed over force. He has dark hair and tan skin from hours spent training and working outdoors. One immediately noticeable feature is that he wears a strip of cloth over one eye: an injury he suffered when ambushed and left for dead. His arms and chest have small scars on them, from being nicked by swords, scratched by sharp edges, and other minor injuries. His one good eye is steel colored, like an old man's eye. When not in combat, he dresses semi-formally: a dark brown vest over a clean white linen shirt and brown pants. He also wear a light cloak that helps conceal his belt so as to hide the knives he carries with him. His hilt is at his side and visible. Beneath the vest he wears smaller chain mail to defend against attacks when not in armor. His armor is lighter to allow for greater mobility. It is made of studded leather atop chain mail, which doesn't provide the defense of stronger material but protects well enough from sword swings. As with most leather, it is brown and covers his chest, stomach, legs, and everywhere else that is soft and squishy.

Sword: Peacemaker
A short sword that mimics one seen in a foreign land. It is designed like a fishing hook: a study blade with a curved top that allows for disarming a foe by pulling weapons and shields out of their hand. The hilt is a sturdy leather that prevents slipping, and an inward curving guard that allows for blocking and slashing. The bottom end of the blade is a sharp point, akin to having a dagger attached to the bottom of a sword. The name comes from the intended purpose: disarm and disorient. Grigori uses it mostly to remove weapons and trip foes, rather than slash and plunge. The blade is made in such a way that, had he another, he could link the two hooked tips to slash at foes twice the blade's length away.

In addition, Grigori carries a few sharpened throwing knives which he can throw with alarming accuracy. They often come in handy when drawing a sword would take too long. The knives aren't too special: a simple handle and a sharp point. Unlike a normal knife, these are sharp on both edges and taper near the end.

Name: Xel'lotath - chosen under the belief that it was a goddess of gems in a distant land. As luck would have it, the name is really that of a goddess of sanity and insanity.
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Colour: Emerald green with black accents atop. Her underside is a pale green color. She has a slender snout with frills jutting out behind her ears and a downward "beak" at the tip of her nose (which she enjoys having stroked). The outer edges of her wings have thorny appendages that fade to brown. The scales on her head have a staggered-like form that gives it a crown-like appearance; think a duck's foot atop a larger foot with an extra toe, atop an even larger foot with two extra toes (honestly, best way I can describe it). Her tail is tipped with barbs that secrete a numbing poison which Grigori has gained some resistance to from frequent interaction with.

Personality: More of a thinker and planner than a fighter: Xel'lotath will speak a thought only to whisper to herself another thought (for example: "We should flank them to reroute their escape." "Then we can slay more…") She isn't evil by any means though she certainly looks vicious. This viciousness is hindered by her love of adorning herself with shiny objects and cleaning herself (or more often asking others, i.e. Grigori, to clean her) so her scales "sparkle in the Sun!". She'll take great pride in her appearance and doesn't much like it when called any form of ugly. Grigori affectionately calls her "my little emerald", despite the fact that she is much larger than he is.

Strength: Xel'lotath can maneuver very well in tight spaces thanks to her more slender physique. She isn't a pushover in battle either, though her method of combat involves "hit and run" tactics and her sickness-inducing poison. She can't take as much of a beating as some other dragons, but she can hold her own well enough. Odd for a dragon, she has a lovely singing voice if you can consider the sound she makes singing. It's a mix between an organ and a whistle.

Starter Post:
"Well, no. I can use a sword, I just like knives." Grigori explained to another Dragon Rider. "…That came out wrong." he continued with a look of realization.
"So how accurate are you?" she asked with a slight laughter. "That sign right there, the paper one on the the tree, can you hit it?", she asked, pointing out a tree a short distance away.
Grigori looked around, making sure no one was in the path. He took a knife from his coat and held it in his left hand for a moment, feeling its weight and shape before aligning himself with the target. "The trick to throwing knives is not aiming at the target: you aim at where they'll be. Like shooting a crossbow, but you take longer." He explained, raising the knife above his shoulder and turned his wrist back at a ready-to-throw position. "Thankfully, trees aren't very fast." he said with a chuckle.
He breathed in slowly, then in the blink of an eye dropped the knife in his left hand and threw another from his right in a similar way one would draw a sword. The knife struck the tree, hitting the paper's lower half. The female Dragon Rider jumped back from surprise of the sudden movement.
"Yeah, I'm surprised too."

"EVERYONE LISTEN!" came a shout. Grigori turned around. Another Dragon Rider. The bonfire illuminated him against the backdrop of woods.

"What the–!". Another group, setting fire to HQ? But order needed to be brought to this chaos.
"Xel'lotath!" Grigori shouted. His emerald dragon flew down towards him. He climbed up onto her back, as others were doing with their own dragons.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 23:10 by The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA »

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2014, 21:38 »
Looks like my character is already making a pretty good affect. I like your form, above user.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2014, 21:55 »
Accepted, Macintosh.

ohhhh man I'm so excited for this. I'd been planning to make this RP for ages. I'm so glad I did.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2014, 22:01 »
From the finished forms, there seems to be 1 true bad guy, a true good guy, and the rest are neutralish.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2014, 22:02 »
who are the true bads/goods?

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2014, 22:04 »
Yours is the true good, mine is the true bad.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2014, 22:14 »
hmm, I don't know, I'd say that Osette was also aptly slimy and horrible, she could be a truly bad as well. I think Stella's up there too.

Well I think we'll start roughly 12 hours after all forms are complete.