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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1005 on: May 10, 2016, 20:50 »
^I'm thinking Litten, but Rowlet's a bundle of adorableness as well so I don't know.

Just got a phone call about a possible job, so fingers crossed for that.

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1006 on: May 11, 2016, 02:49 »
Just got the craziest BGO win i've ever seen

So this one new player was reaming all of us, and I was the closest by 20. My wormhole spell failed and I got an autores. I roll and throw snowballs at this person, then use hellfire which kills them but spares me because of autores. Then I buff my next roll and eat a bunch of food and steal the win.
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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1007 on: May 11, 2016, 08:59 »
I'm great at animating pokemon moves. I've animated mist ball, iron tail, flamethrower, fly dragon pulse and scary face.

EDIT: I just caught a Groudon!  :D

2ND EDIT: I FINALLY found Raikou!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 18:45 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1008 on: May 11, 2016, 19:58 »
I guess nudes can be a "I would" but without explicitly saying it but it'll probably vary from people to people. Like the first time I received them I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and I felt dirty and disturbed (ooo wah-ah-ah-ah-ow) for the entire week since my phone is for Octopus Evolution (and those kinda games) rather than naughty bits.

same, notwithstanding the constant Survelliance Feelings like having Nudes is a strategic disadvantage p much unilaterally in every way "hello yes please have blackmail pictures of me" and id never dream of sending them to anyone

you get those dudes who just mail their weird gross dicks to everyone and its like ??????????

like same, except my phone is bad at games cos its 5 years old so its mostly for keeping my bathing cat happy and blasting awful music in my ears when im outside and pretending not to be and thats it.

Monohydrate is the one I've got! It's meant to be really effective and it can get pretty cheap too, haven't tried the tablet ones though since tablets are scarier than powders for some reason. It's like a modifier to the gains you're already making so instead of like 1.3x gains from the protein it'll be like 1.7x gains and then they slowly stack up or something. The numbers are out of nowhere tho.

it musta counted for something cos i had a rly bad workout last time (still ached like a normal one the next day tho, it was leg day. RIP me.) but i usually have to take a good 5-7 days + painkillers up till day 3 (co-codamol) to come back out of it and not Endanger myself.

but its about day 3 of Recovery and i already feel like i could go again? neato. also just felt more With It while i was recovering so whoops might not been eatin Right in recovery period. i tend to still use a workout as an excuse for More Carbs and forgot about protein whoops. like. the literal building block of repairing all those microtears. aaaaaaaaaaaaa (dats me yellin)

They don't have souls and they have the determination of a Jehovah's Witness so they will be pressing themselves against your window shouting "DO YOU WANT TO SEE THESE GOOD DEALS?" or they'll break into your house in the middle of the night, sit down at the side of your bed, wake you up, open their catalogue, and start reading random product descriptions.

i spoke too soon

despite the Ms title it is....//turns to tumblr//........reccommending me Alpha Men. more like MyPatriachy, am i right folks? //beth drowns in tumblr notes and standing ovations,//

Would not recommend pre-workouts unless you're absolutely sure that none of the ingredients meddle with your current medication though because that would be really scary and it could be dangerous.

yeh the only preworkout thing i'd ever have going is caffeine and my only pre-workout actual thing is a snickers bar so i dont energy crash in advance.

As of today, I have officially seen every single Torchwood episode ever made.

its an injustice that dr who got countless seasons under moffat (so glad to hear he's leaving in 2017) yet torchwood only got 5, the last of them on a network no-one ever heard of. we need more torchwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^Bayleaf used Stun Spore!
Bayleaf used Poison Powder!
Bayleaf used Sleep Powder!

Then hit it with fighting moves.

wh....................agggggggggggghhhh man i do these games all wrong. i just go for all out offensive and never any status moves, whoops. managed to paralyze the miltank but it attacked every turn anyway

That was AGES ago, so I can't remember in detail, but Miltank was a pain in the ass! Kept using milk drink!

same except Stomp and you can bet i wished i had an Inner Focus pokemon right about then and the six or seven more times it happened

Just let me get my bio-engineering degree or some nonsense and this will be me.

i KNEW it. you're a supernerd and will get it done in no time so im countin on you to make my ditto and porygon real please (well, would have. i wish my parents didn't make me give all my cards away to the charity shop....)

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1009 on: May 12, 2016, 02:22 »
Established a 154 average tonight. I picked up 4 pins from the end of HS season.
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Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1010 on: May 12, 2016, 02:33 »
you get those dudes who just mail their weird gross dicks to everyone and its like ??????????

 Have you ever noticed that it's mostly guys who take those cool pictures of action figures? They're used to shooting in macro if you get what I mean heuehuehue

it musta counted for something cos i had a rly bad workout last time (still ached like a normal one the next day tho, it was leg day. RIP me.) but i usually have to take a good 5-7 days + painkillers up till day 3 (co-codamol) to come back out of it and not Endanger myself.

but its about day 3 of Recovery and i already feel like i could go again? neato. also just felt more With It while i was recovering so whoops might not been eatin Right in recovery period. i tend to still use a workout as an excuse for More Carbs and forgot about protein whoops. like. the literal building block of repairing all those microtears. aaaaaaaaaaaaa (dats me yellin)

 Would definitely contact a doctor if you have joint pain whilst lifting in case you knacker everything up for real and then it's just painful to do anything. If your body is getting used to it you could go into a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday gym week? Would still check with a doctor though. I'm trying to wait until after my exams to get my knee checked now lol.


 Totally managed to bench 70kg today and managed to get a new shaker since my normal one makes water taste like washing-up liquid and gives protein shakes a zesty hint of lemon and citrus to any protein shakes. Totally my fault for leaving it full of soapy water for a few months when I had a break.

 Should finish P1 of biological psychology studies tomorrow and start P2 so then I could potentially finish on Friday then have Saturday and Sunday but I've underestimated the workload so far so who knows. It's so heavy on DNA and COMT polymorphisms (that's probably wrong tbh) atm.

 Trying to write a shopping list for tomorrow since it's time to kick this diet into gear. Looking forward to starting, hoping to lose two stone in four months but I'm going to have to see what happens as I go.

Offline Kpyna

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1011 on: May 14, 2016, 00:10 »
after almost 30 hours of travel due to multiple flight mishaps, i'm finally back home. my friends and i were laughing / crying because we were saying while we were about to board our plane before it got rerouted that we "wish(ed) we had one more night in europe" and it ended up coming true in one of the worst ways possible. on the bright side we did get put up in a four star hotel for the night in paris so like... could have been worse.

anyways getting home was awesome because i got chipotle right away to just eat my stress away, then my dad felt bad because we had a communication mishap where i was waiting for him for an hour at the airport so he paid to have my phone totally fixed ($210 so that's a super yay because absolutely no way i'd be affording that for weeks) and i got to drive my car, got my favorite brand of coffee, and i'm probably gonna work at my old coffee shop job until i can find a sales job, there's a car salesman job i'm looking at where i can make $600 a week easy and my friend says i could get it pretty easily so i'm looking into that.

then most importantly my animals were SO happy when i came home i just broke down and cried. my dog walked over really skeptically, and sniffed me like she wasn't positive if it was actually me or not, but after she smelled me for a few seconds she freaked out and i've never seen her so excited before. and then i walked into the living room and my cat just started staring right at me and i was expecting him to be ambivalent about me coming home but he was so happy he just started purring right away and wouldn't stop trying to snuggle me and rolling all over me. so many tears. he's been really excited too and keeps running around and playing with his toys and my mom said he hasn't been that energetic so idk i'm excited my cat was excited to see me because i love him more than anything

OH and then my parents told me we're getting a puppy!!! apparently luna has just been super depressed since my other dog died and she's getting worse and worse, it was about 6 months ago and she's still not over it, so we're just getting another dog to make her happy again hopefully.

Spoiler: show
i know introducing a dog doesn't seem like it would help, but Luna is a super submissive and low confidence dog and since Sunny died she's stopped playing at the dog park and doesn't like to go for walks or even go outside. she's been doing nothing but sleeping for 6 months. she's just really anxious and i think she needs a dog that can either teach her some sort of ~confidence~ just through interacting with a puppy, or the dog we're looking at is a lab x rottweiler so she should be real headstrong and confident and just be a rock for Luna because my parents have tried EVERYTHING to make her happy but she literally mopes all day long.

all in all an awesome day. walking into my yard and smelling nothing but flowers, trees, and grass was SUPER refreshing considering the city never smells nice.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 00:20 by Kpyna »

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1012 on: May 14, 2016, 09:51 »
I've been home since Monday its been so nice!
Had a busy week though, moved and packed all my stuff on Monday and was working Tuesday and Wednesday so I didn't really have a proper bed day until Thursday. I'm working in the deli at hone which is a bit crap so far tbh but I'm getting a few more hours so hopefully I'll get lots of pennies.
I also managed to pass my driving theory test too!! Just sort of did it again as mine had expired and uni was done so lmao. I've been told that I should go for automatic but gears weren't ever a problem for me??? I get that it's one less thing to worry about but then if I ever want to drive manual then I'd have to do another test. Plus the fact there's like 2 maybe 3 auto instructors here? All my fails were to do with things unrelated to gears anyway. I think I just need a new instructor and to just go for it.
Only thing now is to get word back on this flat ugh I wish she would let us know either way and then I can Finally Relax.

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1013 on: May 14, 2016, 19:26 »
 I've almost finished revising the first half of the powerpoints for Monday's exams but I can briefly read over the new stuff tomorrow and catch some Zs for the morning! Also got a lift sorted so I don't have to get up at 6am and rush through all the buses.

 Also set up a Twitter. Blasting through my last four minutes before I have to do my last sprint to get P1 done.

 Edit: Totally just read through the slides instead of re-writing them all. Finished P1, I'll probably read P2 a few times tomorrow. Might play on the Playstation tonight as a treat since I've kept this up all week.

 On the plus side, I'll have two weeks to revise for my next exam so I can still fit in the gym and have real down time. Actually, really looking forward to the additional revision time since I missed out on a week of revision for this.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 22:03 by Umbreon#100 »

Offline Kpyna

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1014 on: May 14, 2016, 20:12 »
my internet was being reall slow and i've spent the past 4 hours working on it and i finally got my down speed from being 2.2 mbps to 12.9! yay satisfactory connection!

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1015 on: May 16, 2016, 00:04 »
i KNEW it. you're a supernerd and will get it done in no time so im countin on you to make my ditto and porygon real please

Drawing up the design for the machine now :^)

In my draft league, this guy was bringing semistall (basically stall with 1-2 offensive mons). Another person decided to help me prepare. I would've lost if not for the Stone Edge miss from garchomp and the fact that he didn't have an attack on mega sableye save metal burst. I had shed skin scrafty with rest and bulk up. It didn't get rid of sable but it weakened it enough for spec suicune to surf it to death.
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Offline Kpyna

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1016 on: May 16, 2016, 20:34 »
applied to a bunch of jobs today and i have an interview tomorrow. kind of realized today was the day to just apply to 10 different places that pay more than $12 an hour and see who calls me back.

also getting back on track and going to the gym in 4 hours

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1017 on: May 16, 2016, 20:39 »
 I'm feeling confident with this morning's exam. I've got a few questions wrong since I drew through the wrong box since I wasn't fully concentrating because 9:30 exams are an amazing idea since we all sleep from 9pm to 5am.

 I really hope that I've passed.

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1018 on: May 16, 2016, 20:59 »
bought me a braun silk epil 5 and epilated me legs for the summer cos i am gonna try to Get Outside and in order to do that i gotta have Personally Acceptable Legs and the only acceptable thing is tearing those little gits out by the root. i know thats Unfeminist of me or w/e but i just can't stand leg hair on me. coarse. rough. irritating. gets everywhere. everyone else is free to have it but personally, not me. on winter i keep it cos Winter Coat but during summer its gone.

also its like how swimmers shave for "reducing friction coefficient" showin off and getting leered at by weird horny people except with my kickin thighs from the squats i been doin. people will look and be like "aah! id better not anger her! she will crush my balls in her vicelike thigh grip"

hurt a lot less overall than i thought it was gonna tbh! and like the weightliftin once you get past a point the beta endorphins kick in and its all bliss high sailing from there. feels good man.

Drawing up the design for the machine now :^)

godspeed you brave nerd. //patriotically salutes u with a single emotional tear dripping from my eye// make us proud

(ill be proud of u tryin hard in the biology even if u dont make it tho)

Have you ever noticed that it's mostly guys who take those cool pictures of action figures? They're used to shooting in macro if you get what I mean heuehuehue

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get me a bucket of water quick cos you are on fire!!!!!

i know that sounds insincere on the internet but man im so jealous cos that shoulda been the first thing i thought of????????? //takes my "peoples dicks sass award" medallion off and gives it to u// here u go. its urs now.

Would definitely contact a doctor if you have joint pain whilst lifting in case you knacker everything up for real and then it's just painful to do anything. If your body is getting used to it you could go into a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday gym week? Would still check with a doctor though. I'm trying to wait until after my exams to get my knee checked now lol.

aaaaa sorry, it was the DOMS pain. i don't tend to get pain during the lifting unless i have rly bad form i.e. forget to drive from the heels on deadlifts and squats and/or have been disregarding my body spazitude i.e. sitting on one leg all day to alleviate the Awkward Feeling in my legs

but tbh im due to the docs for Check Ups on a couple things so i will probably ask him if/when i remember

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Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« Reply #1019 on: May 17, 2016, 16:18 »
My tooth is out!! Still numb but can already feel it's not as sore. Dentist just took one look at it and said it was coming out. Had to get 3 injections which wasn't nice but it's over yay.
Got a flat sorted out and best of all my auntie is doing great, was really nice to see her. Been a good little day tbh.