Author Topic: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Edition! [Ad] [A] [P] [Vg] [J]  (Read 10069 times)

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I'm quite looking forward to starting this, actually.

Offline SirBlaziken

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((We start the rp.... now! My thoughts are in //))

//Thank god, I finally made it to Treasure Town. //

I breathe a sigh of relief, and proceed into town.

//That forest was actually tough.//

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I fly (lowly) into treasure town, and crash land.

\\Oh god... I really need to get to grips with these damn wings! They're impossible!\\

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Having been present in Treasure Town, Lee witnessed the Archen's crash-landing and began to chuckle from his spot in the dirt nearby.
"Are you okay?" he asks, with no actual intention to help him.

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

Offline SirBlaziken

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I watch a teddiursa run up to an archen after it crashed.

//Hah! I'm glad I don't have wings.//

I go into a bush to watch the events unfold.
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Offline NTN

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Name: Caldero Scaldchop (Well, you can really just call me Cal)
Gender: Male (I've become a Pokemon and that's quite a change... Well, some things like genders just stay the same, you know?)
Age: (Oh wait. This isn't on the list, is it? Aww... well, I'll tell you anyway that before I got changed into a Pokemon, I'm pretty sure I was around 16. I think. I don't know how much that is in Oshawott years, eh... Oh well.)

Pokemon: Oshawott (Speaking of Pokemon, I'm apparently an Oshawott now? You could've guessed it before you made it this far down the list, but I'd tell you anyway. So yeah, I'm a Water-type. Nature's got taste.)

Ability: Torrent (From what I still remember about Oshawott before I ended up here, I could've also had Shell Armor, but that just seems boring, y'know? Hey, I think Torrent just might come in handy!)

Personality: Hey, you know it's pretty hard to say now that I'm a Pokemon, but I pretty much feel the same. Sooo... I guess I'll just try to replace the way I might call myself "guy" and call me Oshawott instead, hey, why not? Eh... no, I'm not a Wynaut just because I happen to talk like one. Yeah, I'm a pretty determined Oshawott, 'specially in battle... eh... only in battle. No, I'm not naive like how I remember Oshawott usually is. Nope, it would be some kind of Pokemon-stereotype or something to call a random Oshawott naive. Eh, I really don't mind. I'm kind of the laid-back, hard-shelled type outside of battle. Things don't really tick me off much. Maybe I'll occasionally throw in a joke or two around you guys for my own sake. See, some might think I talk too much, but it's just that I'm not too good at being serious and I kind of want to avoid becoming that way. Sometimes my laid-back-ness (that's a word, right?) might tick others off because they just want some kind of reaction from me more often. I might get serious but try to keep cool and end a possible situation easily and as fast as I can, you know, if anything ever happens between me and someone else. Yeah, I've been in some situations before, I guess, even if I don't remember much as being human. I still feel inside me the lessons I've learned, but in the form of instincts... or something. Come to think of it, I don't think I should be this carefree even after I've just been transformed into a Pokemon. Well, I do kinda like my transformation anyway. You guys might wanna know just in case: I know others better than I know myself. Simple, but complicated. I'm not dumb, though. I just choose to care less, and that's unwittingly my greatest defense, even greater than my shell, I s'pose. Huh. Now that I think of it maybe I am naive. Not naive enough to stick my big round Oshawott-nose in a person's face and slap my shell proudly, though, y'know. ...Okay, I confess, maybe I do slap my shell proudly... sometimes. I'm sure you're much better at figuring me out than I am, so you've probably read me like a book from those little comments I made about myself up there, so I guess I really did go off talking too much. But here was just the big wrap.

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Water Sport (I actually dream 'bout learning a move called Scald, I think. Heard it's pretty cool and stuff, y'know, burning you with water and all. Emm... No not you. That'd be painfully rude, I'd say...)

Item: Aqua Globe (I found this weird shiny round thing when I got here. Like, I woke up near this thing, I guess. Dang, all I know about it s'that I'm keeping it against the inner wall of my Scalchop, y'know, like it's in a basket or something. Eh, maybe I can just call this thing a good luck charm for fun.)

Other: Yeah, I've still got some of those old human memories, but it's nothin' cool about it, y'know. I'd say it just gives me a bit of experience in a way... Yep... nothing cool so far still. But hey, I think that cool shiny thing I found earlier deserves a mention! ...Oh yeah. Hey, the place I found myself in to end up here in the first place didn't seem so bad, you know.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 08:32 by SiteHaunter »
I am your master.


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"Yeah, I'm fine, just getting used to flying..." I say, to the teddiursa. I could do with making allies in this world, at least he seems friendly enough.


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I hear noises and tread cautiously in their direction, waking up this way was certainly different.

// If there are other Pokemon over there, I don't want to scare them off, I have a hard enough time making friends as it is! //

I swing my head around trying to hear my way towards them, They are to the left of me so I turn and run that way... I ran for about 20 seconds before I hit the wall. I yelp with pain as I fall back onto the ground. "Help!" I howl.

// It is not easy being a blind little dragon. //
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 22:32 by Wolstenholme »

Offline SirBlaziken

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((Draghost, you are in. You can start, although age wasn't a part of it))

//Wow, this town's citizens are pathetic. I'll find a place to stay so that I can get away from these derps//

My ability kicks in and i speed out if the bush and into the town.
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Offline NTN

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((Thanks, but I just put age as a joke...))

       "Phew, hasn't been long since I woke up feeling like an Oshawott. Cool place here..." Haha. You know, I got up somewhere I don't even 'member falling asleep... as a Pokémon. Maybe at first I was wonderin' how that happened but then I was like "Sweet!" I guess I don't like mornings if I had to care, but this one was just special! I woke up on a Corphish... somehow.

       I'd be sleeping with my Scalchop sandwiched between my paws and tucked under my head, if I had a choice. I can't say sleeping on a Corphish is the best. Meh, needle-beds... But if anyone ever asks me if I've slept on a Corphish before, I guess I'd say, "Yes I have!" That Corphish almost pinched my neck thin. I leaned back the rest of my body and pretty much let my feet do all the work out in front, because I ran!

       Hehe... It was cranky and shaking its pincer far behind me as I fled. So now I'm just passing by this place, I guess. I walk past this weird dome that looks so filled up with junk that there's probably a floorboard or two sticking out of where it should be, you know, that it's being pushed out by items, I guess. It would be a sea of junk and the floorboards would stick out like sharks by their fins. But something's strange... it's Kangaskhan standing at the counter that stretched out from the building.

       For some reason she's nodded at me a few times, making sure to get a glimpse of what I'm keeping almost under my Scalchop. Eh, doesn't matter. All I know is I've gotta find a place where I can really find things out.     

« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 22:34 by SiteHaunter »
I am your master.

Offline SirBlaziken

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I keep running, I run past an oshawott, almost knocking it over. I see an underground set of stairs, I walk down them. I see a counter with a spinda at a counter. "Welcome to Spinda's juice bar. May I take your order?" it asks. "Sure." I respond. "Great, what item do you want to use?" Seeing the blank look on my face, it explains. "You provide your own ingredients here, other then that, drinks are free." it finishes. I hand it an oran berry. Soon, i'm sitting at a table, alone, drinking an oran berry shake.

//not bad//
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The teddiursa hasn't seemed to reply, so I get up, and attempt to walk, I see a sign pointing to an underground stair case, and walk over, I attempt to walk down, and succeed, albeit badly.

Offline SirBlaziken

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I finish off my drink and somehow have a cheri berry. I walk up to the counter and order a drink made of that. Seconds later, I have a nice, spicy cheri juice at my table
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I try to get up, but I've hurt my leg running into that wall. I try again, succeeding this time. "Is anybody there? Will you help me?" I take a few steps to the left. I can't hear anything coming from that way, so I walk off to the right, making sure there is nothing to run into before each step.

// This certainly makes for slow progress. Especially when I don't know where I'm going //

Eventually, my hurt leg starts to ache more painfully than it used to. and I'm very tired.

// I don't even know if I'm in a reasonable place to sleep, Oh I wish I could SEE something //

I decide to take maybe one step more. I feel at the air in front of me with my head. Nothing is there. So I put my right foot forward, down and onto thin air where the ground should be, and then I'm tumbling, hurtling down a flight of steps, or so it seems before landing on the cold, hard ground at the bottom.


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As I flap down of the bottom step, I'm met by a huge crash, and a blue and black dinosaur thing lands on my foot, it looks in pain... But then again, my foot isn't exactly fine...