Author Topic: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]  (Read 19407 times)

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #150 on: November 23, 2013, 13:22 »
I wake up in the morning ((That afternoon was about 6 PM)) feeling rested. However, my injuries still remain. I breathing is a bit easier, not fixed completely, however. I'm favoring my broken leg.

//I wonder how Mel is doing.//

That needle hurt.

My stomach growls, I haven't had a meal in 2 days. I walk out of my room only to see Mel. "Morning." we say in unison. "So, how's that leg holding up?" I ask her. Mel says, "It's better than yesterday, but it still hurts. It's good enough to walk on, though." I respond, "Ok, well, let's get to breakfast, they're giving schedules out today."

We both opt for the elevator and ride down. Arceus walks by and nods, then looks at Mel's leg. "I handled it." I said, walking by. Arceus nods and walks away.

I find our schedules, mine is as follows:

1. Berry Growing
2. Split-Second thinking
3. Logic
4. Advanced medicine (Blissey. Take up 2 classes for this person)

1. Split-Second thinking
2. Maths
3. Logic
4. Berry Growing
5. Type Matchups

"So, we both have logic together. Cool." I say, "Now, let's get breakfast."
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Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #151 on: November 24, 2013, 07:35 »
A few hours later, my alarm clock begins doing impressions of a buzzer on a quiz show. I punch the 'off' button and look at my watch. It really is 7am, Zachary hasn't screwed up my alarm again.

I rub my eye and kick the door open, looking like a grumpy hunchback. I practically slide my way down the stairs due to a massive lack of energy. Ugh. I hear we're getting schedules today, and being a lazy ass isn't gonna help me.

I arrive at floor one. I pick my schedule up and scan it quickly.

The schedule I hoped to get:

1. Nap time
2. Nap time (advanced)
3. Video games
4. Music
5. Battling

The schedule I DID get:

1. Type matchups
2. Maths
3. Berry growing
4. Split - Second Thinking
5. Logic

The schedule as I see it:

1. I'm 4x weak to Fairies I know.
2. a + b = crap
3. Shoving seeds in stuff
Get food thrown at you
4. ........................wha?
5. Stuff I'll never use

"I'm gonna have a looooooong time..." I say to myself while kicking my way into the cafeteria for breakfast.

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #152 on: November 24, 2013, 13:22 »
Mel gets in line, while I go to the staff side. I grab a plate of waffles, and as an afterthought, grab another. I find Meloetta and get her out of the line. As we walk to find a seat. Mel and I get a few strange looks //Hey, we're not dating.//  as we take a seat near a Simisear and a Hitmonlee. Both nod approvingly.

"Guess word get's around fast here." I whisper to Mel. As I breathe in, I wince. "So I heard." she responds. "So, I guess I can cross near death experience off my bucket list." I say wittingly. Mel says, "Ironic that you even have that on a bucket list." We both laugh.

These are the kind of conversations we had at home, when there was nothing to do between missions me, my parents, and Mel had to do.

((Missions, hmmmm?))
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 14:10 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #153 on: November 24, 2013, 19:22 »
((How the hell is Hitmonlee supposed to eat anything?))

I kick my way into the cafeteria. A few faces turn to me. I can see Weavile at the back of the room trying to act like I'm not there.

I walk up to the line and barge my way to the front, soon returning to the seats holding a plate of pancakes. I look around to see very few seats left. I see Moon and Mel sitting together at one of the tables. He had better not be planning on stealing her from me.

Eh, who am I kidding? He's a nice guy. He wouldn't do that. But if he does I'm getting him sent back to hospital again.

I see Zachary sitting down at one of the tables, and a vacant seat next to him. I sit down next to Zachary, who is going through plates of waffles like an eating machine, occasionally biting the plate in the process.

He looks up from his plate mid-bite and sees me next to him. Wondered how long it would take him to stop stuffing his face.

Zachary wipes his mouth with his arm. "Didn't see you there."

"Damn right you didn't, but I saw you shoveling waffles like a pig."

"Hey, it isn't my fault they are delicious." Zachary grunts. "Anyway, had a good sleep?"

"It wouldve been a lot better if you didn't screw up my alarm clock you douche." I reply, trying not to give him a face full of Drain Punches. Zachary chuckles. "How's the Meloetta thing going?"

"Nothing much yet. I guess I'm just making sure no one steals her first." I say. "I'm also making sure I dont humiliate myself in front of her again."

"What do you actually see in Mel anyway? She isn't much different from the other girls at this place." Zachary gripes. I raise my fist, prepared to throw a Drain Punch between his eyes.

"How dare you say Mel isn't different from the others!" I say, grabbing Zachary by the neck. "She's cute, she's kind, she's sweet, she's generous..."

"She dragged your face in the ground." As soon as I hear Zachary say that, I begin tightening my grip on his neck, trying to refrain from strangling him.

"I dont care about that. If you insult Mel one more time, I'm going to rip off your face and force you to eat it.". I let go of Zachary. I expect to see him back away, but instead he just goes back to eating.

I snarl, giving him a firm warning. "You saw what happened to Sandslash? Well I'm not afraid to do the same to you."

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #154 on: November 24, 2013, 20:22 »
"This is a nice change of pace from what we usually do, eh?" I say to Meloetta. She nods and then adds, "Plus, in the words of your parents, you have an education to get." "So do you. Not just me." I say.

Mel and I finish after a bit of talking about the past of how we both saved pokemon from different perils like attacks, avalanches, EQ's, wreckage flying around and the like. As we walk out, retelling each other stories of the past, the two of us pass Zero and another pokemon, who he seems to not like. "Remember when Espeon, you and I had went to that glowing cave, and then the tornado came. Not our smartest idea, I must say. However, the stars came out that night, as well as the moon, and you evolved. You got your name as well." said Mel as we passed the 2 dark/fighting types. "That was an interesting night. Who knew i'd evolve then and there?" I said. We had almost made it out of the cafeteria.

That's when it happened.

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Mel falls forward. Many onlookers are alarmed by this. I quickly dart in front so her face doesn't meet the ground. Meloetta's leg is back in that strange position. "Ok, this is serious, i'm taking you down there." I say, "Keep that leg off the ground." We catch a few worried looks as Mel and I struggle out of the room. Lucky for us, the Hospital Wing is on this floor. We hobble down there. With Mel's good leg, I boost her up onto one of the beds into a sitting position, mostly. The bad leg is laying flat on the bed.

//Close enough.//

"Wait here." I say, running to Blissey's office and knocking on the door. Blissey pops out and asks me, "Need something?" I motion for her to follow me. We reach Mel's location, Blissey looks at the leg. "Nothing life threatening." she says, but I cut in, "I'd hope not." Blissey says, "However, this leg may need some time to mend. At the rate pokemon seem to heal, a few hours." I ask Mel, "Should I get Zero?" She shakes her head quickly and responds, "I don't want to worry him. Besides, I'll be walking by lunch, if Blissey is correct, I'm pretty sure she's right."

"You should get to class. I'll get the information she needs from her's." says Blissey. I look at the clock, almost 8. "See you soon Mel!" I say, running out the door and going on to Berry Growing.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 20:11 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #155 on: November 24, 2013, 23:28 »
I take a bite out of the pancake, trying to refrain from stabbing Zac with my knife. Blech. This pancake tastes like Styrofoam. I feel like I'm eating the sole of an old shoe.

I pick up the crapcake and toss it in the bin. I'll just grab something from the vending machine, no way I'm going to finish eating that. No amount of syrup could've taken away the taste of leather.

I take the schedule out of my pocket. Ugh, type matchups first. I'm weak to Flying, Fighting and Fairy. The three F's, I already know. I grunt and glance at the clock. 8am. Well, education begins here. Crapola.

I get out of my seat, gank Zac over the head with the plate and walk out of the cafeteria. I take out the map of the school. Type Matchups is just down the corridor here, apparently.

I stuff the map back in my pocket and make my way over to class. Knowing me, this first lesson will also mark my first detention.

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Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #156 on: November 25, 2013, 00:36 »
((I'm surprised Zero didn't notice Mel.))

I walk in the room. Well, check that, greenhouse. I glance around, and no one else is here. Suddenly, a shower of petals spin in the middle of the room and a Roserade appears out of the middle. "Moon, I suppose?" She said. I nod. "Hello, I'm professor-" she stops, "You know what, just call me Roserade, you are practically staff, although you are a student." I respond, "Yes, Ma'am." Roserade laughs, "You seem like the quiet type of pokemon. Don't worry, I can work with all types."

//She's dotty.//

"Anyways, because of your healing skills, you have classes geared towards healing to expand your knowledge, considering what you did before you came here." says Roserade, "I grow berries to help out in the hospital wing here. By the way, I hope everything is going well on your end." She says, seeing my leg and ribs wrapped in bandages.

//Roserade also talks a lot. I have a feeling this will be a long year.//

"So, to start, we all know how to grow them, but how about many different plants at once? I'm going to help you with that." says Roserade. "So, first, as a little side project, let's pick a berry for you to keep in your dorm room. Be right back." She walks over to a book and brings it over. This book has a lot of different plants in it. I pick one that is light blue and looks like a lemon, the Coba berry. "Ok, that one, I actually have use for that one." said Roserade, "We all know what grass types get from Flying types." She shudders. Roserade tries to hand me a potted plant, but I have no hands. "That may be a problem in getting it up there. I've got it." Roserade says and she goes into the vail of petals, and comes out a bit later. She looks at the clock, "Alright, I'll tell you more tomorrow, you have to leave." I respond, "See you then."

//That was.... interesting.//

I walk out of the room to continue on to split second thinking.

//Forget dotty, she's insane.//
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 21:37 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #157 on: November 25, 2013, 22:28 »
I open the door to Type Matchups class. The room is almost pitch black, making me unable to see anything more than two feet from my nose. I can feel the temperature dropping drastically. This place looks like something out of the show Most Haunted.

I can hear an eerie voice emanate around me. "So, you want to learn about type matchups, eh?".

I have no idea where the voice is coming from, but I still reply. "Yeah, why do you think I came here? Can we just skip to the part where you dont strangle me with boredom?"

A Mismagius pops out of the shadows with a sour look on her face. "Aw come on, you ruined the only fun part of my job."

Mismagius sighs. "Well, we may as well begin" she mumbles. "First, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Mrs McDevitt."

//Mrs? That means she's married? Who would marry this creepy weirdo?//

Mrs McDevitt takes a Pokedex off one of the tables and switches it on. "Scrafty, the Hoodlum Pokemon" she reads aloud. "Type: Dark/Fighting. Moves: Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance. Nature: Hasty."

"Wow. Basically an electronic box knows all about me."

"I must say, we rarely get a Hasty natured Pokemon in this school. However, my job is to teach, and teach you I shall." Mismasgius says, taking out a calculator. She punches a few numbers into it.

"In total, your moves are super effective against 10 types, Dark, Steel, Ice, Ghost, Psy -" I cut her off. "Ma'am, I already know about what I'm strong against. I wasn't always wild, I had a trainer and he taught me what I know today."

//Definitely the first time in a while I've said something good about that guy. Maybe I'm changing? .....Nah.//

"I guess the Hasty nature wasn't a lie" she says. "If you're so confident, I'll give you a type and you have to say the strengths and weaknesses of it, okay?"

"Fine by me. Go for it."

"Fire." Pff. Too easy. "Weak against Water, Ground and Rock. Strong against Steel, Ice, Grass and Bug. Not very effective against Water, Rock, Dragon and Fire. Resistant to Fairy, Grass, Bug, Steel, Fire and Ice. Immune to nothing and has no effect on nothing either."

"Very impressive." Mismagius says. She glances at the clock and gasps. "Yikes, I spent so much time with the special effects it's almost time for your next lesson!"

Mismagius pushes me out of the room. "Nice-meeting-you-see-again-next-week-bye!"

Huh. What a weirdo.

I take my schedule out of my pocket. I have Maths next. May we bow are heads and pray that the lord himself will come down from the heavens and shoot me in the skittles. Ugh.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 22:37 by A Wild Scrafty »

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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #158 on: November 25, 2013, 23:11 »
I walk into the SST room. Once again, no one there. Suddenly, a blue orb flies at my head, I duck. A Blue figure flies at me. I brace for impact. Argh.

//Note to self, NEVER brace for impact.//

I feel the chest pains return. There go my ribs.

//I need some armor there. Wait. IT BURNS! Have I been set on fire?!//

I'm panting for air, and thankfully not on fire, when the blue figure stops. "Sorry about that. I take it upon myself to test my students when they come in my room." says the figure, "I'm Lucario, the SST instructor."

//Lucario, justified, steel type. Foul play does little at best, but raises his attack. Toxic does nothing. Not battling this one, I couldn't do anything if I tried.//

Lucario extends a hand/paw down to me. I would shake but I'm down on one knee, trying to recover from the attack. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asks, "I'm fine, just got hit in a weak point." I said. "Ok, well, dodging aura sphere is hard to do, but you took quite a hit from extreme speed." says Lucario. "So, in this class, you will learn to analyze your surroundings, make a solution and react in a split second."

"Say what?" I respond

Later, I'm ducking force palms and aura spheres aimed for the ribs and head while being barraged by information, "You opponent will always aim for your weak point!" "Dodging is better than taking a hit."

//Like I didn't know that.//

Lucario is a nice guy and encouraging. However, by the end of the lesson, i've taken 5 shots to the ribs and one to the head, bringing on an instant headache. //Lucario hits hard.// I use wish to heal some of that off. "Hmm.... The chest and ribs seem to be a crucial weak point. I've got something for that." Lucario digs in a chest (You know which kind!) and brings out a chestplate from a suit of armor suited for a quadruped. "This should help." said the instructor. Lucario helps me put it on.

//Is he part psychic type?!//

"Well, time for your next class. I wouldn't recommend not having it on in my class." says Lucario. I respond to him, "I will keep that in mind."

I walk out feeling worse than I walk in. Hey, would you feel awesome if YOU took a shot to the ribs? I'm going to take his advice with this armor as I head to logic.

//Please let it be someone calm and sane. Then again, it is logic. Logically, it's bound to be. Then again again, logic and sanity are not plentiful around me.//

I think back to breakfast.

//Maybe Mel is ok enough to be in logic. I don't know what she missed, though.//
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 23:39 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #159 on: May 09, 2014, 15:11 »
Hey, this seems interesting...I'd like to weigh in, unless the J tag on the thread title is outdated...or if the thread died...
Just out of curiosity, since Arceus is basically God in their universe, why is he the headmaster of a school? :p
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 16:27 by DisturbedHaxorus »
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Re: Pokemon Academy [P] [A] [S] [J]
« Reply #160 on: May 10, 2014, 01:56 »
((Dude.... this was months dead. Everyone else rarely is on the site anyways. And headmaster because maybe he retired))
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