Author Topic: .:4150 [AD][SF]  (Read 16695 times)

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.:4150 [AD][SF]
« on: April 11, 2014, 04:29 »
Welcome to the year 4150.

I guess this might be kind of hard for some of you to process. “Why am I here?”, you may ask. Some of you may even have more basic questions, such as why we can keep this room cool, despite the fact that it's clearly blazing hot outside. “Wasn't it just the 23rd century?”, you might ask.

But let me start off here, generally, and try to be as clear as I can. Depending on when you all lived, you may have different ideas on how time works. To avoid getting too technical and over some of your heads, Time is hardly a straight procession, it's totally relative. Now that I've told you that fact, in recent years, we've managed to harness time travel through extensive testing, and discovered fairly secure ways to travel through the fabric of space and time to warp to any point in time imaginable.

However, turn your attention to outside. Just step right out of your chambers, and please, be slow, and don't make any sort of sudden movement. Your body has been fast frozen for many years. You may notice our barren and destroyed planet. You see, time travel was the best tourism tool to ever grace this country. The moment we invented it, people were flocking to it. Holding up their entire life's savings to get a tour of the past or the future! “I want to watch a show at the Colosseum”, some asked. “I want to see the first rocket launch”, others desired. Some wanted to see first contact with the Vasu. The thing is, some of these tourists managed to escape into the time periods they were supposed to just be visiting. Now, if you were alive in the time to be familiar with the “butterfly effect”, you may see how this could go terribly wrong.

Sure, stepping on a butterfly won't have serious consequences. Some things are truly fated, and removing a few animals, people, or other things can be pretty trivial. Other things, however... were not fated to happen. Killing the Earth's and the galaxy's most treacherous creatures would seem like a fantastic idea to some of the feeble minded. Yes, even today, there are still idiots with a lot of money, who would pay top dollar to go back and kill Hitler, or Almaren. Huge historical figures like these... these effected the course of history. Our planet was completely decimated, due to some being unable to see the silver lining of the world's greatest terrors.

Anyways, back to removing a few things that don't matter in the course of time... Your timeline, at least. I'm sorry to rip you from your everyday lives, and I'm sorry to inform you that your entire family is dead. However, removing you all from your time hardly effected the equation. Most of you were meant to die soon, anyhow.

Sorry to make you all feel... insignificant. However, to lift your spirits, you all are tasked with one of the most important jobs that the human race will ever have. You all will remove the people who ruined the future from history. Each one of you has been pulled from a different time line, and your expertise in that field is vital to the success of our mission.

Yeah, this is extremely glorified mercenary work. I'm not here to lie to you. You are going to be either bringing these people back to this time, where they belong, or even killing some that refuse to go down without a fight. I've been hard at work trying to identify the most vital time criminals for you all to take out. And before you worry, you're all perfectly equipped. I did some tinkering with your bodies and minds. I removed all of those pesky old-timey diseases, and I downloaded some training for 42nd century technology. All that's left is to give you all some vaccines, so we all don't get measles and die en-route.

As of now, you all are some of the most important people on this Earth, and, hell, maybe even in the entire Galaxy. It's up to you all to go back, and save our world from becoming any more distorted.

If the intro wasn't enough, welcome to the year 4150. Pretty much everyone is dead. All that's lef tis your ragtag group of mercenaries, the professor, and a few others that desperately try to keep the world fed and the power working.

To travel time in, you have a neat shape-shifting spaceship. To bring some Dr. Who in this, imagine it to be like the Tardis was originally meant to function, before it got all screwed up and was stuck in police box form forever. The inside is basically just a high functioning space ship that can manipulate space to change time, or something. We're all from a time before space travel, so who actually knows.

Your character is going to be from a renowned period in history, or in the future. Get creative. Basically, our goal is to travel through time, and to other worlds, to find and bring justice to those who abused time travel.

Anyways, get ready to climb into the ship, and put on your best 80s clothes. And by 80s clothes, I mean 80 AD. So grab some cloth and make a quick toga. Let's go!

PKMN.NET rules should be followed at all times.
No powerplaying. Don't control other people's characters without permission. Certain instances are alright, but if you're not sure where powerplaying is or isn't okay, just don't do it at all to be safe.
No god moding. While you have ray guns and fun stuff like that, John Doe from 2010 probably won't be having the best aim until he gets better.
Please write in third person.

Get creative! Love WWII? Play a soldier. Like Sci-Fi? Make your own alien race. I'll only stop you if it gets super crazy. Within the course of the roleplay, remember, time can get messy, so don't worry too much about accuracy.
Don't be afraid to take the plot places. As long as our characters get work done in a somewhat timely manner, the professor doesn't care... or know. Feel free to goof around and make things happen.
Not experienced? I don't really care! Just follow the rules, and at least type at the level that a 13 year old could type at, and be willing to improve.
Character count is up to you, but it would be great if you focused on one.
Questions? Message me!

(Want to play an alien or something? Alter the form to specify, as long as the questions asked get answered)
Code: [Select]
[b]Time Period:[/b]

The Professor - 42nd Century - Played by echo
The first person you all saw stepping out of your cryo chambers. She will be organizing your missions, and acting as a ringleader of sorts.
Wayleon North - 23rd century - Played by echo
Taken from just after the human race made contact with the Vasu, the first alien race ever encountered. Looks like a mix between an anime character and a sculpture, and kind of cocky.
Damien Delacroix - 1980s - Played by Dana
Your stereotypical hair metal 80s guy, complete with teased hair and a cigarette addiction. A fairly popular guy who vanished before his chance to make it big.
Clipper (Genertically Modified Crow) - 22nd century - Played by Dana
Caw! Caw! No really, he's just a really smart crow that's trained in spying and warfare. Despite being able to speak in human tongues, he'll stick peck your eyes out.
Lucille Lovell - 17th century - Played by Chloe
An rather surreptitious grown-up orphan, who knows more than her fair share of street smarts. Scrawny, pale, and generally unkempt.
George Villiers (Buckingham) - 17th century - Played by Chloe
The clumsy Duke of Buckingham himself, here to inject the poshness of the 1600s. Nice black hair, and a cool black mustache.
James Green - 1900s (WWII) - Played by ShinyBlaziken
With dirty tan skin and messy black hair, James is a smart, modest, Hawaiian boy that served America in the pacific theatre. Atta boy.
Eztli Coyotl - 1500s - Played by Mac Ninja
A hardened Aztec Jaguar, fashioned with muscles and scars from numerous. Quick to anger, and even swifter in movement, just keep on Blood Coyote's good side.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 06:48 by еcho »

Offline Kpyna

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2014, 04:29 »
My Character:

Name: Wayleon North (Leon)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Time Period: 23rd century
Description: Wayleon is a pretty normal looking kid from the mid 2200s. Plastic surgery to achieve your ideal look is normal at this time, so he's just about six feet tall, with a thin but muscular build. His hair is a dark amber color, and “naturally” flows out of his head in a soft spike-ball style. His teeth are perfectly white and straight, his skin is slightly tanned, and his eyes are a glassy blue.
On the day he was frozen, he was wearing a black leather jacket, with a black skull-and-crossbones shirt underneath. He was also wearing purposefully tattered fitted jeans, complete with black boots.
Personality: Leon can get a bit cocky at times, but it's just because he's totally confident in himself. He loves looking at himself, as he crafted himself to be exactly the way that he wanted to be. However, despite his strong look, Leon's muscles are just for show. He is more of a musician, despite the fact that he's just about average at any instrument that he tries to play. He enjoys hyping himself up to be better than he is in that aspect, but in reality, he has yet to be able to play a holophone well.
History: Wayleon was born into an upper middle class family, that was able to pay to give him the operations that he wanted, as well as being able to afford being genetically modified to keep the family diseases at bay, and be born with a naturally beautiful face while he was at it. His upbringing was pretty normal, and he never stood out much from the rest of the students in his area. When the Earth contacted the Vasu, he mysteriously vanished during all of the hype and celebrations.
Duke of Buckingham = Mr. Moustache
Likes Pulchra
Fears Ez
Had basic martial arts training for 5 years in childhood
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 01:00 by еcho »

Offline Danatales

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 08:44 »
i desperately need to go to bed so i can't quite complete this but please save me a spot!! time travel is so important to me omg dfmdf

Name: Damien Delacroix
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Time Period: 1980s (1986, to be exact)
Description: Damien is a full 80's hair metal rocker, and he works hard to look the part. Tall and thin, His face is roundish with a pair thin lips, and a rather broad nose, as well as a pair of blueish-green eyes and a bright smile he is very proud of. The crown jewel of his appearance, though, is his long, curly blond hair he spends far too much time teasing out into a fluffy mess. Outfit wise, he was frozen whilst wearing his favorite faded black Rolling Stones shirt and a pair of rather tight black leather pants covering his long legs, along with high-heeled black boots and multiple bangles and armbands. He wears eyeliner and a thin layer of lipstick, and has been mistaken for a woman more than once, which thankfully never offends him.
Personality: A charming, intelliegent young man, Damien tends to radiate positive energy and knows how to get people excited and ready to rock. Fully embracing the charismatic rockstar persona he has built up for himself, he is boisterous and eager to convert anyone he meets into a fan.  He is quite flirtatious, known for always getting the most groupies among any of his bandmates. However, for as friendly as he appears, he is highly vain and a bundle of other issues. He can become quite aggressive, and downright violent; his old friends used to call him "Damien the Demon" for being ejected from more than one bar for causing a brawl. Damien tries to keep a smile on as much as he can, but he tends to slip into bouts of jittery nervousness, especially if he hasn't had a cigarette in a while. He tries to chose his friendly carefully, evaluating which allies would produce the most benefits. He sees himself as a born leader, and often butts heads with anyone who tries to steal what he has labeled as his spotlight
History: Back in 1986 Damien was the lead singer of a quasi-popular hair band called Red Widöw. Started in Boston and migrated to California, him and his band had been spending the last two years trying to get a foothold on L.A.'s Sunset Strip, convinced they were the next big band and that by the end of the year they'd be playing with the big boys for sure. They had a rather big show coming up one night, but, mysteriously, Damien vanished and never showed up for rehearsal. 
Other: Painfully addicted to smoking. Feels it gives his loud, screechy singing voice a nice rasp.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 20:41 by Danatales »


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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 10:00 »
This could quite possibly be the best idea for an RP that I have ever heard.

For our characters can we take historical people (like people who were supposed to be assassinated or something? I'm thinking George Villiers). If not though I'll make someone up, no worries. It's just that I've studied George Villiers extensively and I know a lot about him and I think it would be a fun idea. I'll have another character to play alongside him too though :-)

I'll do the form for my secondary character today and think about Villiers after you reply.

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 13:36 »
So i take it the only limits for aliens are that they're humanoid in body shape? Since i'm assuming that the technology would exist that could disguise them as humans or at least enough so that you don't get crys of demon?

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2014, 14:42 »
Oh, wow, this it a great idea for an rp. I don't really have time to think of a character today, but could you save me a spot? I'd love to join.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

Offline Kpyna

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2014, 15:51 »
Hey guys! Thanks for the interest!

Chloe: I don't know a lot about him, but sure! He would have needed to already be dead, or taken in such a way that would make people believe he was dead, however. Nothing that would change the course of time, since the professor's goal was to avoid that whole thing!

Opal: if you can find a way to disguise it as a human/animal, that's fine. If your character is a an alien that looks like a leopard, for example, it should work on its leopard impressions and walk on all fours, if the aliens species has not yet been discovered.

Take your time with developing your characters guys! I have a PACKED weekend so all of your requests to reserve a form have been noted.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 19:52 by еcho »


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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2014, 16:45 »
Name: Lucille Lovell
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Time Period: 17th Century (vanished 1642)
Description: Lucille lived on the mean streets of 1600s London, she's pretty by 1600s standards with a pale face, plump lips and a small gap between her two front teeth which are white but only because she never gets enough to eat - so there really isn't much plaque for them - she's rather scrawny but has some extra fat around her middle (from childbirth). She smells of raw meat and faintly of sewage from the Thames. She has thick brown hair which is kept in a loose updo at the back of her head. She wears a yellow maid's dress that she stole a couple of weeks before she vanished. She has deep brown eyes.
Personality: She knows how to handle herself in an argument and is very good at pick-pocketing, stealing, going unnoticed and self defence, talents she got from her time in London. She's not quick to trust and is more likely plotting an escape route than her reply to whatever question she may have been asked. With friends she is plucky and cheeky and not quick to answer but very unforgiving. She loves children and tends to be quite modest. No one is ever sure what she's REALLY planning to do.
History: Her parents both died of a disease when Lucille was 17. Lucille was forced onto the streets and did sexual favours for money until she fell pregnant (this is where her extra fat around her middle comes from), when she had the baby she named it Nathaniel and realised that she really wanted a family but Nathaniel died before he was one year old. She fell pregnant for a second time when she was 21 and had another boy named John. He died within a week of birth. In the weeks before she disappeared, tension within Britain was rising and there was a notorious mob in London who had connections to a Common named John Pym, thinking that she may earn some money by joining it, Lucille searched for the mob with her friend (and father of her second child) James St. John but vanished whilst James was at a tavern one evening...
Other: Lucille's speech will be in purple

Name: George Villiers (Likes to be referred to as Buckingham as he was the Duke of Buckingham)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Time Period: 17th Century (vanished 1628)
Description: Silky black hair frames his face which is adorned by a fine moustache and a small beard his face is quite pale and he is quite slender in physique. He has little muscle but good posture. He usually wears fine clothing however on the night he vanished he had been dressed up as a peasant in a feeble attempt to go unnoticed. He is used to life in the lap of luxury so he seemed uncomfortable in peasant clothes. He was very rich and could afford cologne which he wears a lot of.
Personality: He is quite clumsy and often misjudges things. He is quite proud and very manipulative. His sexuality is questionable (he has homosexual tendencies). Wearing peasants clothes made him feel like a fish out of water and he is prone to culture shock. He is also stubborn.
History: He was born to a wealthy family and quickly found his way into a position as James I's favourite courtier. He was used to high society and large banquets very often. He was given control to many fleets of ships and matters of foreign affairs. He is good at wrapping people around his finger as he did with both King James and King Charles. In 1628, on the night of his alleged assassination he wore peasants clothes to a tavern in Portsmouth. Upon sight of a person who he suspected may want to kill him, he slipped away and disappeared. His assassin, John Felton stabbed a man who he thought to be Villiers and was hung for the assassination. Everyone really believed that Felton had killed Villiers and thus no one knew of his disappearance.
Other: Villiers' speech will be in teal.

hehe this is exciting :-)

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2014, 20:45 »
How funny, my brother was watching Doctor Who and is now.

Name: James Green
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Time Period: WWII (Vanished 1942)
Description: James lived in Hawaii during the time when WWII was going on, so his skin is naturally tanned. His eyes are a deep, stormy blue, a trait that many in his family shared. He's 5'11" and 192 pounds, and is solidly built. James' hair is a jet black, uncombed, dusty and dirty from being on the front lines. He's still wearing his soldier's uniform from fighting in the war.
Personality: James is mostly quiet, but is a good soldier, so to speak. He follows orders mostly, only straying from command when it was necessary. James is very polite to most and believes in discipline and honor. Physically, he's average, but mentally, he's very smart and has a strong will. While most of the other soldiers that were on his side were very arrogant, James was and still is very modest.
History: James' upbringing was normal, he lived on the West coast of California until 1933, when his dad enlisted into the Navy and he was stationed in Hawaii, specifically, Pearl Harbor. In 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed and Both of James' parents were killed, James swore to take his father's place in the war. In 1942, in the jungles of Japan, the Japanese ambushed his squad and James mysteriously disappeared in the chaos.
Other: James loves animals.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 21:28 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Offline Danatales

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2014, 21:18 »
Damien's form is done! And also here's my second character, a more minor one. Hopefully this will be okay, tell me if it doesn't work or something! If aliens are okay, surely something like this isn't too much of a reach...?

Name: Subject #76, or, Clipper
Gender: Male
Species: Genetically Modified Crow
Age: 4
Time Period: 22th century
Description: Clipper is, well, a crow. A medium sized, black-feathered, crow. About a foot and a half tall, two wings, beak, small black eyes. He just happens to have been part of the government's attempt to genetically modify animals into intelligent soldiers, and his brain is even more cunning than the average crow's. He wears a metal cuff like device around his neck that attaches into his head, allowing him to speak via transfer of thought waves into a small speaker on the cuff. A small red light on the device pulsates in time with his words. He also has a small silver ring on his left leg, marked with '76'. 
Personality: Trained to be a fast spy and attacker on the frontlines, Clip is a loyal and brave bird. His enhanced intelligence allows him to keep up with any human conversations with ease, and he grows excited when humans wish to talk with him. He loves humans, really, they fascinate him. Sometimes he can be a bit ornery, and if he doesn't like someone he isn't afraid to peak at their fingers when they get too close.  Since he is by all means still an animal, he tends to lapse into crow-like mannerisms pretty often, including being enamored with shiny objects and cawing loudly.
History: At the beginnings of the 22nd century world governments thought hard for new weaponry to better assist in war, and thus turned to rapidly developing science for help. The plan was hatched to genetically modify already intelligent animals to speak and be even smarter, and thus be trained to deal with militant operations the average carrier pigeon could never handle. Dogs, pigs, dolphins, monkeys, raccoons, crows, and other animals were brought in and excessively tested on. Clip was one of the earlier subjects to be a success, but was only in a few practice "battles" before he was sent on a flight and vanished.
Other: loves being petted on his feathery tummy. also, his speech will be italicized in quotes to emphasize the fact his voice doesn't come out of his mouth
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 20:04 by Danatales »

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2014, 22:24 »
This sounds great, but if I make up my own alien race do I add another bit on my form describing the race or do I just describe the individual character?

Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline Kpyna

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2014, 04:21 »
Cody: A short little bio about the alien race would be neat, but you can just throw it in the history section. Just be good at articulating what your character is like, and we can all probably go off the assumption that the rest of his species will look somewhat similar!

Dana: Neat, I like your genetically modified crow idea! Damien's form is cool too, welcome to the team.

Blaziken: Bueno, you're in.

Chloe: Both are great, welcome aboard!

Anyone lurking: Still room for more!

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2014, 15:04 »
Name: Pulchra Metella Caesina
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Time Period: Ancient Rome - High Empire
Description: Pulchra is of average height for the Roman female, at 4'11.  She has blonde hair which curls very slightly at the bottom, though this is not often noticeable as it is braided and tied into a chignon at the back.  She has very dark, narrow eyes and pale skin.  She wears the traditional woolen Stola (Roman Overdress) without dye, though the Palla (shawl) is dyed indigo and fastened with a brooch bearing her family seal on it. She wears less cosmetics than many Roman women, but wears kohl in overabundance, often making herself look like she's been assualted by a panda.
Personality: Pulchra is naturally submissive and eager to please, which often leads to her being placed into situations that she does not want to be in.  In spite of this, she has somewhat of a bad tempered disposition, which has more than once lead to her disgracing herself in front of close family members.  She does not particularly enjoy gossip, and more than once has had to force herself to use the public baths, as she does not like intrusions of her own nor anyone else's privacy.
History:  The fourth daughter of Pulchrus and Metella Caesina, Pulchra is the youngest of four siblings, leaving her at the mercy of her father's anger after both Metella and the final son died in childbirth.  As such, she is betrothed to the youngest son of a hoary, though rich, family near Sicily with a history of bearing males in hopes that they might carry on the line by bearing a son - something that all of her older sisters failed to do. Unwilling to stay so far from Tuscany, and upset at the thought of being forced to bear a child so soon, Pulchra disappeared mere nights after being found trying to take back her dowry.

thanks gl <3

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2014, 15:34 »
Yay! I'm kinda a nerd when it comes to making my own species so I hope you don't mind what I put down.

Name: Garath of house Magrold
Species: Sulenn
Gender: Male
Age: 12 (In earth years he is 36)
Time Period: Late 36th century.
Description: Your average Sulenn is around 7ft tall, humanoid with pale skin. A Sulenn head is relatively the same shape as a human head with a chin that sticks out noticeably from their heads. The facial features are where the main distinguishing features of a Sulenn are, they have no visible ears or nose yet they can still hear and smell, there lips are thin and colorless so when they close their mouth you can barely locate it, they have one thin single color eye which takes up the same space as normal human eyes, the eye color of a Sulenn changes shade with their emotions. Most Sulenn have no hair at all except those who live in the extremes of their planet. Garath is pretty much your average Sulenn with an ocean blue eye. The clothes Garath was wearing on the day of his disappearance was some ceremonial armor from his house made of overlapping plates of dull blue metal, but under this he wore some earth trousers and a polo shirt. (Earth clothes considered disrespectful by Sulenn royalty)
Personality: Being the seventh son of the lord of house Magrold Garath is used to being overlooked while others are praised this has led to him trying too hard to get noticed by important people and also trying to make lesser people feel appreciated, this makes him appear positive and willing in public, however in private or around trusted people he is laid back and lazy. He always seems slightly angry when talking about his family. 
History: Garath was fine with how his parents and brothers mostly ignored him until he was 6 (Earth years 18) when in a bid to get attention and respect he joined the Magrold army when they went to war with their neighbors despite orders that members of the royal family should stay out of combat. Midway through the war he was discovered and sent back home where he got attention, but not really the type he wanted. After this he was given the duty of guarding his four sisters which was just a reason to keep him out of trouble. His life was uneventful until he was 12 (36) and his elder brother was being crowned lord of Magrold and on the day of the coronation Garath went missing.
Other: Has a katana made of black Sulenn steel.

Species bio/Major history: The home planet of the Sulenn, called Sul, is a planet with many different extremes which is very slowly dying, and it has three major factions, the Dul, the Dol and the Demell, each made out of many houses. The technology of Sul is highly advanced in the field of space travel and exploration, but for such a warlike species their military technology is stuck with in a strange mix of a few advanced gun and a lot medieval style weapons and armor. When the Sulenns and Humanity first met the Dul and the Dol thought that human would be easy enough to subdue and conquer. However, due to the Sulenns lack of major gun weapons, the use of a feudal system and the fact that Sulenns breed and age slowly meant that they quickly got overwhelmed. In the end the Demell sent diplomats to earth and made a treaty that not only created an uneasy peace between the Sulenns and Humanity, but also allowed the Demell to set up eight houses in the other factions, four in Dol and four in Dul. One of the houses set up Dul was house Magrold placed in a lava filled extreme northern position.

Should I change anything?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 22:11 by Cody999 »
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

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Re: .:4150 [J][AD][SF]
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2014, 17:54 »
Cody: That's good! Thank you!

Lalice: Whee! An ancient character! You're in.

Start date should be anywhere from this week to this weekend, just so we can try to get a few others in. I'm not planning to keep registration open during the course of the role play (coherence reasons and all), so I want to get everyone who thinks they'd like to play in.