Author Topic: How would you describe yourself?  (Read 2298 times)

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How would you describe yourself?
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:39 »
The title says it all. Does it differ from how most people would describe you? Are you trying to be someone you're not? What should people expect from you? Likes and dislikes? Personality traits? Anything that you feel defines you.

Well, how would I describe myself?

1) I tend to stay within my limits. I don't often discuss things that I don't know very much about, whereas I can have long and heated discussions about things I'm well-versed on.
2) I enjoy transforming meaningless words into deep analyses. So naturally, I love to read and write!
3) I work hard by nature, but I tend to overwork myself. And when I overwork myself, I'm very cynical about the priority of work. Lots of people have told me that your health is more important than work, so I shouldn't be staying up past midnight. But that's a statement that people contradict, since people feel compelled to stay up late and overwork themselves anyway.
4) I'm very cautious, almost to a paranoid level.
5) Very imaginative. I always find myself imagining a totally different world with characters in it.

That pretty much sums me up.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 05:47 by E.K.A.N.S. »

Offline Kerou 犠牲

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2014, 13:14 »
I may regret posting in this but oh well

I think at this point it's well known that I hold onto the past far too much. I'm a sucker for nostalgia and I hold past events to a higher standard than I should; or in the cases in which it's bad nostalgia, I hold them to a lower standard than I should. It's very problematic but I think I'm getting better with it. Still, I always regret far too much for my own good, I'm my own worst enemy.

I always want to help and try to improve things but a lot of the time I just struggle with it because I should put myself first so it just ends up with no one being helped and me feeling like a tool =/ ultimately, I just want to try and make things better for everyone else, but a lot of the time my intentions don't really come across that well, or my executions of them end up with the opposite effect.

I think at this point I'd say I've matured a lot over the past year, I think understanding who I became and what I should be (or in some cases could have been) helped with that. I spent too long trying to fit in rather than to properly embrace who I am, it's all becoming a process of me 'starting again' with life. It has kinda set me back some years (like I worked out some generalised life plans with potential earnings and whatnot and I wouldn't be able to move out of my mum's for another 3 years or so due to debts I have, excluding my student loan too...) but I guess I had to go through what I did otherwise I would have still been in such a terrible place mentally. So yeah, you could say I'm trying to reverse the attempts I made with fitting in with society and trying to be me.

I go through phases in life where it's near impossible to motivate me because I get sunken down with feelings and whatnot, meaning when I have to work on stuff it gets crammed. When motivated I'm a really hard worker but I spent so much time doing things I had little interest in (or just general laziness; memories of A Level Law...) that I just became more and more demotivated with life.

I'd go as far as saying I'm a recovering alcoholic. My New Year's Resolution for 2015 will be to go the whole year without drinking. Really hoping I pull through this one.

I have a terrible style of comedy in which I just make puns or terrible references based on what's said or happening around me. I get more groans than laughs. Let's just say I won't be a comedian any time soon =P

I'm into most sports and I'm getting more into and involved with music. I wish I had bothered to learn guitar back in the day but I didn't really appreciate things that well back then (was a right cheeky so and so too). Was never really good enough sports-wise but I like to think I've got a decent understanding of a few of them.

People should expect the minimum from me. I'm trying to work on that.

I'm a dreamer, I think that's more to do with my love / hate relationship with reality. We're trying to work it out at the moment.

I think I tread a fine line between self-consciousness and narcissism. I strive for personal improvement because I do think I've got a lot of flaws that could be worked on, yet I think it's somewhat of a terrible habit too. I think it usually ends up making me somewhat selfish, I guess because when trying to be helpful I go through a state of mind where I just doubt myself and just solely think about me and how to improve myself rather than the task at hand, at times leaving with the work being abandoned. I think if I did reach the levels of improvement I'd become a full blown narcissist which would be terrible ^^;

I'm a walking contradiction.

I'm not very good at explaining things. I seem to repeat things in an attempt to make my point clearer, usually to the opposite effect.

I have commitment issues. It's something I really need to work on.

I guess when in the right frame of mind I'm a great friend to have, or when my approach is right. I care more about the people around me than myself, more because I like to see what potential they have and what they can achieve rather than myself. I really hope those with potential around me reach it rather than do what I've done (although I did kinda need to do what I did due to the bad choices I made before). That's why I try to be helpful though, even if I mess up (sorry to those on here that I've messed up with, my bad).

I do feel like our flaws help shape us as people (I mean if we all were flawless life would be mundane) but I guess that all comes down to a perception of what's a flaw and what's not. I'd definitely say I have a load of flaws, a lot of stuff I need to try and fix and I'm working on it. I think more so it's our choices that define us, and ultimately embracing who we are and driving to reach the things we want to achieve, rather than what others want us to do. I've held myself back for too long, at this point I just hope to get into a position where I can start bringing in money, look towards paying off my debts and build somewhat of a future for myself. It'll be a long road but I'm willing to take the journey; I wouldn't have been like this a year ago (when I was slipping into my worst state yet)

also whoops I posted a lot, my bad D:
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 13:19 by KEROU »

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2014, 14:44 »
I'm alright I guess

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2014, 17:53 »
i am the best clownshoe this side of the internet

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2014, 18:13 »
id describe you as queen clown

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2014, 18:54 »
id describe you as queen clown

awww thx, thats much better than mine :*

//gives u an honorary clowknighthood to repay ur honesty and valour in front of ur queen//
arise!!!! prince sylar of seapizza city!!!! //assembled crowd goes mad and claps like the dickens, all standing and whistling//

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2014, 20:18 »
I would describe myself as an average teenager with a good amount of book smarts, but bad social skills.

Yeah, i'm the vanilla of users here.  :mellow:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 01:35 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2014, 21:10 »
i am dumb and shy and i stand just outside of groups of people and i never quite know what to say to most of them so i just shuffle around awkwardly and i cry too much

and then even when i get to know people i talk too much and i guess i'm kind of whiny like this and i'll probably hang all over you unless you actually tell me you're not comfortable with it and i'm defensive and i might yell at you at some point bc i'm hotheaded and stupid

pls ignore this i'm dumb

thanks gl <3

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2014, 21:31 »
I am large and in charge. Chunky yet funky.

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2014, 22:15 »
I've grown in self confidence a lot over the past few years, I used to be very awkward and anxious but now I'm much more relaxed around people. I'm either very laid back or running around like a headless chicken, there is no inbetween. I get stressed and worry about minor little things and over analyse a lot.
Although I've grown in confidence I doubt myself a lot, even when I know I can do or I'm actually good at something. I find it extremely hard to take compliments besides from certain people. I used to hate myself but I've gotten over that and I'm actually happy with my appearance etc.
I have a few friends that I can trust with my life, I can be quite clingy with some people but then again if someone stops talking to me I don't see the need to chase them down. I do bear grudges and have a very good memory so chances are if you did something terrible to me I'll never forget it.
I have a habit of starting random things and never finishing them or having all these ideas and just not doing anything. Stress is my biggest motivator, I love the crippling pressure, regardless of how much I whine at the time.
my sense of humour is very dry and warped, I tend to use one liners a lot. I also have an immature sense of humour and can go into hysterics over silly things, especially when drunk.
I'm stubborn and always think my way is the best way. Once I've started something my way I dislike being told different. Despite my stubbornness I'm not very argumentative, I dislike fighting and can be quite a baby in that sense.

But yeah if I wrote this 5 years ago it'd be vastly different to now, I'm generally much more happier and less worried about what people think of me.

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2014, 22:52 »
I'm kinda... Varied I guess? Some days I'm just really helpful and do everything I can to help people, but then others I'm just sort of unnecessarily mean =/ I'm pretty resilient to anything, but there's certain things people say that just make me explode and it's not even anything that, in hindsight, is that massive. I end up ruining relationships with people over stupid stuff, and bear a grudge way too much, but I also get along with most people and make friends fairly easily. I never really noticed it in myself, but had it pointed out to me that I almost always take a viewpoint opposing the person(s) I'm talking to, which leads to a lot of arguments, and never tend to accept I'm wrong even when I'm really wrong. But then some days I end up the complete opposite, just agreeing with anything and conceding my point immediately and it's just like Bluh whatever.

Also this:
I have a habit of starting random things and never finishing them or having all these ideas and just not doing anything.

I'm shocking for doing this too xD My iPad is a collection of ideas that never manifested into the potentially brilliant things they could of been because Bluh effort xD
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2014, 00:49 »
 I've always considered myself as sadistic and cynical but I absolutely love my friends and general company. Between 2009-2011 I was a massive dick and I made people cry and those memories serve as a stark reminder of what I was.

 Since then, I've really worked on my personality and behaviour and I guess it's why I'm a lot nicer now and my confidence is absolutely through the roof. Funnily enough, I was a lot happier back then. Nowadays I usually get - what is probably like depression - crippling loneliness around this time of year: I'll just see absolutely no point in anything and everything seems grey and I just want to sleep it all off. This is pretty much why I show so much enthusiasm towards the gym on these boards, y'know, I've found that working out completely negates that feeling.

 My close guy friends think of me as cold, cruel, and funny. The truth is, I just don't show emotion around them because when times get rough, they need to see someone who just isn't phased by things - plus, they've all known me since the time I was horrible. The other week I found myself struggling to read a sociology handout about child poverty because I found it upsetting, I'm sensitive about certain subjects. All the female friends I've had generally say nice things about my personality.

 I just consider myself as ambiguous in a good way nowadays. I used to be a massive douche but I've tried my hardest to repress those behaviours and I guess they just occasionally poke through.

 I find it difficult to describe myself because I just pick myself apart because if I just listed all the good things about myself I'll come off as cocky.

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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2014, 00:58 »
i am the best human being i've ever met

and that actually means a lot i've met some great human beings
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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2014, 01:37 »
i am the best clownshoe this side of the internet

And you're pretty damn close to becoming the best clownshoe on the other side.
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Re: How would you describe yourself?
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2014, 19:07 »
Well, I put this in my sig a day ago, but I moved it out because I didn't want to break the rules. But I think it matters, so I'll post it here: "I deliberate on everything I do, but I lack common sense."

Yes, I can think long and hard and analyze things deeply and interpret things that others can't, but I have very little of the knowledge that I should have without having to think. I would say that my basic "human" knowledge is pretty poor.