Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]  (Read 23483 times)

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2014, 01:32 »
Fleur sees Nova turn and go after the charizard, landing close nearby. "Wait! Before you attack, she did that to scare the d-day pokemon off. She's with us!" Fleur blurts out. "Plus we don't have time to fight, we need to flee!" The buizel points to the fire, only getting bigger and bigger by the second. "I think I saw a cave nearby. We need to get there without killing each other! The charizard is not doomsday, and considering her past, we might want to give her a chance. Plus....the megastone." Fleur said, she was talking quickly for a few reasons. First, the charizard wanted redemption, two, it wasn't doomsday, three, she had seen enough death for the day, and four, if they didn't run, they'd burn.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #106 on: December 22, 2014, 01:44 »
 Nova looked at Fleur, a bit flustered that she didn't even pick up on the presence of the Buizel. "Apologies," she said curtly to the Charizard. "No offense, but if you don't want pokemon to mistake you for doomsday, you should probably wash up a bit and get that dead look out of your eyes," Nova said quickly, clearly trying to defend her own hastiness to attack. She paused her speech for a minute to turn herself around, and took a deep breath to relax her hackles. "Let's go."

Nova dashed off into the flames and forest, making her way back to where a few members of the group had congregated.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #107 on: December 22, 2014, 02:14 »
The flames in the area near the Anorith had been tamed, for now at least. He could no longer use Water Gun, so this was as much as he could do. Hopefully it would give them enough time to gather so no one would get lost. The Anorith turned away from the flames and moved closer to SCRAP as Nova ran off to investigate a loud, terrifying roar. Though normally he would want to investigate the noise as well, the little insect couldn't bring himself to care right now, he had too much else to worry about. He managed to keep himself from being burned even more, but he was still in pretty bad shape. His burns would have started to heal, but his frequent moving around just made them raw and even worse than before. The cut wing especially worried him, walking on it had caused the cut to open further. Simply walking was becoming increasingly painful. He was exhausted, all of this was too much for his little body to take, but knew he wouldn't be able to rest until they were out of the burning forest. He just hoped he could stay awake that long. He couldn't.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2014, 04:07 »
SCRAP looked at the Anorith. It was clearly injured and struggling with movement. He could carry the former fossil, but at an estimated 12 to 13 kg it would over encumber him and reduce his speed.
"[Suggestion] Other one can ca-ca-carry you. If I did, I mo-mo-mo slow." he told the Anorith. His head twitched and a small spark jumped out. The damage was managable: he wasn't burned, nor did he have a physical injury that would be aggravated by movement. Once they reached a secure location he could begin recovery.
Nova approached the group, having investigated the source of the loud noise from earlier. SCRAP found this an ideal time to respond to her inquiry.
"[Explanation] Your combat-bat skills are superior to mine. You can better clear-r-r-r a route. [Suggestion] You would be best with optimmmmal mobility. I will carry the nine-nine-niner tailed one. There are others who can carry the re-re-remaining injured." SCRAP told the Houndoom as she approached.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #109 on: December 23, 2014, 00:57 »
The ground cracked and rose up in a small spot for a moment, before Sixx suddenly burst through the surface, digging out several feet from where he and his brother had descended. He pulled himself out, sputtering out dirt and shaking clods of soil out of his fur. He turned his head, eyes widening as he now noticed the raging forest fire around them and the others. "This is a nightmare..." he mumbled, reaching to click his claws together as a nervous habit. Suddenly a loud roar echoed trhoug hthe premises, sending the Zoroark stumbling forward with a yelp.

Patrick popped out of Sixx's back fluff, his ribbons instantly going rigid as he felt the heat around them. He landed on the ground, looking around frantically. He saw their Houndoom friend Nova running to investigate the loud roar, and their other compatriots milling about anxiously. He spied his small insect friend on the ground, looking..injured? "Sixx, I'll be back!" he cried to his brother, before running over to the Anorith. He skidded to a stop, touching his small friend with his feelers, "Oh, no...did you hurt your little wings? can ride on my back! I'll carry you if it hurts!" He got down into a bowed, kneeling-like position on his front paws, and nodded at his back. He had no idea how much the little Pokemon weighed, but certainly it couldn't be too heavy.

Sixx watched Patrick set to work with Anorith, and smiled a little. He then noted Keira's fainted form, an his smile turned int oa grimace. He prayed no other Doomsday Pokemon attempted to ambush them; between the fire and the general confusion, it was a very tight spot for everyone. He moved closer o everyone else, hearing SCRAP explain to a returning Nova that he would carry Keira back. Sixx examined the boxy Pokemon, and made the assumption that, yes, such an odd, but bulky Pokemon could probably carry a Ninetales with minimal issues.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #110 on: December 24, 2014, 02:40 »
Fleur started to run to catch up with everyone. As it seemed, people didn't like her charizard friend, but the buizel didn't have enough time to care about that. Plus, as it seemed, Keira was out cold and heavily injured, and that insect-like thing wasn't in too good shape either. Fleur sighed, her friend likely overdid it again and was just exhausted, but upon closer inspection.... scratches, bruises and all kinds of marks, plus her breathing seemed shallow. Fleur glanced to her tails and the normally white flower was almost black. Odd... what with this flower? It's normally snow white, but it's almost black. I'll ask her about that later.... Why does it get like that when she's all beat up and stuff....? Fleur decided to call out, "I think I saw some caves nearby on the way here? Why not try those?"

((Guys want to time skip to the caves? If you want, after transport for 001 is settled, then that person can just skip ahead if no one objects.))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #111 on: December 24, 2014, 02:51 »
((I, personally, am cool with a timeskip and don't see why anyone would be opposed. For the record, I'm gonna say feel free to do that at any time, just to keep things moving.))

Nova felt bad for the Porygon. The only time she had ever seen pokemon talk like that was when they were exhausted and close to death. "As long as you think you'll be alright. If you can't handle it, I'll take her though."

 When Fleur arrived to the group soon after, Nova nodded at Fleur's suggestion. "Only having to guard from one side should help us for sure."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #112 on: December 24, 2014, 05:03 »
((Oops, I'm slowing everyone down, aren't I... Sorry. But, yeah, a timeskip is fine with me. Also, should mention a small headcanon that came up here. It might be a common headcanon, I don't know. But, yeah, bit of a headcanon that fossil pokemon weren't always Rock type, they became Rock type thanks to being an actual rock when they were a fossil. I would assume Anorith was originally Bug/Water.))

The Anorith looked at Patrick. It looked like he was offering him a ride. He gratefully accepted and climbed up on his new friends back, chirping a few times to say thanks. He tried to hold on, like he did with SCRAP, but he was too tired to hold on, at least he turned his claws away from Patrick. He didn't realize he was a bit heavier than he used to be, thanks to the fossilization and restoration process making him part Rock type, but he hadn't even realized he was part Rock type yet.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #113 on: December 24, 2014, 08:38 »
((Hm…that's an interesting theory. I'd assume the 'revival' process involves DNA, which would make the Rock typing a part of the Pokémon originally. But the process isn't really elaborated on as far as I know. I say go with what makes the best characterization.))

The cave would provide shelter, but may interfere with the signals SCRAP intended to send to the scientists at the Mossdeep Space Center. Current priority was in healing himself and his new allies though: their encounter was nearly fatal for many of them.
Upon entering the cave, the Porygon moved ahead to a small clearing and laid the Ninetails down on the cave floor. She needed medical attention. Though living creatures could recover naturally, the recovery rate was slow and often imperfect.
"[Questioning] Do any of y-y-you have medical items? [Statement] I was designed with a bui-built in Re-Re-Recovery Mode." he said to the others. His speech processors were glitching out: a sign of damage. Though he wasn't struck much, the battle and the heat did a number to his processors. Once his body cooled down and his Recovery initiated, he should be operating close to normal capacity. The Porygon turned to Keira. "[Comforting] This will will w-ease pain." he told her in as comforting a voice as monotone could allow. From his chest cavity he took a Potion and sprayed the Ninetails.
"Running Recycle routine." he chimed; he took an Oran berry and converted it into energy, which he used to refill the Potion. Recycle: originally he was given this routine to repair damaged equipment by using spare parts and other bits he could find. It was efficient, but did take some time to run. "[Statement] This Potion has another u-use. Who requires med-med aid?"

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #114 on: December 24, 2014, 16:11 »
Fleur entered the cave and SCRAP started work on healing everyone and he first went for Keira, spraying potion on her and running recycle. The charizard seemed to take the rear, coming to the mouth of the cave last. It got a few funny looks, but Fleur shot those pokemon a glare and they looked away. The buizel went over to Keira and started digging into the messenger bag the she always had slung over her shoulder. Soon, she pulled out a couple of berries, and a super potion. The buizel gave them over to SCRAP, who seemed to have healing under control, saying, "Put these to use if you wish." Then the buizel looked to Keira, she seemed to start recovering little by little, which relieved the water type. She then brought another potion over to the charizard and sat down. "So.... if you can get this on yourself, do so, and sorry about the ambush. Anyways, what's your story?"
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2014, 21:08 »
When all had gathered inside of the cave, Nova immediately knew the dank cave would be well-suited with a fire. So she turned back, and began to pick through the surrounding areas for some wood. She could smell the fire in the distance, although she doubted that it had spread too far. Nova picked up dry twigs and branches from the ground, fathered as many as she could possibly fit between her jaws. When her mouth was too full to carry even another tiny piece of wood, she turned back to walk towards the cave.

Nova dumped all of the branches on the ground, and used her nose and paws to arrange them in a pile of sorts. She then cast a tiny flame towards the center of the fire. Black smoke began to billow from the wood, as all of the excess moisture was absorbed into the air. With another tiny puff of fire, the campfire was glowing healthily, illuminating the cave. The cave seemed fairly secure: It looked small, and she doubted that there were winding pathways that Doomsday pokemon could hide in. Her eyes hadn't fully adjusted to the darkness, but the cave seemed to mainly be a large clearing on the inside.

Nova lay down next to the fire, and opened her maw to form a loud yawn. Her previous sleep had been interrupted, and she was ready to doze off.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #116 on: December 26, 2014, 06:43 »
Patrick tried to keep good pace as him and Sixx followed the others into the cave, but his Anorith friend's slight bulk slowed him down a little. He didn't mind too much though, more concerned about keeping the small Pokemon safe and secure on his back than anything. His neck ribbons laced around Anorith, and he constantly glanced back as he walked, making sure he hadn't slid off his back during the journey or anything.

Soon they were in the cave, and the Sylveon leaned down again onto his front paws. "Now departing the Patrick Express!" He chirped, turning to bump Anorith gently with his nose to signal to him that it was safe to get off his back. Patrick glanced around the cave, smiling as he saw his friends settling in. Surely they'd be safe and sound in here!

Sixx meanwhile, shook out his fur and lopped down on the cold cave fur as soon as he was settled inside. He stole a glance over at Keira's fainted form, watching as SCRAP spritzed her with a potion. He was thankful the odd Pokemon had such skill with items. The Zoroark glanced down and the floor, licking his lips nervously. I probably could have carried her, he mused, knowing he hadn't made the move out of his own anxieties over her somehow finding out about it later, and the hypothetical nightmare that would follow that. He silently cursed his cowardice, and promised himself if Keira got injured again he wasn't just going to stand around lollygagging.

Suddenly the cave was illuminated, and Sixx glanced up and saw the campfire Nova had started in the middle of the space. he smiled, yawning a little himself when she did. "Man, it's been way too busy an evening for all of us, I think," he said, getting up and moving a bit closer to indulge in the heat, "Gonna need all the rest I can get my paws on."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #117 on: December 27, 2014, 22:45 »
Keira was starting to recover, but her body was cold, so she was shivering as she slept. Dreams were starting to come, and these wouldn't be good ones, as always. When she is cold, nightmares run rampant in her mind, like d-day pokemon outside. Mostly, these were images from the past, but they felt like fresh horrors in her mind.

This time, it was Innis, and her, only back when she was a vulpix. Luminose city was near, but her frail body gave out. Suddenly, the azumarril came by, and picked her up. This dream wasn't as bad, but then her mind shifted, Del's attack.

Him and his friend tried to kill every last one of them. Ryu was nicer back then, he had protected her and they warded them off together. However, her body racked with pain in the current time, and it shifted, to her parents' deaths.

They had held the d-day pokemon off, but her mother was overwhelmed. They swarmed the ninetales and tore her body apart, living only remains, and they had severely wounded her father. He had walked on, carrying the severely wounded vulpix, and later died. A voice rang out in her mind. "You failed them, both of them. They died saving your sorry neck and what have you done to live up to that? Nothing." She recognized that voice as her own. The fox didn't want to believe that but it was her own thoughts.

The scene shifted. Sunny, her heliolisk friend, had long disappeared. Innis was forcing the d-day pokemon back and he had maintained himself for an impressive amount of time. Keira had a chance to save him, but she ran on, leaving Innis to die. "See him? You left him for dead too. What have you done for him? Nothing."

Keira's body racked with shivering.

"All these pokemon, they've given you a chance. You've blown every other chance. Don't blow this one. Unless you want this to happen." Her mind flashes, showing every horrible image that her mind has collected since the first attack, her mother's mangled body, her father's limp body, her own body, nearly dead, Innis dying, they all swirled in her head. Then her and replaced her father's body, with another, Fleur's. "She is just one of the pokemon that could die because of your cowardice. Don't let it happen."

The images faded and her mind went black, leaving her in the soothing darkness.....

((The stuff in "" is her mind talking to her, she isn't saying anything, just so you know.))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #118 on: December 29, 2014, 01:33 »
Keira shivered in her sleep. SCRAP had nothing with him that could provide an insulation layer with which her body heat would not be lost to the environment. Perhaps the other Pokémon would press themselves close to one another to keep warm. SCRAP looked to the others; some looked to have taken quite some damage. He sprayed Keira with the Potion he Recycled and stored the now-empty healing item. The Super Potion, given to him by the strange blue and orange water Pokémon, would be ideal for emergency. Speaking of which, said Pokémon was injured.
SCRAP floated over to Fleur, who was speaking with a Charizard that looked like it had seen better days.
"[Comforting] This will ea-*static* pain." he told the water type, spraying her with another Potion he had with him. Fleur had already used a Potion on the Charizard, so SCRAP moved on to the others.
The Anorith was hurt: it's "wing" was cut up and there were some burns.
"[Comfor–] E-E-Ease pain." he told the Pokémon, Recycling another Oran berry and spraying it.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #119 on: December 29, 2014, 06:10 »
By the time they made it to the cave, the Anorith had fallen half asleep. He was slightly startled when Patrick bumped him to let him know they were there. He chirped and jumped down. The floor of the cave was cool and damp, which helped a bit with the burns. His wings were already beginning to heal, quicker than he expected, but it still hurt quite a bit. Once Nova had started the fire, he positioned himself as far as he could while still staying warm. He watched as SCRAP floated around, spraying something on the other pokemon. His voice was getting erratic, and he was making unusual sounds, but not his usual unusual sounds. The polygonal pokemon floated toward him, said something, then sprayed him with something SCRAP made using an Oran berry, it helped with the pain. "[Thanks, but, uh, are you okay? You sound... tired?]" he wasn't sure if 'tired' was the right word, but it was the closest he could think of.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.