Author Topic: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.  (Read 1387 times)

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Offline GoldenBlaze1920

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My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« on: July 12, 2015, 15:04 »
Golden here and I was wondering if you guys/girls/people (Whatever you want to be called by :'3) would rate my pokemon's nicknames? Please!! :'3

Pokemon Sapphire (GBA)
Absol - IceSong (Reason: She knows Blizzard and Ice Beam as well as Parish Song)
Sceptile - QuickThorn (Reason: Well......... He's quick and he looks kinda like he would hurt someone if he poked them with his tail.......)
Gardevoir - IvoryWish (Reason: Well, Ivory comes from the fact that most of her is white and Wish comes from one of the moves I THINK she can learn in later generations)
Sableye - DarkJewel (Reason: Well....... Hmmm....... He's dark and he has jewels? I never really thought his name through...... I might end up changing it now!!)
Latias - CherryWind (Reason: Cherry comes from her coloring and Wind comes from the fact that CherryFlight wouldn't fit)
(After looking at my game because I couldn't remember for some strange reason)
MeteorClaw - Metagross (Reason: Meteor because, well, one of the ones shown in the anime seems to move kinda like a meteor and Claw because he (I consider my Metagross a he!!) has claws)

Key (Pronounced Kay) - MewTwo (Reason: MewTwo is my favorite legendary and therefore holds the 'key' to my heart. Sometimes anyway)
FrostBite - Articuno (Reason: Hmmm....... Can't really explain much because it's kind of a silly reasoning but because it/she can pack a bit of a punch/bite and because it/she is an ice type)
Zap - Zapdos (Reason: Not even going to explain myself here.)
Cannon - Blastoise (Reason: Because PlasmaCannon wouldn't fit.)
Emperor - Charizard (Reason: Because DragonEmperor (Anyone get the reference there?) wouldn't fit.)
Firenze - Venusaur (Reason: Because Firenze is my favorite Centaur in Harry Potter)

Jay-Ven - Venusaur (Reason: Well........ For some reason I was thinking of Blue-Jays and Ravens at the time so I combined the two names and came up with this)
Ice Flight - Pidgeot (Reason: Ice is because I imagine her with an Ice like personality and Flight is because of her type)
Mattew - Raichu (Reason: Tribute name to one of my friends' own characters)
Briar - Vaporeon (Reason: Tribute name to one of my own characters)
Blood Wing - Dragonite (Reason: I imagine him with blood red wings and a sort of want for blood shed)
Gray Fall - Snorelax (Reason: Well..... Gray is because he was a pain to catch and because I was a little 'gray'/sad about the fact that he kept using rest and Fall is because he kept breaking out of the pokeball and so I felt like Falling off of my bed)

Well, There's the ones I have at the moment!! I'll post the newer ones later, I'm doing a WedLocke (Anyone else watch Marriland?) on a semi broken Emerald game I have and on the other Emerald game I'm soft resetting for a shiny Torchic who I'll be naming GoldenBlaze (Or just Golden if GoldenBlaze won't fit) and then those teams' nicknames :)

Offline aer_dingus

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Re: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 23:48 »
Cannon - Blastoise (Reason: Because PlasmaCannon wouldn't fit.)
I definitely named my Blastoise this when I was 7. So good choice. 

Key (Pronounced Kay) - MewTwo (Reason: MewTwo is my favorite legendary and therefore holds the 'key' to my heart. Sometimes anyway)

I'm not sure why you would pronounce this as "Kay" then...

Jay-Ven - Venusaur (Reason: Well........ For some reason I was thinking of Blue-Jays and Ravens at the time so I combined the two names and came up with this)

This is the most random thing I have ever heard. You were thinking of two types of birds and then came up with a bad mashed name for a big green grass type pokemon (that can't even fly).

Gray Fall - Snorelax (Reason: Well..... Gray is because he was a pain to catch and because I was a little 'gray'/sad about the fact that he kept using rest and Fall is because he kept breaking out of the pokeball and so I felt like Falling off of my bed)

The part that is killing me here is that you were "feeling a little gray/sad." the color that is most frequently used to describe sadness is blue. And yet Blue Fall is just as bad of a nickname.

 :nowink:I don't know man...

Blood Wing - Dragonite (Reason: I imagine him with blood red wings and a sort of want for blood shed)
This is the only one I like.
to be a master...

Offline GoldenBlaze1920

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Re: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2015, 10:38 »
I can see where you're coming from, Really I can, But I have my own personal meanings behind the names as well.

This is the most random thing I have ever heard. You were thinking of two types of birds and then came up with a bad mashed name for a big green grass type pokemon (that can't even fly).

For Jay-Ven this might explain things a bit, In the Venusaur picture I'm recoloring the leafs/leaves (How ever you prefer to say it) are a darkish gray with a green outline and the flower is a light blue, Therefore Jay-Ven fits. Plus it sounded better then anything else when combining the two names..... In my own opinion anyway. Also, Randomness is my specialty!! ;)

I'm not sure why you would pronounce this as "Kay" then...

The reason Key's name is pronounced Kay is a bit hard to explain, I guess one of the few reasons is because it'll throw others off when I send it into battle what with the new key-chain Pokemon and everything.

The part that is killing me here is that you were "feeling a little gray/sad." the color that is most frequently used to describe sadness is blue. And yet Blue Fall is just as bad of a nickname.

With Gray Fall's reasoning it's rather simple. Although blue is a more common way of expressing how sadness would 'look' there's an online game that I sometimes play by the name of Neopets and their way of looking at sadness is a dull gray color.

Glad you liked the other two names that you quoted! C:

Offline Hydreigoku

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Re: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2015, 19:38 »
You should really ask the Name Rater or Sentret.  Maybe Johto Name Rater. 

Offline GoldenBlaze1920

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Re: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2015, 00:57 »
I would but he's been busy.
And he's a jerk.
No offense meant to anyone.

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: My pokemon's nicknames, My teams only.
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2015, 01:05 »
He's always busy, and being a jerk is his thing.
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