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Offline GoldenFlareon

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Rate my team
« on: April 15, 2018, 23:25 »
This is my team I currently have in Pokemon Crystal, along with Pokemon I never used and Pokemon I used earlier in the game , and when (and why) I dropped those Pokemon, if that even matters.


Current Team:
Fireball, Typhlosion, Level 43, Strength, Fury Cutter, Iron Tail, Flame Wheel

Axolotl, Quagsire, Level 45, Surf, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch, Sludge Bomb

Elite, Jolteon, Level 41, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Double Kick, Pin Missile

Dino, Marowak, Level 17, Growl, Tail Whip, Bone Club, Headbutt

The only Pokemon with an item is Elite with an Amulet Coin

Dropped Pokemon:
Togegg, Togepi, Level 18, Growl, Charm, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Dropped after Morty, Lack of good moves.

Cottonball, Jigglypuff, Level 16, Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Disable, Dropped after Morty, Level growth issues

Floof, Furret, Quick Attack, Fire Punch, Fury Swipes, Cut dropped before Clair, Many reasons, but mostly Cut

Shuckie, Shuckle, Safegaurd, Withdraw, Wrap, Encore, dropped after Lance, I wanted newer Pokemon

Rain Dog, Suicune, Waterfall, Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Aurora Beam, dropped after Lance, Not wanting a legendary

Rage, Shiny Gyarados, Thrash, Whirlpool, Dragonbreath, Icy Wind, dropped before Clair, but picked up temporarily, then dropped again after Lance, level growth issues

I am still early on and I am willing to change a lot, please tell me anything that could be improved on or changed
This website makes reference to both the Switch and AOL and this makes me uncomfortable