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Pokémon @ ItemAbility:EVs:IVs: this bit is optional, as only Shoddy players and serious competitive battlers worry about IVsNature [+Stat, -Stat]- Move 1- Move 2- Move 3- Move 4Short commentary about what the moveset is supposed to do.
# Ingame teams are every bit as valid as competitive teams, and at no point should you mock or refuse to rate a team simply because it isn’t competitive. Help the topic creator out by suggesting the best HM slaves, what level they should be at for whatever Gym they’re about to tackle, whatever, just don’t say “Ingame teams are all about levels.” Any posts of such a nature will be deleted on sight. They go completely against the helpful nature of the Team Building board.
If you hang out here For quite A While thats the first think that comes in the head (Neutral natures are sucky.)Actually Wait You can make seriousMeganiumSeriousOvergrowEnergy ballEarthquakeReflectLight screenSimple non breeding support A Great moveset.
Are we allowed to say "in-game teams are all about levels" following it up with "If you bring your level to x then you should be fine against y gym leader"?
Somebody putted (Neutral natures are sucky and that wasn't me ). Does it break the rule of “x is sucky,”
No, let's not have people be refrained from posting those teams.As said, I'd rather have them post them and say "This is currently the best I can do", or to have them get an explanation of why it doesn't work, than to get a snarky and unnecessary comment like this one seems to be on how they are not elite enough to understand.Let's try to be accepting here of people who don't know every detail of team building, and help them instead of berating them, okay?