well apart from a couple of scary appointments at the beginning of july
these last few days have been the first days in an incredibly long while where i can just sit back and not have to worry about assignments or postlabs or prelabs or studying or revising
i mean i have to revise for a retake but that won't be until like what
august or something?
if i don't have a break now i might sort of have a nervous breakdown or something
but oh my god it feels like that feeling where you go into a swimming pool (god it's been ages since i last went swimming) and then you get out for a bit and then you get back in and it's like oh my god words don't even describe fsfjdfoidsjsdjio
i can just sit and knit and do gpx+ all day and not worry about OPPURTUNITY COST
i mean i still have to go to work yeah
but thats like three times a week
aaahhhh feels good
[my sister genuinely suggested a purple streak and getting the rest black and said 'you can't get any further from eridan so why not be him' SHE DOESN'T READ HOMESTUCK SHE JUST KNOWS I AM ERIDAN IRL. ERIJOHN SHE CALLS ME. LOL.]
i mean i am also biased because purple is my favourite colour
and i want to dye my hair purple but work ~wouldn't like it~ gggggggggggfffff
but yes do this