Author Topic: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?  (Read 539067 times)

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4741 on: November 15, 2012, 00:24 »
have you ever done a 4 year chemistry degree as a dyslexic then milsap have you please tell us about it

He did pretty much explain Uni (for most courses) in a nutshell tbf.

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4742 on: November 15, 2012, 13:38 »
He did pretty much explain Uni (for most courses) in a nutshell tbf.

last edit i swear: hey webbz what degree did you do did you do a 4 year hard science degree please tell us what it was like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

surely an ex-poly liberal arts degree is the same as a 4 year STEM degree at a russell group uni???? (spoiler: no it definitely isn't and if you thought it was you're a moron for assuming stuff about people before getting to know them)

also in the higher unis for STEM subjects your lecturers don't actually start you off on any foot and you're assumed to have read up on this course beforehand
despite not being given any information about the course until the lecture and not being allowed to see any handouts before the lecture and not knowing anything about relevant course material other than the same 3000+ page tome that every uni in the entire uk uses!!!!!!

it turns out they use a completely different set of books from that one and you now have to hunt for oh look at that it's the lecturer's own book no wonder you couldn't find it!!!! yes lets look at the lecturer's site now!!! he's a big name person cos this is a good uni so you should have expected an hour long advert for his books!

that is if they even bother using the MOLE/Blackboard online notes system??? if you're really lucky they'll basically run through the derivation of the equation on the blackboard and not actually explain a damn thing

surely you can see what im getting at not to mention that the STEM subjects definitely aren't not "most courses" they are actually "most courses" tbh
what you think the unis get their money from, the liberal arts?!?!???!?!?!??! hahaaahhaha

edit: less sassy version of this post
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 14:26 by well then we'll have a tonic water party »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4743 on: November 15, 2012, 15:55 »
what's annoying me is people who are really up themselves because ooh wow they do a science degree and so they seem to think that everyone who isn't doing said science degree just obviously doesn't find uni hard at all or anything or have problems in lecturers not giving any information or stuff

so glad i escaped doing science at a russell group uni when i did!
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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4744 on: November 15, 2012, 16:12 »
Had a driving lesson today, was doing a turn in the road and I messed up one. My grandson was waiting for me to do it, that was fine didn't think anything of it. I got frustrated later on because of stupid mistakes and my instructor made me feel better.
After I went home my granda was giving me lift to college. He says he saw me do the turn and went nuts at me saying I was doing it wrong and that he thought I was a learner it was that bad according to him. I was raging at him and almost in tears because 'oh i cant do anything right!'!!

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4745 on: November 15, 2012, 16:55 »
i just
my boyfriend's ex wants to get back with him??????????

this is the girl that basically crapped on him from a height and made him really depressed. after they broke up they were still talking (briefly) and he told her about me and she boasted about how she'd got with loads of guys and had loads of sex and asked if he'd had sex with me yet?

i just
she blames their breakup on her failing her as-levels (yeah right. Owen passed them fine, ya dumbass), and after Owen said he has me, she said "Oh maybe after?"

oh my god
does she not understand that he doesn't want her?!
i just
i want to push her off a cliff

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4746 on: November 15, 2012, 17:29 »
what's annoying me is people who are really up themselves because ooh wow they do a science degree and so they seem to think that everyone who isn't doing said science degree just obviously doesn't find uni hard at all or anything or have problems in lecturers not giving any information or stuff

so glad i escaped doing science at a russell group uni when i did!

haha wow are you upset i dissed the liberal arts??? calm down im not one of those sorts who's so stupid as to think no other degree in the classic lot offered by most unis doesn't involve massive essays

remember (or rather not because assumptions again) i did take all humanities A Levels such as History and English Literature and Business Studies and Spanish and im never taking 4 humanities A Levels in my life again

before realising i didn't want to do them at uni and going back to do a chemistry A level

like any degree at a top uni is hard (especially if you're a clinical spacko like i am actually a spacko my entire family is dyslexic i managed to hide it by finding long words in dictionaries and being just about competent at maths) 

like its just milsap stated the bloody obvious which is ex-poly universities can sometimes be gold for teaching cos they hit the balance between "we've got enough money to pay good lecturers who care" and "we're big enough to have some clout in the field" and not be like the worse ex-polys which have like only three casio keyboards and one cello a couple reference speakers and Ableton Live Lite 5 as the only musicmaking software

and he was like "haha whats the problem i got great teaching at my ex-poly" and its like of course you got good teaching at a good ex poly for a social science where stuff like music is a boon to do
if you do music in a top uni you're expected to learn lots of boring theory about dead old people as opposed to tinkering with a vintage synth for a week

surely this topic exists to have a rant about stuff that is its major purpose
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 17:39 by well then we'll have a tonic water party »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4747 on: November 15, 2012, 17:49 »
haha wow are you upset i dissed the liberal arts??? calm down im not one of those sorts who's so stupid as to think no other degree in the classic lot offered by most unis doesn't involve massive essays

more glad that i got out of doing the chemistry degree that i knew i'd really struggle with when i did rather than carrying it on and making my life hell tbh

it's just incredibly annoying when people are all like "oh 'liberal arts' degrees oh that's not like a STEM degree" or "oh haha early childhood studies what a slacker degree"

it'd be interesting to see how they'd cope when given the task of teaching 30 hyperactive 4 and 5 year olds rather than dealing with their equations or whatever

it's nice to think that lots of people think that doing a degree like mine is a waste of time when actually my work has a massive effect on the next generation in their most important years of development

also just because it's a BA doesn't mean there's no science; i've got neuroscience and psychology coming out of my ears at the moment and am seemingly the only one on my course who understands either

note: this has descended from a kinda reply to tonic water party to becoming a rant at everyone who's insulted my degree.. what fun
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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4748 on: November 15, 2012, 18:26 »
more glad that i got out of doing the chemistry degree that i knew i'd really struggle with when i did rather than carrying it on and making my life hell tbh

it's just incredibly annoying when people are all like "oh 'liberal arts' degrees oh that's not like a STEM degree" or "oh haha early childhood studies what a slacker degree"

it'd be interesting to see how they'd cope when given the task of teaching 30 hyperactive 4 and 5 year olds rather than dealing with their equations or whatever

it's nice to think that lots of people think that doing a degree like mine is a waste of time when actually my work has a massive effect on the next generation in their most important years of development

also just because it's a BA doesn't mean there's no science; i've got neuroscience and psychology coming out of my ears at the moment and am seemingly the only one on my course who understands either

note: this has descended from a kinda reply to tonic water party to becoming a rant at everyone who's insulted my degree.. what fun

holy crap early years teaching //backs off//

if you're doing early years teaching psychology stuff then honestly i wish you the best of luck

i mean that sincerely not sarcastically like 80% of my posts

im going through uni solely so i can do my phD and my postgrad and become a lecturer so i deal with lazy students as opposed to kids or high school kids
i cannot do kids below drinking age at all cos at uni you don't have to worry about conversion rates (for non teaching people that means how much crappy students you improve or at least this is what it meant when i was snooping into school red tape) and at least in a uni you aren't babysitting them any more and the divide between students who couldn't care less about the degree and students who want to do their best like you can finally skim that cream off 

just the thought of having to deal with a bunch of kids and be a teacher to them makes me want to do a montage of me having nightmares in bed all stammering at the front of the class and one of the 4 year olds knifing me and me being strung from the ceiling while they summon satan with my corpse

but like lmao i really wish the hands-on teaching sciences like teaching got better money and better recognition? cos key skills and key stage 1/2 stuff is dead hard and its like retail everyone disses it but in a difficult area its a lot harder than it looks
again i say this cos i work retail in a convenience store which means the nights that everyone else is getting their assignments done and preparing for tommorows lectures (monday, thursday, sunday evening) i am stood there serving rude people expensive wine and trying to cope with being put in the one place i requested them not to put me cos im asthmatic and im being triggered by everyones entire bottles of perfume decanted about their shoulder or the mental hospital people's endless smoking habits ughhhhhhh if only i didn't need the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

(yes both the social care workers and the people they take care of both smell of ashtrays and one or the other always buys 12 cans of stella its so depressing)

i wish you the best of luck and ignore people who diss your degree

like you'd think science degree people were the top of the chain but no the engineering and med students still tell us we have it so easy cos they're doing an employable science and its like oh my god shut UP you lot

my mother was a TA to a bunch of Year 1s for a good decade or so across different schools when we were like moving all over the place and the stories she came out with i couldn't do it
like i'd much rather do solid state chemistry than i would early years teaching and i am rubbish at solid state chemistry cos i have rubbish spatial abilities lmao

so like i will also admit that child psychology deffo doesnt get the love it needs and people tend to be useless cos they're all like me and want to teach adults who can be bothered as opposed to kids who can't

godspeed mein freund
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 18:33 by well then we'll have a tonic water party »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4749 on: November 15, 2012, 18:40 »
thanks :3

i just get so frustrated when people are like "all you do is play all day" and it's like really nothing like that at all as there are so many theories to learn and they are changing all the time and the entire early years curriculum has just been changed so i have to learn it all again and afhadgjsg

its like retail everyone disses it but in a difficult area its a lot harder than it looks
again i say this cos i work retail

oh my god do not get me started on working in retail especially coming up to christmas it is such a nightmare and i am really getting to the end of my patience with it

seriously though thanks for the good luck, i'm deffo gonna need it D:
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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4750 on: November 15, 2012, 22:22 »
 Yeah.... I really want to get back into 40K, been eyeing up this set on Amazon it's for the Space Orks which always looked cool, it's just that 40K is such an expensive hobby to take up.

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4751 on: November 15, 2012, 22:28 »

 its like retail everyone disses it but in a difficult area its a lot harder than it looks
again i say this cos i work retail in a convenience store which means the nights that everyone else is getting their assignments done and preparing for tommorows lectures (monday, thursday, sunday evening) i am stood there serving rude people expensive wine and trying to cope with being put in the one place i requested them not to put me cos im asthmatic and im being triggered by everyones entire bottles of perfume decanted about their shoulder or the mental hospital people's endless smoking habits ughhhhhhh if only i didn't need the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I think there should be some sort of Retail National Service, where everyone has to spend like two years working in a shop and dealing with the public so that that they might become reasonable human beings and understand that we cannot conjure out of stock items out of thin air at ten minutes to closing time because THEY ARE OUT OF STOCK AND REPEATING HOW MUCH YOU NEED SAID ITEM LOUDER AND LOUDER IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT APPEAR.

christ i hate the public
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 22:31 by Clairefable »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4752 on: November 16, 2012, 10:24 »
surely an ex-poly liberal arts degree

It's an engineering degree, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

like its just milsap stated the bloody obvious which is ex-poly universities can sometimes be gold for teaching cos they hit the balance between "we've got enough money to pay good lecturers who care" and "we're big enough to have some clout in the field" and not be like the worse ex-polys which have like only three casio keyboards and one cello a couple reference speakers and Ableton Live Lite 5 as the only musicmaking software

and he was like "haha whats the problem i got great teaching at my ex-poly" and its like of course you got good teaching at a good ex poly for a social science where stuff like music is a boon to do

Again... Not a social science. Engineering degree.

if you do music in a top uni you're expected to learn lots of boring theory about dead old people as opposed to tinkering with a vintage synth for a week

Well, I'm not doing music, so I'm not learning any of the theory behind it. I do a lot of maths, and a lot of physics. And for someone who is incapable of doing maths I find it really difficult. Acoustics is a minefield and although interesting, I find it quite difficult. All I said was that I was a very bright student who probably could have gone to your fancy pants Russell Group Universities like my brother did but ended up going to one that's not at the top of everybody's lists.

it'd be interesting to see how they'd cope when given the task of teaching 30 hyperactive 4 and 5 year olds rather than dealing with their equations or whatever

I worked in a secondary school as a TA for a while. They're the same but older. I know exactly how you feel

christ i hate the public

Ditto. It seems as though only what they want matters and everyone else can do one.
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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4753 on: November 16, 2012, 15:34 »
All I said was that I was a very bright student who probably could have gone to your fancy pants Russell Group Universities like my brother did but ended up going to one that's not at the top of everybody's lists.

so you didn't get in and are pretending you're not a little bitter about it haha (<-- LIGHTHEARTED PUB STYLE BANTER since people tend to take me literally all the time)

seriously though you dont have to defend your uni choice or non-choice your self-confessed intelligence??? im not sure what you're trying to prove here

like its just kind of you being all giving me the obvious talk about how uni isn't about them babysitting us and its like no milsap you didn't go to a russell group uni you don't know how crappy undergrad teaching is in practice this is a matter you cannot comment on cos you have not gone through it yourself

dragonpika and piccolami also share the same sentiment as i do about useless lecturers
whats so hard to understand about this???

like the bit about ex-poly teaching being better than russell group teaching is agreeing with you?? and you go on the defensive and get huffy that i called your sound-related degree a music degree lmao if you called my degree a drug-cooking class well you might be onto something there anyway cos I did read PiKHal and TikHaL before deciding on chemistry hahhahahah i mean i'll be no Shulgin but i'll damn well try cos he had a hell of a life and still is having one uughhghgh h one day ill be whacked off my face on a new class of psychadelic i invented..........................

but like seriously calm down dude im like literally telling you it was probably better you didn't go to a russell group uni if anything hahaha cos you actually learnt something in your degree like you didn't get the dis-economies of scale like its friday have a pint and design a lecture hall or s/t
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 15:40 by well then we'll have a tonic water party »

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Re: What's annoying you and bugging you at the moment then?
« Reply #4754 on: November 16, 2012, 19:13 »
I think most university courses are far too theoretical as it is. Universities are a hub of theoretical research, so the more you learn the more suited you are for working for a university as most workplaces won't require such a high level of theoretical skills once you reach a certain point. That said, I would rather take a music course and be taught a lot of music theory as opposed to playing around with old synthesizers.