This one's going on a postcard

Submitted by Sebastian Moran
- One scene later, and this ws a banned episode. by laironlover77
- Because nothing says 'Come to Kanto' like a Johto Pokemon trying to tear some girl's top off. by laironlover77
- Todd: I can see it now. "Togepi and Misty's sex life revealed!" by jjas132
- Misty: May's butt is THIIIIIIIS big! by Angelic Lapras King
- Poképr0n? by
- Scenes from the first T-rated Pokemon game, Take 1. by laironlover77
- Pikachu: TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! by laironlover77
- And this is why there was no Pokemon Snap 2. by laironlover77
- Togepi wonders where he came from... by Angelic Lapras King
- Todd: This one's going in my 'special' collection! :D by laironlover77
- Togepi: Take your top off. by
- C'Mon everybody Jazz hands by Ianfrontier
- Pikachu: Misty, when's it gonna be my turn?! by jjas132
- Togepi knows where all the good bits are. by Sizacu
- Togepi: What's THIS button for? by Captain Jigglypuff
- Misty: If you love your Pokemon they'll love you in return! Todd: I can see that. by Pichu123
- Todd: Keep it up, Misty! The last video of this scored 2 million hits on Youtube! :D by laironlover77
- Camera guy: Say Pikachu, Togepi! Pikachu: Wow, he's saying me instead of cheese! Togepi: No. I hate cameras. I hate it. by Powerforce
- Togepi found something using its PICKUP ability! by Caldoran
- Misty's Gyarados impression. by Catstorm