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Characters: Characters Overview



Cissy is the Mikan Island Gym leader. When Ash met her she explained to him that the Orange League gyms are very different to the ones back in Kanto. They like to set special challenges in the matches. In her gym, for example, the water Pokemon battle like athletes. She lives with her younger brother, who tried to fool Ash into thinking he was the leader.

Character categories

Spotlight: May
Main Characters
These are the people that drive the show along, and appear in nearly every episode!

Spotlight: Professor Juniper
Supporting Characters
These are people who appear fairly often, but not all the time.

Spotlight: Trip
Significant Others
The gang have made tonnes of friends on their lengthly journey, here are some of the more important ones.

Spotlight: Dario
Miscellaneous Characters
Only appeared once and didn't anything exciting? They'll be here, then!

Spotlight: Morty
Gym Leaders

Spotlight: Pierce
Team Rocket

Spotlight: James' Weezing
Longterm Pokemon
The Pokemon that stuck around for ages