Hotting Up

Submitted by Angelic Lapras King
- Ash: That's right, I'm a firefighter! So, I just punch the fire in the face, right? by
- Never trust Ash near a fire. by SirBlaziken
- Pikachu: and then we THROW ASH INTO THE FLAMES! :D Togepi: YAY! :D by Danatales
- Misty: Ash, why can't we just sleep in the PokeCenter? by Fpb2014
- Ash, truly desperate to become a Pokemon Master, performs a blood sacrifice with Pikachu and Togepi. by Danatales
- Togepi looks happy now, but the sad truth is that fire is there so Ash & co can enjoy some tasty scrambled eggs. by Danatales
- Misty: No! They're cooking my cute little Topegi! MY BABY! D: by
- Pikachu: Yay! We're having roasted PKMN.NET Logo for lunch! by
- Misty: I got fired! D: by
- Misty: Sigh. Where's Smokey the Ursaring when you need him? by Umby2000
- Misty: Ash, you spent all our money on firewood, what are we gonna eat!? Ash: We're gonna eat... Brock! Brock: ..Wait, what? by Utack and Swampy
- Togepi (Happy Sing song): Burn the map! Burn it! Burn it! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Misty: Ash let them play with MATCHES?!!! Brock: Well this IS Ash we're talking about here.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Ash: Prepare the sacrifice, Brock! Misty: I HEARD THAT!!! by MzLuluZombi
- Ash: Alright, bring on the fire puns people, I DARE YA! by Angelic Lapras King
- Pikachu: Dance to appease the fire! by
- Misty: ...Is 'Hotting' even a word!? by Utack and Swampy
- Brock: Honey, it's okay, it's okay... Misty: But my Pokemon Cards! They're burning them! by
- Misty: Ash, we've been camping out here so long that they built a city AROUND us! by Utack and Swampy
- Eventually, Ash ended up living up to his name. by Mondo Oowada