Too many berries. Even for Charizard!

Submitted by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Bulbasaur: Oran Berries AGAIN?! But we had them yesterday and the day before and the day before that and the day before that.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Anyone else feel like the caption contest is pretty much dead? The whole site is pretty much dead to be honest. Oh look, berries. by
- Squirtle: Why do you insist on making us fat???? by Captain Jigglypuff
- Charizard: If you don't feed us something ELSE for a change, I'm gonna start using Flamethrower on you regularly again! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Squirtle: (looking at caption/screenshot) I look like I'm putting my hands out on a campfire. by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Charizard: Yes, eat my children. Then once you're fat enough, I can sacrifice you to Cthulu. Squirtle: What Pikachu: What Bulbasaur: What Charizard: What by SirBlaziken
- There are 3 pokemon that stand on 2 legs in this picture. There's 3 sides in a triangle. Illuminati confirmed. by SirBlaziken
- Charizard: Look at all these Oran Berries! I can't even eat them all! by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Squirtle: OK, whatever you do, Charizard don't burn them all up with your Flamethrower. Charizard: It's Incinerate that burns down berries! How can Flamethrower even do that? Bulbasaur: Any fire type move can burn down berries, you know that? by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Berries....or a bunch of Tangla? The world may never know..... by SirBlaziken
- The gang really did a good job of repainting that wailmer, didn't they? by SirBlaziken
- Oran Berries 4 dayz!!! by LoopyJack
- Ash: Quick! Hide all of these before Snorlax comes! by Marionette