Bayleef is like OMG

Submitted by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Oh my god, May. Look at her butt! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Bayleef just found out about Rowlett and isn't happy to be displaced as best grass starter. by yukithewhitewolf
- Bayleef: And Ash just angered a Vespiquen. I think it's safe to say he screwed up again and we're gonna die now.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Is...Is that...did someone steal my private jet...? by Oh_An_Account
- Bayleef: Why is there a Pidgeot leading a massive flock of Pidgey this way? by Captain Jigglypuff
- OMG! Pokémon Go! Must... have... now... by The name master
- Bayleef: It's a bird! It's a plane! by Swordterranean40MikeyL