You smell nice...

Submitted by RachelPiplupLover
- Ash (thinking): Don't use flamethrower. Don't use flamethrower... by Jirachi 26
- Ash: Can I... um... help you? by laironlover77
- Thanks for watching! To Watch the next Scene Please Comfirm you are 18 or over. by Limited
- Torkoal: Say hello to Ash's little friend and I mean really little! by Jirachi 26
- Ash:... Pikachu, I don't think we're in Kanto anymore... by laironlover77
- Ash: Torkoal why are you sniffing me? Torkoal: Because I can't find a 4Kids logo with these stupid eyes. by Jirachi 26
- Ash wanted a puppy for Christmas. He was very disapointed. by
- Ash: Well, thank goodness Torkoal isn't a snapping turtle... by laironlover77
- Must..resist... the urge to bite.. by Jirachi 26
- Torkoal: Hmm... we have some work to do. by laironlover77
- ... are you wearing cologne? ^-^ by Shaymin
- Ash: Ooooowa! Brock! He has no eyes like you! Torkoal: *Cough* by Mew100
- Torkoal: Oh NO! I cant lift my head up so I have to stare at Ash's........ by Powerforce
- Torkoal is giving a bad example to the kids by Powerforce
- Torkoal: Okay, guys. Don't act too shocked, but... There's a Piplup trainer behind me and she's taking photographs of us. by
- "And next on the Jerry Springer Show: 'My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With A Torkoal.'" by
- Torkoal: Hey Ash, just wanted to tell you that badge Flannery gave you was a fake. Ash: ... by jjas132
- Torkoal: Ya know, thousands of Chinese children with very low pay slaved to make those jeans you're wearing, Ash. Ash: ...You can talk?! by
- Brock thinking: Wow, look at Torkoal's ass by Powerforce
- Ash: God, Torkoal! Did you say you were gonna.. Torkoal: Yes, I did. :/ by Powerforce