Oh Yeah, Baby! Let's Dance!

Submitted by DragonairSoul
- Watch how the blind Octillery attempts to seduce what it believes to be a mate... by laironlover77
- "BOW before your SUPREME MASTER!!!" by MzLuluZombi
- Octillery: Hey, if you think I;m bad, I bet there's some guy out there trying to seduce a cardboard cutout! by laironlover77
- After finally getting himself unstuck from that jar, Octillery does his happy dance. by laironlover77
- Octillery was trying his best to get into the cast of 'The Little Mermaid' play on Broadway. ...Eventually he'll find out that the role of Ursula is females-only. by Apprentice
- Octillery: Come to me my Remoraid minions!!! by Utack and Swampy
- Octillery is preapring to catch the piano being carried overhead. by
- When you rub that magic lamp, you get a mystical Octillery that will grant you three wishes.=D by laironlover77
- Surprisingly, octillery opera was a huge success by Tirael
- Octillery has been snapped during a rather feminine moment. by TvS|Tyranitar vs Something
- 'Aiyaiyai I'm your little Butterfly Red, Orange and something make the colours of Octi' by Sizacu
- Octillery's cactus disguise didn't work so well underwater.. by Tomdra
- I can see the light! by RachelPiplupLover
- Praise to the pot! by Shaymin
- Thats when Brock realised that he had been turned into a Pokémon. by
- Octillery: Finnaly...That horrible kid and his Pikachu are gone...Thank you!!! by Utack and Swampy
- Octillery was more than excited when his parcel from the Kids WB! finally arived. by Wyraach Ur
- ...and that's when Octillery found out someone else had been in his pot. by laironlover77
- Octillery: Oh, why won't one of those fishermen give me food? by RachelPiplupLover
- Even Octillery needs to do it's morning exercersizes. by