Submitted by Bex and Sparklez
- Squirtle just read the first sentence of Twilight. He is beyond our help, now. by jagabor
- Squirtle: What do you mean you liek Mudkipz more than me? *cries* by The Librarian
- Angry Momma Pokemon in 5, 4, 3, 2... by sunshine188
- As Squirtle pondered the philosophical statement "I think, therefore I am", it began to cry, wondering how Ash could be explained. by The Librarian
- Don't you just hate that one guy at the resturant who complains about every little thing about the food? by laironlover77
- Squirtle finally sat down to watch Bambi with his master... Don't worry, Squirtle, we've all been through the 'Bambi's Mother' phaze... by ShiraBliss
- Hand used Thief! It's Super Effective! Squirtle used Scream Way Beyond Comfortable hearing Level! Hand is writhering in pain. It's EXCESSIVELY EFFECTIVE!!!! by Captain Jigglypuff
- And after that, Squirtle was left with an unconditional fear of hands. by laironlover77
- Squirtle: OH GOD THESE AREN'T COOKIES ARE THEY??? by ShiraBliss
- "come to the W.B side. we have cookies!" by Jarl ulfric stormcloak
- Squirtle: Noooo!!! Don't take my preeeecious!!! *Cries* by Chary
- Ash attempted to entertain a baby Squirtle with a hand puppet show. ...however, he forgot the "puppet" part. by laironlover77
- The Irresponsible Hands the Gives Food and Drinks to Pokemon strikes again! by laironlover77
- Squirtle didn't take the news of being replaced by a Totodile very well. by ryusenshi
- Squirtle: *sniff* CHARMANDER CALLED ME FAT!!! DDDDD': by ShiraBliss
- Hey, if a Squirtle has no shell is he naked or homeless? by ShiraBliss
- If I was a turtle with a squirrel tail, I'd probably cry, too. by jagabor
- What you don't know is, in the next scene, that hand is missing a finger as Squirtle finds something nicer to eat than it's current food. by The Librarian
- Squirtle: Why wont you let me evolve into something cooler? by IamTheSovereign
- Squirtle: ABUSE! ABUSE!!! by ShiraBliss