Happy families!

Submitted by AlanaPasco
- Coming this fall to NBC... by laironlover77
- And somehow, I expect Madness's "Our House" to start blasting from somewhere... by laironlover77
- Ash: Wow, you guys look like such a happy family! May: I know! Dad hasn't threatened to kill us all for over a week! :D by SkyForme
- Ash: ...They scare me. Brock: Wanna ditch them in the next series? Pikachu: Why not? by MzLuluZombi
- And now, it's time to play FAMILY FEUD! by IamTheSovereign
- May and Max just heard they were going to be in Generation 5!!! by Chary
- And for the second year in a row, May's family celebrated after Norman won another Rock Paper Scissors by just playing Scissors. by laironlover77
- Maybe Ash was right to have ditched these guys for Dawn... by laironlover77
- May and Max come up with the most uncreative fan pairing ever by jagabor
- Is anyone going to tell them England DIDN'T win? by Gengar24
- "On second thought, I don't think I'll be able to stay for dinner." by MzLuluZombi
- May: We're gonna kill our parents in thier sleep! :D Max: Yay! :D by laironlover77
- This is the sight that greeted every salesman who came near the house. by laironlover77
- Sooo submitting this to AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com by
- Ready for some campy sitcom hilarity? by Nuclear butthead
- And Petalburg City was never the same again. by laironlover77
- Norman: ...(Pizza) Hut? May & Max: YEAH! =D by MzLuluZombi
- It's no wonder they never get invited to barbeques... by laironlover77
- We're Going to Disneyland!!! by EagleEye101 : Impactz