*Insert Elevator Music Here*

Submitted by Gridbug
- I wonder if I can use the "Indiana James" joke again to win again... by jjas132
- Are we there yet? No! Are we there yet? No! Are we there yet? If you ask me that one more time, no rice doughnuts for you! by Captain Jigglypuff
- It was then James realized he did not want to be "Indiana James" anymore. by jjas132
- Worst. Rollercoster. Ever. by MzLuluZombi
- Meowth:... ya know, we really shoulda invested in that engine... by laironlover77
- Unlockable characters for Mario Kart by jagabor
- When the Meowth baloon failed, the backup transportation Team Rocket had to use wasn't nearly as glamorous. by laironlover77
- James: Why couldn't we just rent a car. ;-; by laironlover77
- James: Nobody make a sound, I think I just heard another zubat... *battle animation starts* James: Crap. by Brandonius
- They've been stuck in this mine car ever since the last time this picture came up in the Caption Contest. by laironlover77
- No-one's noticed the Warner Bros of doom is creeping up behind them...I don't wanna see the next bit. by Mr.Mewtwo
- Still at it? Wow, Team Rocket really need to GET A LIFE. by SkyForme
- Wrong Nintendo game. You're supposed to be in Pokemon, not Donkey Kong by jagabor
- James: Does this ride ever stop? by Angelic Lapras King
- Four straight hours of riding the 'It's a Small World (After All)' ride was beginning to take a toll on our beloved team... by Dyzzii
- We can't stop here. This is Zubat country! by ihatevans
- James: It seemed fun on Donkey Kong Country... by jjas132
- The just discovered that the classic 'the rail is broken ahead, omg we're doomed' cliche is still in effect in these mines. by MzLuluZombi
- Several Weeks later... by laironlover77
- Meowth: Well, at least we're underground, so we sure won't blast off! by lucastcorrea