Dreams do come true!

Submitted by Utack and Swampy
- I wonder who drugged their food. by Fpb2014
- Calm down, Ash will have Pikachu back by the end of the episode. by lugia95
- James: It may have taken us years, but we finally got out of that mine! by lugia95
- The name rater liked somebody's nickname by Fpb2014
- Yeah! We are some of the only characters from Kanto to stay til Unova! by Fpb2014
- We got accected to Cartoon Olypmics! by Fpb2014
- James & Meowth: FINALLY, OUR NEW EYES ARE HERE!!! by BGY98
- The day Jessie left Team Rocket, this happened by Danatales
- Meowth and James: Hooray! We have a different image for the Contest! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Looks like they just learned they won't be blasting off anymore in the new series. by lugia95
- ...And we never saw Jessie again... by Utack and Swampy
- ICE CREAM! by Angelic Lapras King
- They won't be this happy when they realize they won't be in every episode any more. by lugia95
- After 14 seasons... 14 long, painful, blast-off filled seasons... ... ...We've finally captured PIKACHU!!! by Utack and Swampy
- Yay, Pikachu's finally ours. Now all we have to do is make our way back to the boss so slowly that it's virtually ipossible for Ash not to catch us! by lugia95
- This is why Jesse isn't allowed to cook anymore. by Fpb2014
- Ok, now there not even trying to find decent disguises. by lugia95
- KAWAII-DESU!!!!!! Most otakus only knowledge of the Japanese language. by Mew100
- They found out the biscuits were ready. by
- James and Meowth can't take you call right now due to an acid trip....please leave a message after the beep *BEEP* by yukithewhitewolf