Did we at least get the hats to match?

Submitted by Sebastian Moran
- The part of this picture that really sums it up is the question mark. by SkyForme
- I'd come up with a caption, but I'm too busy laughing at this picture on its own. by Danatales
- Asians with matching hats? Oh shit. by Lord Arceus
- And this why you stay in school kids. by SirBlaziken
- Who's that pokemon? Trio: It's Pikachu! It's Palkia! by RedFox
- Wow. The contestants for Miss Japan are REALLY homely looking this year.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Prof Random Tree: Choose a starter. The one on the left has the moves Headbutt and Fake Tears. In the middle his moves are splash and growl. On the right his moves are Fissure and Sheer Cold. Character: I'll go with the one the middle by Lemonheads
- We are wearing matching berets to celebrate the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl! Diamond: Are these guys colorblind or something? by RedFox
- Lucas: No, you damn copycats. by
- Welcome to the Nintendo Corporate Offices. Here are your guides. by Danatales
- Man in the middle: Oh look a shiny arceus! Man on the right: Just admit it. We look ridiculous. Stop trying to distract the viewers, it's true. by
- Um................ Ok then. by SirBlaziken
- I'm the unknown fifth member, yah the sane one. by SirBlaziken
- The three new designers happily present their new Pokemon designs. Dialga looks good, but... by SkyForme
- When three people looking like this knock on your door, its not a good sign. by SkyForme
- Never has choosing a starter been so difficult by jagabor
- We are the Pokemaniac club and even though our hats are not red we salute Lucas by yukithewhitewolf
- ........week off? by Angelic Lapras King
- Virginity! I choose you! by ThreePointKiller
- This just screams banned episode. by SirBlaziken