Weirdest family ever...

Submitted by SkyForme
- Noctowl: mom, dad, I think I'm adopted. by Danatales
- Noctowl: I was adopted.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Noctowl was always the weird one in the Water Starter family. by Danatales
- Noctowl: There's always that special one in the family..... by freddyeddy
- Noctowl watches you as you submit that crappy caption by Danatales
- *Big Bird appears* One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong.... by freddyeddy
- Noctowl: The background is too cheerful for me. by Sizacu
- Totodile&Squirtle: We wish you...~ Noctowl: No. More. Carolers!! by Sizacu
- He is not Owlmused by jagabor
- Noctowl is contemplating on how to break the fourth wall by yukithewhitewolf
- Noctowl: This place is too Japanese... by
- Squirtle & Totodile: ♪Lalalalala! Too wet? Purchase our Noctowel today! Lalalalala♪ by
- Squirtle and Totodile: Yay, Ash is finally dead! Noctowl: I killed him in his sleep. by
- We now present you ;D Squirtle, Annoyingly Happy Totodile and Angsty Noctowl. by Sizacu
- Noctowl: Soon..... by freddyeddy
- Announcer's voice: Are YOU suffering from constipation? Noctowl: >:( Totodile and Squirtle: Try Pepto-Bismol! ^_^ by freddyeddy
- Noctowl regrets being bred with water Pokemon... by Angelic Lapras King
- Noctowl: I've lived a terrible life. by Sizacu
- Noctowl: Why did I get picked for cheerleader? by
- Noctowl: Worst commercial ever... by