
Submitted by SkyForme
- Ash: You can't just BE stupid... There's an art to it. by Aerial Ace
- Pikachu: If you shove him into the river, I promise to say he "slipped." by Captain Jigglypuff
- Ash: Ahhh, the scent of shipping... by Angelic Lapras King
- Anabel: Draghost deleted his account. HOORAY! by
- Ash: You see, my de-aging technique really works! by darkrai494
- Pikachu: Oh my god he fell asleep again. Please stop going on dates with this guy, he is not good enough for you, honey. by Danatales
- How to tell if you're boring: 1. Ash falls asleep when you tell him your name.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu: Let's take all his things before he wakes up! by BTRusher
- Ash: Ahhh... We finally beat Draghost. Now I have peace-of-mind... :D by
- How do you like my Brock impression? by Aerial Ace
- Anabel - Hoenn Hide'n'Seek Champion by Aerial Ace
- Ash: Ah, so you've decided to take yoga lessons from the master, huh? Well then let's get started. by
- Anabel: Hey Ash, wanna go fishing? We might just catch fresh PKMN.NET Logo. by
- Ash: I want to make love to you. Anabel: You do know I'm a girl, right? Ash: ...! Well that just ruins everything. by
- Ash: Sometimes you just have to sit back and smell the roses... Anabel: ... But I have Hay Fever. ¬.¬ by Umby2000
- Pikachu: See... this is what I have to put up with. ._.;; by Umby2000
- Anabel: Stealing Pikachu from Ash better than Team Rocket since 2000-something. by Ludicolo882
- And this is how I was sitting when I got my first period. by StickShift
- "Oh, thank ARCEUS that you're carrying Pikachu now. Do you have any idea how sore my head and shoulders are from carrying him for most of these captions?" by MzLuluZombi
- Anabel: Are you content because you're hopelessly in love with me? Ash: Huh? What? I'm sorry, I was just trying out this meditation pose Brock showed me a couple of captions ago. Anabel: ...Arceus dammit. by MzLuluZombi