Trust in Oshawott, young Ash...

Submitted by Utack and Swampy
- That's one huge smoke cloud Oshawott's smoking! by freddyeddy
- You are getting sleeeepy... by freddyeddy
- I now knight thee... Sir Bad Trainer! by freddyeddy
- Learn to battle you should. Only then, win the league you will. by
- Pikachu: We REALLY should do something about Oshawott's sleepwalking.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Oshawott: Ash, now isn't the time and place to use that. by freddyeddy
- Oshawott: And since I have YOU as my trainer, I shall do the honorable thing and commit hari kiri with my scalchop.... Ash: That's ni- Wait. WHAT?! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Oshawott: Why can't you let me go and "promise" to come back for me and not keep that promise like you did to Pidgeot? by Captain Jigglypuff
- my tormentor we meet again let me end this. I will jump off this cliff and you can never hurt me again... Ash: Thats only a few feet from the ground.. by DrHmm
- Oshawott learning meditate? That's illegal! by SirBlaziken
- Oshawott: I will now read Ash's mi- oh wait, that doesn't exist. by SirBlaziken
- Oshawott used his mind and just set the forest ablaze. by SirBlaziken
- Turns out the Wise Old Man on top of the mountain was really a Wise Old Sea Otter by Danatales
- One of those clouds looks like a bear trying to eat the tree. by SirBlaziken
- Pikachu: I think my earring is too big.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Oshawott: Alright, I'll just sit on this rock until you return for me. Ash: What? I never told you to... Oshawott: No, no, I'm not worried you're going to abandon me and I'll get taken in by a much better trainer. You just go do... whatever it is you were going to do, and I'm sure I'll still be here when you get back! by Utack and Swampy
- I didn't know Oshawott could use air slash. by SirBlaziken