Don't Worry Buddy...

Submitted by Angelic Lapras King
- Pikachu: Listen to me, as soon as you see an opportunity, run. Run as FAR AWAY as you can from Ash! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu and Caterpie watched as the stars went out one by one, signaling the end of the universe. They shared a final embrace, hoping that whatever happened next, it would be drawn by a better animation studio. by Catstorm
- Exhibit A of the Pokeball's Stalking trial.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Caterpie: Who's THAT staring at us? Pikachu: My ex. Just ignore her and she may leave us alone.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu: Don't worry, Woody. In just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Ash making delicious hot schmoes! Caterpie: They're called S'mores, Pikachu. by
- Still a better love story than Twilight. by freddyeddy
- Pikachu: "Don't worry. At least you'll only have to undergo 3 levels of being a Metapod..." by Torterra118
- Pikachu: Don't worry buddy, you're only gonna suck at everything until you completely change who you are and become a Butterfree by Danatales
- Pikachu: Don't worry, Caterpie. In just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Ash making delicious hot schmoes! Caterpie: They're called S'mores, Pikachu. by
- Pikachu: It's alright buddy... I'm never gonna evolve either. by freddyeddy
- They finally got Ash into a Pokeball! by Cody999
- And here we see a wild Pokeball hunting for prey. It sneaks up quietly where it will then bump into its target and capture its prey.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- and then caterpie turned and this episode was banned by DrHmm
- Pikachu: ...I'm sure Misty didn't mean to squish your Mum. D: by Umby2000
- Forever alone Pokeball by GingerTheFennekin
- Pokeball (Singing): Memory All alone in the moonlight.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Little did they know that Caterpie was about to be a victim of a Catch and Run.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu: "Don't worry. I'm sure SOMEONE still likes Bug types..." by Torterra118
- What's wrong, Misty pushed you away again? by Blitz178
- Caterpie: B-but... Caterpies weren't available in the original Hoenn games. D: by Umby2000