The Sweet Smell of Tall Grass...

Submitted by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Pikachu: Ash, stop sniffing. This is weed. Ash? by SomeFancyCashews
- For a stoner, it's a field of dreams. by SirBlaziken
- Ketchum: the Dimwit pokemon. Ketchum are often found with Pikachu aimlessly walking around tall grass. by SomeFancyCashews
- Ash farted. by SomeFancyCashews
- Pikachu: I think it's safe to bury the body now! by Captain Jigglypuff
- That Ash Scarecrow is sure to scare those pesky Murkrow away! I mean what Pokemon would want ASH for a Trainer? by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu: %#}~! Ash is sleepwalking AGAIN!!!! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Pikachu: I TOLD you not to drink that bottle on the table after we fell down that rabbit hole! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Don't sniff it Ash, it might have Stun Spore on it. by Swordterranean40MikeyL
- Just wait until he finds out he's in a field of poison ivy by DeathByAbsol
- Director: Cue the Beedrill attack. by SirBlaziken
- I've been walking around here for 3 hours and STILL no wild encounters! by DeathByAbsol
- Ash: *Sniffs* Somebody farted. by SirBlaziken
- All was well until Mow Rotom decided to appear and chase Ash and Pikachu until they fell off a cliff and into a river 2000 feet below.... by Captain Jigglypuff