Gyarados | red its red by | The Name Rater says... You should be come an author with a mind as creative as that. |
 Houndoom | Fire-Doom Because it is a fire pokemon and the second part of Hounddoom is Doom!!! by | The Name Rater says... Crikey! Someone call the Pope! We have the Jesus of nickname creation on our hands! |
 Houndoom | Doom I couldn't think of one so I shortened it to Doom. It my strongest Pokémon and helped me beat the Elite Four! by | The Name Rater says... This sounds great on its own- and lets the opponent know their fate before they take you on. Well done. |
 Marill | swing away if youve seen signs u'll know what i mean by | The Name Rater says... I'd never associate Marill with "Golf Sale -->" |
 Moltres | James the mighty moltres, DUH!!! by | The Name Rater says... Of course, I should have known. |
 Aipom | monkey becase it looks like a monkey duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by | The Name Rater says... How could I be so neieve? |
 Seel | Sugar it's sweet and it's white by | The Name Rater says... That it is. A clever nickname, although you may need to explain it to people. |
 Dodrio | Scruffy Named after fluffy in HP by | The Name Rater says... You've named something "Scruffy" after the name "Fluffy". That's like David Beckham naming his child "Hamlet" after a character in Romeo and Juliet. |
 Celebi | Korobiytsa Learn Russian and find out! by | The Name Rater says... Why do you assume I cannot already speak Russian? Anyway, Celebi cannot be given a nickname. |
 Arbok | kobra duh!!!!!!!! by | The Name Rater says... Try harder, Mr not-trying-hard-enough. |
 Jolteon | Missiles well it's quick and has pin missle by | The Name Rater says... I don't like the plural. It makes it sound like there are lots of Jolteons. Works if you've been turning off the power when ou shouldn't have been, though. |
 Flaaffy | sparky DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by | The Name Rater says... Better suited to Pikachu, or a dodgy battery. |
 Kingdra | Scales it has scales by | The Name Rater says... I don't think that Kingdra "flaunts" its scales much, so this isn't the perfect nickname, in my opinion. |
 Bellossom | Petals it just fits sort of... by | The Name Rater says... "Sort of" indeed. |
 Clefable | Barbara A cute and feminine name for a cute and feminine Pokemon. However, just as her namesakes, My American Lit. teacher and Batgirl from Batman, this Pokemon is more than capable of holding her own. Also, most of the other Pokemon on this team are Batman themed (Trainer Bruce, Dick [Grayson] the Pikachu, etc.) by | The Name Rater says... A well-planned nickname there. Theme nicknames are always fun, and Batgirl does indeed seem to be a suitable role model for Clefable. Let's hope your team contains Crobat! |
 Umbreon | PerfctDrk Umbra, or penumbra means 'the perfect shadow or darkness', so I just nicked it that. by | The Name Rater says... Very clever, well done. |
 Pidgey | tsubame tsubame means swalow in Japan by | The Name Rater says... Hmm- Pidgey is more of a Pidgeon. Perhaps better suited to the RS Pokémon, Pelippa. |
 Tyranitar | Big Legend Because tyranitar is a big monster by | The Name Rater says... Doesn't make it legendary, though. |
 Houndoom | Jack I named it after my Doberman Pincher because it looks like a doberman pincher by | The Name Rater says... I have no idea what a Doberman Pincher is, so it would be unfair to rate this nick. |
 Steelix | Bone Crusher steelix is hard solid metal by | The Name Rater says... Sounds more Golem-y, but still a very good choice. |
 Hitmonchan | Jackie Hitmonchan already has the Chan part in it, and Jackie Chan is just the best. by | The Name Rater says... A great name for Hitmonchan, especially if its battling on the other team! Its clever how you have expanded on the reference. |
 Skarmory | Mecury because IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by | The Name Rater says... Ah, some one who takes my advice..well done...you idiot. (Please note, readers, my final comment was justified) |
 Bulbasaur | bulb
by | The Name Rater says... Self explanitory, I see. Quite nice, but it doesn't scream "BULBASAUR" at you. |
 Venusaur | s**t poo graet by | The Name Rater says... About as good as your spelling. |
 Ho-oh | Firefly Think about it. Ho-oh is fire-flying and it has fire and flying attacks. Ahem to you to!!! by | The Name Rater says... Clever pun. Well done. |
 Rattata | S**ty name R I choose this because he critisizes about people You suck a lot!!!!!!!! by | The Name Rater says... Oh grow up. |
 Umbreon | Dark Pk Mn * Please Note the Pk mn are those Pk mn letters, cos it elvose in the night its like the dark by | The Name Rater says... I don't think this fits- a better nickname would work on Umbreons mysteriousness and individuality more. |
 Spearow | [name remove [Name and description removed due to pkmn303 being big and clever by swearing, insulting and offensive] by | The Name Rater says... I can see you're going far in life. |
 Furret | Squirrely He looks a bit like a squirrel with those ears by | The Name Rater says... Fair enough. It looks more like a ferret, though. |
 Marill | Waterball
by | The Name Rater says... Rather good, actually. |