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Rockruff Nicknames

I had two dogs that meant a lot to me, and rockruff is colored similar to my passed dog Max, and Maggy is simply supposed to act as a substitute if it is female. Also, they're just dog names I hear a lot.
Sat 26 May 2018 01:22:46 UTC by FrozenNineTales
Johto Name Rater says...
It's not Charlotte...
Rated: Fri 12 Jul 2019 20:32:11 UTC
So it was a long time ago...I have choosen rockruff as my pal for not only my youtube channel, but for my whole inspiration. It was originally supposed to be eevee, but then I saw rockruff. Anyways, I gave it a pink scarf and thought of names. It was originally going to be Kiara, Teddy, or Spot, but I thought those were terrible names. So I thought how rockruff was my buddy, and bam! Buddy the rockruff was born.
Fri 27 Apr 2018 00:58:50 UTC by Wynaut14324
The Name Rater says...
If it helps, it doesn't seem like you're good with names, so I'm not particularly disappointed.
Rated: Sat 19 May 2018 23:20:35 UTC